45 ~ My Time

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"Why are we here, Sumi?" Mallika asked, looking at the medical shop.

"To buy a contraception for you." Sumedh said, getting out of the car, leaving Mallika puzzled.

When he returned back with the strips of contraception pills, Mallika was beyond shock.

"Why did you buy this much and what is the need for it?" Mallika asked.

"Well, first I thought of be in control until you complete your studies. But I understood that I could never. Second, I wanna feel you raw. So, I don't wanna use condom." She blushed, closing her eyes and composed herself by taking deep breath.

"And why do you wanna wait until I complete my studies?" She asked calmly.

"You may get pregnant, Jaan. Babies will be just an obstacle to your career." Though he badly wished to be a father, he put her well being in every way in front of it.

"Did I say? Come on, Baby. Already I am expertised in handling this big baby. So, small baby can never be my obstacle. Our little soul can be our lucky charm only. Throw these pills in dustbin for God's sake." She crossed her hands against her chest and averted her gaze from him.

"Fine. Chill." He kissed her cheeks and started driving the car towards the mall to do shopping for their honeymoon.

" He kissed her cheeks and started driving the car towards the mall to do shopping for their honeymoon

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Mallika felt awkward to enter lingerie shop along with Sumedh. She denied to shop that but he was hell bent to buy her few lingeries.

"Jaan, please. Let me choose them." He whined, making her roll her eyes.

"My cute noodles head, right? Please, love." That one word was enough for him to nod his head like a puppet.

They both head towards a food court from there to have their lunch. Suddenly, Mallika held Sumedh's hand and pulled him behind the pillar, where they could hardly stand between the pillar and wall, but well hidden from others.

"You don't need to pull me like this to have me over you." He said huskily, rubbing his nose with hers.

She closed her eyes, clutching his shirt tightly and whispered, "Shut up! Siddharth is there, see."

Sumedh peeped his head outside a little and found Siddharth, sitting at one of the table along with another girl.

"I should thank him someother time." He whispered, playing with her fallen hair strands.

"Why?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Or else I wouldn't have gotten to fullfil my fantasy of making in love in restaurent, right?" He winked at her.

Mallika widened her eyes and shook her head, "No, Sumedh. Please, not here."

"Relax! I am just joking." He kissed her forehead and pulled her into hug.

After few minutes, Siddharth left from there and they both came out with sigh. They both had their lunch discussing about their trip.

"This is not fair. According to your plan, we will be in the room only most of the time. That we can spend here itself, Sumi." Mallika whined, pushing her plate away.

"But being in the room is the main reason for going on honeymoon, right?" He feed her the food.

"Don't corrupt my brain too along with yours." Her lips were just saying but her cheeks said otherwise.

"Will you guys back before mehendi function? I will feel lonely, if you guys aren't present

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"Will you guys back before mehendi function? I will feel lonely, if you guys aren't present." Helly said longingly.

"We will, Lee. I just want Mallika to have some changed atmosphere. Though she didn't tell, she is feeling awkward whenever Tunisha is around. Before we comeback Tunisha will be out of our life. So, until then she need some change." Sumedh said, looking at Mallika, who was sitting amidst her family and enjoy chit chatting with them.

"Sumedh beta, she will be very careless. Take care of her there. I know you will, yet." Kalyani said.

"I will, Ammo. Meanwhile, you take care of the things here. Especially, Kartik." He signalled her something and she blinked her eyes, assuring him.

After bidding bye to both Sumedh and Mallika's family they went to their house and drifted into slumber soon. Since they had their flight at early morning.

Alarm rang at 3.30 am, waking up Sumedh from his sleep. He woke up and kissed Mallika's head, who was sleeping on her tummy  by keeping her both legs on him and one leg on the pillow and another falling down.

He went and got ready without disturbing her sleep and made drink for them to have before they start their travel. He patted on her back, waking her up, "Jaan, wake up. We have to leave in half an hour."

There was no response from her. He continued chanting, 'wake up' until she felt irritated and sat in the bed, "What is wrong, Baby? Let me sleep."

"Then shall I cancel the flight?" She widened her eyes, hearing it and rushed to the restroom, realising the situation.

"Baby, bring me the towel. I forgot to take it." Mallika shouted, since she was shivering in the cold to even move from where she was standing.

Sumedh went to the restroom and looked at her hand, which was peeping outside the door. He touched her hand and that cold, petal like fingers intensified his hormones.

With the little push, he went inside the restroom. She tried to take towel from him hurriedly but he threw that on the hanger and enveloped in her arms.

"Don't make me to bath again! I am already shivering." She wriggled to get out of his hold.

"Hot water is there always, sweety!" He nibbled her earlobe muttering.

"But flight won't wait for you." She remembered him about the flight.


"Yeah, but we yet have time. I lied to you about time so that you would wake up. Now let me have my time." He pinned her to the wall and burried his head in her nake, his fingers tracing her core sensually.

She moaned clutching his shoulder and her breathing increased slowly. She screamed his name every now and then, as he used his fingers inside her, sucking in her flesh.

He invaded her privacy finally, making them both shudder in pure bliss and pleasure.

He invaded her privacy finally, making them both shudder in pure bliss and pleasure

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How was the chapter?

Sorry for being late. But I can't update often like before. Try to understand that I am much busy with my personal and professional work. I couldn't find much time for my passion.

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