missing (pt. 2)

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This chapter takes place during the first, if that makes sense :) so like both part 1 and 2 are happening at the same time!

Y/n's pov

My head hung low and my body leaned forward, being stopped by ropes that tied me to a wooden chair, "Your dad owes me a lot of money, kid." The familiar man's voice echoed through the room as he stood behind me, "So, I'm gonna ask one more time." His hands went around my throat as my back slammed against the chair, a scream of pain leaving my chest, "Where is he?"

I grunted and gasped for air, not being able to breathe with the amount of pressure he was applying to my throat, "I—" I did my best to speak as I turned my head. Once his hands finally let go I took a few deep breaths and spoke again, "I don't know."

"We know he's looking for the Royal Merchant," He insisted, rounding the chair to stand in front of me. I was exhausted, every day it's the same thing. I wake up, get interrogated and tortured for information I didn't have, then it's lights out. My muscles burned with every move I made, "I saw his room the night we ganked you so start talking. You're his daughter, you've gotta know what your old man was up to."

"She doesn't know anything," Another man said in an annoyed tone, "It's been six months, she's a dead end."

"Hm." The leader grunted. Suddenly he held a gun to my head and I froze, "She's not a dead end until she's dead."

They say the moments before you die your entire life plays out in your mind. I can now say that those rumors are true, because as I stared down the barrel of the gun all I could see was the familiar shaggy blonde and my brother.


"JJ, stop it!" I squealed as his hands continued to tickle my sides. The hammock rocked and I grabbed onto his arms in fear we would flip over.

"Not until you say it!" He smiled as he hovered over me, enjoying that he was in complete control of this situation.

"Hey, love birds! Lunch is done!" John B's voice distracted the blonde just long enough for me to launch a counter attack. As my arms went around him I attempted to flip us over so I had the leverage, but in seconds the hammock had turned and we were in the dirt. Him, once again, over me with all the control.

"Be there in a sec!" JJ yelled over his shoulder, barely taking his eyes off me for less than a second before he was staring down at me again, "Say it, 'JJ, you're the best surfer in Outer Banks'." He quoted the sentence he wanted me to recite.

I tried fighting against him but he was strong, locking both of my arms above my head with one of his hands around my wrists, "Okay, okay," I said softly, giving up, "On one condition."

"Anything." JJ smiled. I saw the dimple on his cheek and felt the oh so familiar butterflies make their way to my stomach. It was something about him that I've been in love with for years. It wasn't one specific thing, it was everything. His hair, the way he looked at me differently than everyone else, his smile and the way his laugh was like a love song.

"I want a movie night," I began, "The whole nine yards. Fluffy blankets, snacks, a perfectly rolled blunt, and lastly," Finally mustering the strength I lifted my arms and flipped us over so I was now hovering over him, "I want my hair played with until I fall asleep."

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