Chapter 69-Persistent

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Leona's POV
Zarah was playing in the corner with Faye whilst May and I were chatting about the wedding that was only two weeks away.

She turned her head away from Faye. "Are you excited for the big day?"

"I'm stressed but also extremely happy. There's a lot of things that need to be done."

"Wouldn't want to keep you then, go home to your future wife, Zarah needs to go anyhow," May said.

She made a face. "No, I don't."

I glared at her. "I feel like you want to get rid of us. Why?"

"You would be correct. Edwin is picking Faye up soon so I want some alone time with her before he gets here. Love you guys but you've gotta go."

I huffed. "You couldn't have just said that in the first place."

"Boring. Now go."

We packed up our stuff and I drove Zarah home as I'd been her ride here. In the car, she looked a bit out of it suddenly, leading me to be concerned for her. I decided to confront her about it.

"Are you okay, Zarah?"

Caught off guard, she blinked. "Yeah, yeah. I'm good."

"No, you're not."

"I'm just tired."

"That's bullshit. Do you want to talk about it?"

She sighed. "No, not really."

I nodded. "Okay, but I'm here if you need me."

"Thank you."



It was barely 4 pm but when I closed the door I yawned loudly, tired from not having slept properly. I felt something graze along my leg and saw Penny who was purring loudly. Kneeling down, I smiled and pet her.

"You're home early."

I looked up. "Edwin was picking Faye up soon so she wanted to spend some time with her alone, according to May."

She hummed. "Okay. Glad to have you home. Are you okay? You didn't sleep much yesterday."

I sat down on the couch, setting Penny down on my lap. "I'm a bit stressed that's all. With work and the wedding coming up, it's a lot."

My eyes fell on the sink, still filled with dishes despite having asked her to do them hours ago. I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair.

"Seriously Freya."

Her eyes turned confused until she followed my gaze to the dishes, the expression on her face turned guilty. "Sorry, I forgot."

"I ask you one thing," I paused and breathed, "one damn thing."

"I'll do them now."

"You had hours to them, fuck, how hard can it be?"

"It's not a big deal. I forgot, sit down and I'll do them and prepare some food for us if you haven't eaten."

I stood up and walked over to the kitchen, filling up the sink with hot water and soap. Freya placed her hand on mine to stop me but I yanked it away.

"Don't be ridiculous, Leona. I told you I'll get it done now. Why are you doing them?"

"Because I want to get them done and clearly you don't."

Freya wrapped her arms around me and twirled me so I would be facing her. I tried to turn but her arms were set firmly on my waist, keeping me there. She stared into my eyes.

Wretched Roses √Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz