months go by (pt. 2)

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pt. 2: JJ watches over Y/n and helps her on the road to feeling better.
this was requested <3


I sat on the bench swing we had on the porch, a plate of chicken nuggets on my lap. It was the only thing that sounded good to me, I'm pretty sure my dad didn't care what I ate, as long as I was eating.

With Sarah and Kie on either side of me I watched as the guys brought mulch bags and dug holes in the garden to plant the sunflowers JJ and I bought. This reminded me so much of the day he had come over to meet my parents, my mom was happy to put him to work.

"Doesn't the sun feel nice?" Sarah asked as she closed her eyes and soaked in the rays. I was still having trouble speaking to anyone unless it was JJ, I couldn't even hold a conversation with my dad. I wasn't quite sure why.

I looked to her and nodded my head, "mhm." The sun did feel nice, better than sitting in my computer chair.

"Babe!?" JJ called out. I finished chewing my food and looked up to him. He stood in the garden, sweat glistening off his forehead and arms from the heat, "You wanna come help me?"

My dad leaned over the bench swing, grabbing my plate of food and gesturing for me to help, "Go show him what your mom taught you." He smiled. I nodded my head and stood up, my steps still a bit shaky, and I made my way to him. Pope and John B walked to the porch and engaged in conversation with Kie and Sarah.

"I don't know the first thing about gardening," JJ chuckled with a small shovel in his hands, "I was hoping you could show me."

"You gotta plant the seeds one inch deep and three inches apart, they're dwarf flowers so they can be closer." I explained. The only reason I knew this was because of my mom, she was a walking plant dictionary.

"Show me?" He asked with a smile, handing me the tiny shovel. My shaky hand grabbed it and I took a deep breathe, kneeling down and showing him what to do.

Soon enough all the pogues were helping, dirt staining our clothes as the summer sun tanned our skin.


"Goodmorning," JJ whispered from next to me, he used his hand to push some messy hair out of my face. Ever since we planted the garden my dad has been letting him stay here, he said it's good for me, "Look." He pointed out my window and I turned my head. The garden was full of vibrant yellow sunflowers, it was absolutely beautiful. It brought some type of peace to me to be able to see the garden in full bloom again.

"It's beautiful," I exhaled. Uninvited tears swelled in my eyes as memories of my mom played in my mind. From my first wobbly steps as a baby to her sending me off on my first date with JJ, she held my hand through everything, "I miss her."

JJ pulled himself to sit up in my bed, opening his arms for a sense of comfort. I nuzzled my face into his bare chest, my body trembling as I cried.

I didn't want to move on, to be without her for the rest of my life. I didn't want to graduate without her cheering from the crowd, I didn't want to get married and start a family. I didn't want to hear my kids never say the word 'grandma' or not know who she was.

"I'm here, I'm right here," JJ whispered, smoothing my hair out of my face with his hand, "Let it all out."

"I don't want to have to miss her." I sobbed to him. This is the first time in months I've let myself be vulnerable, "I don't want to move on, I don't want to breathe, I can't!"

"Hey, hey," JJ cupped my face in his hands, "I can't even imagine how hard this is on you, but I'm here. I'm going to hold your hand every step of the way, okay?" I hesitated but nodded my head yes a moment later. He stood up from my bed and reached his hand out to me, "The first step is to stand up. I'm not saying you can't cry but I'm not going to let you isolate yourself again."

"Okay." I whispered, placing my hand in his as he lifted me from the mattress.


"Happy birthday, kiddo." My dad hugged me as I walked through the kitchen, he was holding a small box in his hands, "This is for you." He placed the box into my hand, "Your mom got it before the accident, she said when she saw it she knew it was meant for you."

JJ stood at the island in the kitchen as I tugged the bow off the box, inside was a small charm bracelet. Upon further inspection I saw the only charm that was on it was a small heart with my initials, "She said she was going to fill the bracelet every time a charm reminder her of you." My dad took the bracelet from the box and hooked it around my wrist.

"Looks like she can't do that anymore," I sighed and blinked so the tears in my eyes wouldn't fall. I couldn't let myself cry, not today. My mother always used to say the birthday girl can't cry on her special day.

"Actually," JJ slipped a small velvet bag from his back pocket, "When your dad told me what your gift was I went out and found this." He opened the bag and pulled out a small sunflower charm. My jaw dropped and a single tear fell.

"Jay, it's perfect." I exhaled and let him unhook the bracelet long enough to slip the charm on, "Thank you." My arms wrapped around his neck and he held me flush against him.

"Anything for you."


Six months.

It's been six months without my mom and not a day goes by where I don't think about her, see traits of her in others, and wish she was still here.

In the last month all the pogues have gotten me charms to add to my bracelet. Next to the heart and sunflower I now had a turtle, a surf board, a star, and a cross. All things that reminded them of me.

With the bonfire crackling in front of us I let my head lean onto JJ's shoulder as my eyes scanned my friends. Each of them here, by my side through thick and thin. Through the good and the bad. Never giving up on me.

"Thank you guys." I spoke up, they all looked to me, "For everything you've done."

"We're always here for you, Y/n." Kie reached over and gave my hand a soft squeeze before returning to her spot next to Sarah.

"You're kind of stuck with us for life." John B joked and we all let out small laughs.

"No getting rid of us." Pope added with a proud closed-mouth smile.

"Yeah, you would do the same for us, Y/n." Sarah finished. I lastly looked up to JJ, his blue eyes having hints of oranges as they reflected the flames of the fire.

"Thank you for helping me through this," I kissed his cheek and when I pulled away he redirected my lips to his, connecting them in a sweet kiss.

"I love you," His lips whispered against mine, "Forever."

"I love you, too. Forever."

And as the months continued to go by I realized the pogues weren't just my friends, they were my family.

Part two, as requested <3

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