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This was it, tomorrow my last year of college sill start. I was both excited and nervous as hell, what the fuck was I gonna do after college was over? I really didn't know, which scared me. Maybe a real estate agent? It'd always been something I've wanted to do. But I'm not sure and it felt like my time was running out.
I tried pushing that thought out of my head as I entered the dorm building.

I had already organized my room but I hadn't met my roommate yet since I decided to actually start being in my dorm room the day before classes start, which might sound a bit weird but I didn't wanna leave the house quite yet. This year I had no idea who my roommate would be, I just hope it will be somebody nice.

I walked into the dorm room, expecting someone to be in there but it was empty of people. While I was waiting for my roommate I decided it would be a good time to pack up my last things, my toothbrush and stuff like that. It took only a couple of minutes to pack of the rest of my stuff since most stuff I had already packed up. I got the roommate assignment list a couple of weeks ago but was too anxious to reach out to them first. When they didn't reach out to me I decided to just wait until college to start to talk to them. It was then I found out I would be getting a new rommmate.

After packing up my stuff I had some time to spare, I wanted to wait until my roommate got here to ask if she wanted to go out for lunch so I sat down on the couch and waited. In the meantime I turned on the TV and started watching some F.r.i.e.n.d.s to kill the time. I was hoping they would arrive soon, if they didn't I'd probably just go out for lunch by myself.


It had now gone an hour since I started watching TV. My stomach was growling, I was starving and couldn't wait any longer. I left a little sticky-note, letting my roommate know that I had arrived but went out. It probably wasn't necessary but it felt polite to do so.

The sun was shining bright so I didn't feel the need to drive somewhere, plus there was an amazing café close by which was walking distance away. It was a small place, that not a lot of people knew about, they had some amazing food. I discovered the place in freshman year of college. It was move-in day and I was super stressed out, my parents helped me out as well as Layla. This was a while before she found out she had cancer, she used to go to this college as well. Layla and I were both exhausted and wanted a calm place to eat. All other places were packed, and that's when we found this place.

I sighed as I thought back to the memories, the times before Layla became sick. A tear escaped my eye as I walked into the familiar place. Don't cry, don't cry. For a second I closed my eyes, attempting to regain a sense of control of my tears. After the tears has stopped falling I needed to order my food. My stomach was growling loudly and it was starting to get embarrrassing. Blueberry pancakes really sounded good today. The thought of their delicous pancakes made my mouth water. I ordered my food and found a table close to the window to sit by.

The walls in the café were brown and made of wood. Some lights and plants filled up a lot of the place. It was very home-like and cozy, which I loved. I leaned back into the chair, waiting for the waiter to come with my food. When he did I said thank you and immediately started digging in. Pancakes had never tasted so good as they did that day. I quickly finished the whole plate and ordered some chocolate pie as dessert. Pancakes might be classified as dessert to some people but in this case it was my lunch.

The chocolate pie didn't take long to arrive. It looked amazing. There was some whipped cream on the side of it as well as some strawberries. The pie was gone quickly and to say I was satisfied with it would be an understatment. You know what, I deserved this pie. College is starting tomorrow and I'm basically gonna have no free time. I work out anyways so it's fine, I told myself. That was one good pie, so worth it.

I paid for the food and headed to the college again. It had been more than one hour since I left the dorm and it was now 3 pm. She should probably be here by now, or at least soon. I entered the dorm room, once again expecting somebody to be in there but it was still as empty as before. Oh, well, she'll arrive eventually.

It was 3 pm now, I was gonna head to college three hours ago but I got held up because of Rowan. He needed help last minute and suddenly I regret not sleeping in my dorm these past days. The only reason I stayed at home was because my head was still healing and I felt it was better to stay home. Rowan decided to live in a dorm this year as well because he liked it and was gonna share a room with his best friend. Of course he forgot a bunch of stuff and "desparetely" needed my help. I was hoping on spending the day with my new roommate to get to know her but I guess that's not happening. 

"How did you manage to forget all your clothes and bed stuff?," I said, annoyed at him.

"I didn't but I didn't think it would take this long to pack my clothes and stuff," he said while putting in some more clothes in his suitcase.

"You really don't need all this stuff," I told him, at this point he was just wasting my time for no reason.

"Yeah, yeah. Stop complaining," he said, now he was annoyed at me.

"Well you know I was hoping on settling in today and meeting my roommate and not be spending hours helping you pack because of your forgetfulness," I mumbled while looking down at the floor.

"Goddamn it, woman! Stop complaining and help me!," he now shouted. 

I stood up and stomped out of the room, forgetting the main reason I was helping him. He didn't follow me, knowing I would return because we only had one car and he was driving me there. The public transport sucked here else I would have taken the bus. But I was petty, so I stayed outside of the room, crossing my arms angrily, like a little child.

"You're being immature. If you would just come back in here this would take much faster."

I didn't reply, he was nearly done anyways so I wouldn't have to wait long. Sure enough, 15 minutes later he was done. It took us one hour of arguing, and two hours of packing before we were finally done.

"Whatever let's go, I need help carrying these boxes though," he muttered and grabbed his keys.

The whole drive there was silent, we were both mad at each other. Usually he was the sweetest but these last couple of weeks had just been anything but sweet for us. When we were finally there and I was done helping him carry out the boxes we parted our ways and I finally, three and a half hours later than I should have, was at my dorm. It was now 4 pm, my day had basically been wasted and I honestly blamed Rowan for it. I might be a bit immature and petty but gosh had he annoyed me, especially this past week.

I entered the dorm and put down my last bag of things. And there she sat, playing with her phone.

It had been 50 minutes since I got back from the café, I was bored out of my mind. It was nearly 4 pm and my roommate still wasn't here. I decided to watch some youtube videos to pass the time. Just hoping she would be here soon. That's when I heard the door open, I turned around to see whoever was gonna be my roommate for the next year. That's when I saw her.

"Freya? What are you doing her?," I asked, shocked.

"Leona? Are you my roommate?," she asked. We were both confused, what a huge coincidence.

This chapter was pretty short, sorry.
Hope you enjoyed it regardless.
Can you count how many times I said roommate?

Next chapter will be out soon :)

Wretched Roses √Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora