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"This is a horrible idea." I mumbled as JJ grabbed my hand. We stood in front of the Cameron house in the dead of night.

"How else will we find out what Ward knows about the gold? We stay quiet, break in, find what we need and get out." He explained, making the plan sound so simple and thought through but this is JJ Maybank we were talking about.

"Still a stupid idea." I glared at him. The moonlight shining on the high points of his face.

"Stupid things have good outcomes all the time, baby, we got this." He smiled down at me and I rolled my eyes. Every time he's said that, we've ended up in a horrible, usually life threatening, situation, "Up and over." He nudged me, leaning against the stone wall as he cupped his hands together for me to stand on, "There ya go, careful, careful."

"I got it." I huffed as I threw my body over the wall, having a now perfect view of the mansion like house in front of us. After hearing his feet hit the dirt I grabbed his hand. We stood still for a moment, I could practically hear the gears in his head turning with what to do next.

"Quiet." He reminded, holding his finger in front of his lips and I nodded my head. We made our way to the glass doors at the back of the house as he picked the lock. I really shouldn't be surprised my boyfriend knows how to break into a house, he is JJ after all.

Once the door was open he used hand signals to get me to stay close and follow right behind him. Our first stop, Wards office. Thankfully Sarah gave us a blueprint of the house so we knew where all the rooms were. I began digging through his files, looking for anything that caught my eye.

"Bingo." JJ whispered, seeing a locked drawer at Wards desk. I quietly made my way over as he began picking the lock. Once it was open he handed me a manila folder, also grabbing one for himself, and we dug in. Flipping through papers and skimming the words I couldn't find a single thing about the gold, Denmark Tanny, or the Merchant.

"Nothing." I huffed, placing the folder back in its spot in the drawer.

"Same." He said, tossing the folder back in the drawer and closing it. I leaned the palms of my hands onto the desk and looked around, wondering where to look next. As I did the flashing red and blue lights caught my attention.

"Shit, JJ." I stood up, leaning into him as he looked in the same direction.

"Shit." He slipped his hand into mine as he opened the office door and looked around, "We go for the back door and run, don't look back."

My voice wouldn't work, the feeling of uneasiness crept up my spine. All I did was nod my head as the sounds of police knocking on the front door made me jump, "Ward must've had a silent alarm or something, dammit." JJ cursed as we crept through the house. The sound of hurried footsteps down the stairs made us rush out of the house.

"Hey! Stop!" Ward yelled. We began to sprint away from the house, our hands separating so we could run faster.

"Don't stop running, Y/n!" JJ reminded. I focused in front of me, making sure I didn't slip on anything in the darkness. We ran through people's backyards, down alleyways, weaving in and out of the neighborhood until my body couldn't take it anymore.

My side began cramping as the oxygen became thin. Not now. Please not now. I mentally begged. I had asthma and usually it wasn't a problem, but I also haven't had to run from the cops this long before. My legs began slowly down as my knees hit the asphalt. With a hand on my chest I began gasping for air.

"Y/n!! Hey, hey, what's wrong." JJ kneeled down, placing an arm around me as he tried to pull me up.

"I can't—" I paused, tapping my chest with my hand, "Asthma." I choked out.

"Shit! Shit!" JJ became panicked and slipped his hands through his hair. Without hesitation he rushed back to my side and picked me up bridal style, "Where is your inhaler?!" He picked up his pace and ran as fast as he would with the added weight.

I couldn't speak, all I could do was point to my chest in hopes he would understand. My house. It's at my house, JJ.

"Home? It's at home?" His words were rushed as I nodded my head. Instead of taking a right to go to the chateau he turned left and sprinted down the road. The pain in my chest only worsened as I continued to try and breathe, but the air felt thick. Like I was breathing through a straw.

JJ cut through my backyard and rushed up the porch steps, twisting the door knob and pushing it open, "Mr. and Mrs. L/n!?" He called out. I saw lights beginning to turn on down the hall as he laid me on the couch.

"Y/n!? What's going in?" My dad asked, my mother standing behind him as they rushed to my side.

"She needs her inhaler!" JJ insisted. My mother rushed to her feet and into the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinet until she found it. After it was in my hand I placed it to my lips and sucked in as I squeezed the tube. (A/N, I literally have asthma and have no idea what to call it other than a tube? Is there an actual name for it?)

"Is she gonna be okay?" My boyfriend asked my parents. My dad sat by my head, pushing my hair away from my face with the palm of his hand.

"She will, she hasn't had an asthma attack in years, what happened?" He asked the blonde.

"Ward." JJ answered, hoping he wouldn't have to go into further detail.

"I hate that guy," My mother scoffed. Finally feeling the pain in my chest dissipate I sat up, keeping my inhaler in my hand just in case, "Feeling better, sweetie?"

I nodded my head, letting it fall onto JJ's arm, "Yeah, I forgot how tired asthma attacks made me." I breathed, "It's late, can JJ stay the night?"

My parents shared glances. I knew they liked JJ, they're were also the 'cool' parents that usually let me do whatever as long as I told them where I was and texted them updates I was alive.

"As long as your bedroom door stays open." My dad said sternly. Both of us nodded their heads and JJ stood up, helping me to my feet as well, "I've got some sweatpants you can borrow."

"Thank you, Mr. L/n." JJ nodded his head.

"I'll put them in the bathroom." My dad said before him and my mom disappeared down the stairs.

"Let's get you to bed, you look exhausted." JJ whispered. I nodded my head and slipped an arm around his torso as we walked upstairs and to my room. After I laid in bed he pulled the blanket over me, "I'm gonna go change."

"Mhm." I replied, closing my eyes as I rested my head on the pillow. A few minutes later he joined me, making sure to leave the door open, and wrapped his arms around me, "Do you think Ward knew it was us."

"Honestly, it was dark so probably not," He began, "Why didn't you tell me you had asthma? That could've ended differently, it could've been bad, Y/n."

"I didn't even think about it, we've never had to run that much so I haven't needed my inhaler." I explained, "Thank you for getting me home."

"Do you have an extra inhaler? I wanna start carrying one in case you need it." He looked down at me and I felt my heart melt. Knowing he cared made me feel loved.

"I'll grab it tomorrow." I responded, placing a kiss on his lips as I returned to my spot on his chest, "Goodnight, wake me up if the cops show up."

"I will, goodnight."


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