07 ~ Smell it!

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"Let me clear you something, Jasmine," Sumedh said after pondering over her words for some time.

Mallika looked at him with raised eyebrows, yet licking the chocolate leftover in the cover, "Jasmine?"

"Yes, you are Jasmine, right? I mean Mallika." He said, taking the cover from her hand and giving her tissue.

"Oh, you mean Jasmine. But what is this tissue is for?" She asked innocently.

He took it from her hand and held her chin softly and wiped the leftover chocolate stain near her lips. Her cheeks heated up and moved by his care.

"I am an educationist. I am working for an international company. We are in making education as simple as we can with unimaginable knowledge for kids to teenagers." He stuffed the tissue and chocolate wrapper in his pocket to throw them in the dustbin after going home.

Mallika watched his activities and somewhere she felt embarrassed to even see him after hearing him. He was an educationist and she had developed hate towards education.

They would be mismatched if they married.

"Relax, I won't hate you or blame you for not studying further." He said, seeing her remaining silent.

She smiled with pursed lips and he knew that she wasn't convinced. So, he left that topic and said what he intend to do, "Jasmine, education is not like everyone think. It's not a bookish thing. Whatever you learn that is education. So, if you don't study means then you are useless. You might have some other talents. You can make your parents proud in that way too. You don't need to marry someone without your wish. See, even marriage won't stop you from succeeding. But you are just eighteen. There is nothing wrong with getting married at eighteen. But it should be out of your wish and a full heart. Because later if you regret, then the past will be like a scar in your heart forever." He closed his eyes, as his scar hurt him once again in his heart.

"Did you agree to this marriage with your heart?" Mallika was asking but the raindrop fell on her nose, making her forget everything.

"Sumedh Ji, smell it! Rain smell!!" Sumedh's heart skipped its beat, as he heard her.

Sumedh Ji.

It created a different sensation throughout his body. Whereas Mallika inhaled the smell deeply and exclaimed, "Waah! It just makes me feel light and unlimited and unexplained happiness is flowing out of my soul."

He looked at her. Her eyes were closed. She was looking relaxed. He wished to feel relaxed just like her.

But the rain, which had started mildly, made him irritating. He felt his brain would burst in any second. He just wishes to get under any roofs.

He left from there and trespassed with their family without any word. Here she was just enjoying the rain, forgetting that there were people, who were shouting for her to not get drenched.

 Here she was just enjoying the rain, forgetting that there were people, who were shouting for her to not get drenched

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