i'll protect him

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TW: slight abuse at the beginning but after that it's fluff
i'll protect him: after getting kicked out of the house with her little brother the pogues make sure y/n and her sibling are taken care of

My parents voices stabbed me in the chest every time one of them would yell. It was a constant cycle that never broke. A small argument would start, glass would shatter, then I'd be forced to clean up the aftermath.

"Because you're just a dumb whore!" I heard my dad scream, followed by the voice of something hitting the wall and shattering.

"Yeah, well you married me, so who's dumb now!?" My mom shouted back, another shatter followed quickly behind.

I checked the time and saw it was getting close to when Alex would be getting off the bus so I got off my bed, placed my phone in my pocket, and made my way down the hall. My parents stopped to look at me with annoyed expressions on their faces.

"Where the hell are you going!?" My mom questioned and I held my hands up defensively. Her hand rested against the kitchen counter with the other on her hip.

"Uh, to get your son off the bus," I snapped back. When she didn't reply I walked past the kitchen, "apparently he's my son now." I mumbled sarcastically under my breath. I don't even know why they decided to have another kid. They fucked me up, we're they hoping for some kind of redo?

When my hand twisted the knob to the front door I was startled by a picture frame being thrown at the wall right next to my head, "Speak up when you talk to me, young lady!" I let out an annoyed sigh and pinched the bridge of my nose. I didn't want to deal with this anymore, it's been seventeen years too long.

"All I'm saying is you two decided to have another kid, so do me a favor and take care of the damn thing." I dropped my hands to my sides and could practically see the steam coming from my mothers ears because of how angry she was.

"Alex is about as useless as you are." My dad commented and I scoffed.

"He's six!" I defended my brother, now getting upset myself, "Y'know what? Fuck this. I have to get him off the bus before he gets lost." I went to open the front door again and it was slammed shut by my fathers arm reaching over my shoulder. In the blink of an eye he spun me around and wrapped his hands around my throat, gritting his teeth at me in anger.

"Better quit acting like you're top shit, don't forget where you came from." He pushed his hands into my throat harder, cutting off my airflow. I smacked the palms of my hands against his wrists, begging him to let go.

"I—" I struggled to get my words out, "—came from—" I sucked in a deep breath the best I could, "two deadbeat parents!" I finally got leverage on him and kneed him in the abdomen. Once his body was away from me I took a deep breath and doubled over a bit to rub the pain in my neck.

"If we're so useless then don't come home!" My mother assisted my father away from me and I stood up straight, giving her a death glare, "Take the other brat with you."

"Where am I supposed to go?" I asked. Are they really trying to kick me out with a six year old? What was I supposed to do? How would I take care of him?

"Figure it out." She lifted my backpack off the table that I used for spare clothes when I stayed at Kie's or John B's and threw it at me. I caught it in my arms and begged the tears not to fall as I slipped it onto my shoulders.

"Fine." I backtracked through the house and went to Alex's room after snatching a duffel bag from my own and began throwing as much clothing of his into it as I could. Once the bag was packed I zipped it shut and rushed through the living room and out the door.

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