Chapter 29-Complicated

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Freya's pov

Leona left five hours ago and Rowan was still out with his friends. It was 11 pm and he usually stayed out really late but with the slight argument we had earlier, I highly doubted he'd come home at all. Albeit, I didn't mind as I really didn't want company at the moment.

Leona had stopped crying when she left but we barely spoke at all. I felt guilty but at the same time, she couldn't have expected another response as I'm married. Happily? Maybe not but married regardless.

Still, the guilt seeped into my brain and was eating away. Leona was already struggling and I had to make it worse. It wasn't like I could have given her a much better response, perhaps a better reaction though. Why did things have to be so complicated?

My phone started buzzing in my pocket and I picked it up to check who it was. Mom. I sighed and rubbed my temples in frustration. Dealing with my mom wasn't on my top ten things I wanted to do right now, well, it never was. I was surprised it took her this long to call me, you'd think she'd realized I didn't go on the honeymoon and complain about it to me. I contemplated whether I should respond or not but ultimately ignored it. Mom yelling at me could wait until another day.

Of course, my dear stubborn mother didn't give up and called me again, and again, and again 'til I finally gave in and answered the call with a groan.

"Why weren't you responding to my calls?"

"I was with Rowan," I lied. "Why are you calling? And at 11 pm?"

"Don't speak to your mother like that." I restrained the urge to roll my eyes. Some Mother she is.

"I'm sorry."

"I need you to come home," Mom blurted out and I almost choked on my own spit.


"Wren is home, he wants to see you," Mom clarified.

Uncle Wren was one of the few relatives I actually liked. Unlike my mother, he was kind and gave a shit about me compared to my mom. Though, I wasn't in the mood to see anybody right now.

"I can't."

"That wasn't a question, Freya."

It never was.

"I'm twenty-one, Mom," I argued.

"You know what I'll do if you don't," Mom warned.

A couple of months, a couple of months.

"Fine. When?"

"Tomorrow." This time I actually did choke on my own spit.

"Dear God," she whispered under her breath."Okay."

"Great, see you tomorrow at 11 am sharp. Bring Rowan." And at that, she hung up.

Sighing, I gulped down a bit of the tea I had prepared a few minutes ago. It was still burning hot but the pain was barely noticeable with the thoughts consuming my mind, threatening to tear at me until all that was left was a hollow shell of what used to be.

How very poetic I am.

After drowning in self-pity for about an hour I allowed sleep to consume me. It had been a long day and I was over it. Now I was forced to visit my lovely mom as well. Fucking fantastic. Life loves me.

The next morning I woke up at 6 am to someone falling atop of me. Prying me drowsy eyes open, I could make out a face, Rowan. He stank of alcohol, weed, and sweat. Typical. Groaning and stretching my limbs, I flicked him on the forehead to gain his attention. He only snored.

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