Chapter 67-Drunk

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Freya's POV
Leona had left me alone with May and a bunch of people I didn't know to go search for Zarah. Leaving me feeling extremely uneasy. I scratched my arm, neck, and beneath my collarbone, wanting something to do to distract me from the crowded gym full of people I had never met.

My mind was somewhere else and I didn't snap back into it until May called out my name. "Yeah?"

"I'm getting some drinks, you want anything?"

I nodded, something to loosen me out might do me good. What I didn't think about was that her getting drinks meant I was left completely alone surrounded by strangers. I took out my phone, sensing it was a good way to pass the time. May was soon back and handed me a drink, I thanked her and took a sip out of it, tapping my foot on the floor.

My phone pinged with a text.

I'm outside with Zarah, I'll be back asap, you okay?

Yeah, is she fine?

She is, kind of at least. Told me she wants to be alone so I'm gonna leave soon. Gotta go, love you and sorry for leaving

Love you

I sighed and stuffed my phone into my pocket. Part of me was slightly mad she left me all alone when she persuaded me to go in the first place. However, I shook away that thought, knowing her friend needed her and I was a grown woman who could handle myself.

"I don't think I've met you before," a voice behind me said.

A tall muscular guy stood before me. I looked around to see if May was near but she was gone. Everything about him screamed 'love interest of a cheesy romance movie'. I didn't know how to feel about that.

"That's not surprising, I didn't go here."

He smirked and I cringed. "Would have guessed so, can't imagine I would have missed a beauty like you."

Sigh. "Thank you?"

He chuckled deeply. "What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Freya. I'm Noah."

"Nice to meet you too, Noah."

It really wasn't. I could tell he was trying to flirt with me and I wasn't up for it. Something told me he wouldn't care knowing I had a girlfriend either. Who knows how he'd react to that.

"So, who'd you come here with?"

"Couple of friends and my fiancée."

Fiancé and fiancée were both pronounced the same but I assumed he'd think I was talking about a guy. Loopholes. I showed him the ring for extra measure.

"Yeah, okay," he gruffed. "Where is he at?"

And he did exactly what I presumed he would think it was a guy.

"Using the restroom."

"I don't believe you."

Of course you don't.

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