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You wondered how much you stuff you actually accumulated over the years. Especially with all the various kitchen things that you don't even remember. You were pretty sure they were bought by family members and given to you once you moved in. You put all the things that you were sure that you won't use for this week into various boxes and placed them neatly in the living room. Next was the things in your room that you didn't really need. Such as formal wear and winter clothes.

Your hybrids on the other hand didn't want to put their clothes in boxes. "But Y/N!" Jimin held up a thick long sleeve sweater. "I don't know if I will wear it this week!"

"Jimin," You calmly placed a box in the room for all the knicknacks you had in there. "It's literally going to be hot this week. I don't need you to pass out from the heat." The corgi whined and reluctantly put it on the moveable rack that was going to be in the moving truck.

This was a common occurrence with all the hybrids as they liked all their things in one place. It was going to be a nightmare.

One week passed and it was officially moving day! The plan was to take most of the furniture to the new house with the strongest hybrids to help move the heavy things and come back to pick up the others along with the hybrids who were going to be busy moving the last of the stuff. Jungkook and Hoseok lifted up your couch easily and are currently moving it down to the truck. Don't worry, you're still wondering how the rabbit hybrid was strong as the bear hybrid.

Next thing for them was the armchair and moving onto the kitchen table. In your room, you cleaned off your nightstand, putting everything into a box that was nearby. Your hybrids were everywhere, making sure everything was put away in boxes or were putting the last items you had. Although, you would be missing a dusty old snow globe from a few years ago since Namjoon dropped it. But it was okay since he didn't injure himself! You came back with the box and placed it in the area with the others. The duo were now carrying the kitchen table and almost ran over Jimin who bounded into the apartment.

Yoongi placed a box onto yours and let out a yawn. "Are we done? I want to take a nap."

"Almost." You scratched behind his ear. "We're almost there, okay?"

Yoongi nodded and retreated back to the guest room to take more of his stuff. Everything felt so surreal. The bear and rabbit hybrid paused in front of you, awaiting the next thing to carry. They just seemed so excited. "Can we take my bed next?" You asked them.

"Of course we will!" Jungkook answered excitedly and rushed to your room.

Meanwhile, Hoseok let out a sigh. "He's always leaving me!" He whined but you only booped his nose. "I'm sorry Hobi. Tell him to slow down if he's rushing everything."

"It's fine master! I have to compete with him!" A joyous smile came on his face and he followed the rabbit hybrid. Soon, after getting all the heavy things into the moving truck along with a few boxes, you started the first half of your moving journey.

It's been about a day and a half and you could tell that the hybrids really loved the place. It was everything you could imagine. For this fine Sunday morning, you were woken up by Jimin shaking you awake.

You groggily opened your eyes and found the corgi staring directly into your soul. "Y/N, wake up!" His bright eyes shone with excitement.

"For what Jimin? It's Sunday." You let out a yawn.

"We made you something!" He said and you were sure that his tail was probably wagging at a fast pace. Wait we?

You looked around you and realized that there was no sign of your other hybrids. You were just confused as Jimin tried to pull you out of bed. "C'mon, Y/N!" Slowly, you sat up and let out another yawn. "Where's everyone else, Jimin?"

"Somewhere!" He answered with one of his bright smiles. "You have to get up and find out!"

"Alright, let me wash up." You said and the corgi nodded. You went into the spacious bathroom and did the usual morning routine. As soon as you came out, Jimin was by your side. He took your hand and did a little bounce. He was maybe a little too excited. Or he had a piece of candy this morning. Either way, that reminded you to hide the candy somewhere safe.

The corgi led you to the staircase and was happily humming a random tune. "I think you're going to love it!" You smiled and wondered what it could be. As you guys went downstairs, your eyes widened to see all the missing hybrids waiting in the kitchen. Smiles adorned their faces and Jimin eagerly pulled you to the kitchen. "What's this for?" You asked, smiling and it was slightly scaring you.

None of your hybrids got up this early. They were probably covering up that they broke something...

"It's a celebration, master!" Hoseok cheerfully said.

"For what?" You asked, thinking if you missed anything important. Nothing came to mind.

Seokjin cleared his throat. "We decided that today will be the anniversary that we are officially a family!"

You blinked in confusion. "But we're already a family?"

This time it was Namjoon who spoke up. "But we mean officially! Since you adopted us on different days, we thought it should be easier to only have one day where we celebrate it since we moved into a new house. Like a fresh start!" He exclaimed, having used his phrase for the day. Namjoon had found a book on writing when moving and was slowly making his way through it. He was quite fluent in reading but was taking his time on understanding everything.

You were almost going to cry. Jungkook nodded as well, chiming in. "It'll be fun! We're always going to remember this day as the day you officially welcomed us to your family." He gave you his bunny smile.

And you did. Tears were starting to spill free. All the hybrids panicked and Jungkook got a little swat from Yoongi. "You made Y/N cry." By your side, Jimin whined and immediately brought you into a hug. You were about to say it was okay when Taehyung joined in the hug. "It's okay! We didn't mean to make you cry."

"No, I'm just really happy." You said and wiped away the tears. "I love you guys." The hybrids smiled in response.

"Then let's celebrate!" Seokjin ushered you over to where there was a cake on the island. You were going to cry some more as you noticed that it was homemade. The frosting wasn't perfect and all the hybrids added something special to it. There were little hearts, dozens of sprinkles and you could tell Jungkook tried his best to draw everyone in frosting. It was too perfect for you. 

Evening had settled and the day was spent by playing games (mostly Uno) and watching movies. By now, most of the hybrids were slowly falling asleep. Jimin had his head on your shoulder, Seokjin on your other side and Yoongi in his cat form, already napping. Well he has been since the last two movies. 

The rest of the hybrids claimed the floor with blankets and the cushions. They were leaning against each other and you were sure that they took the blanket from your bed. But it was alright. You laughed at them as Jungkook was trying to take over the blanket but Namjoon and Taehyung were hogging most of it. Finally, the rabbit hybrid gave up and snuggled against Hoseok. 

This was your life now. Before, you were just living that normal routine but now there was something different everyday with them. Your eyes slowly trailed over all the hybrids and you settled more into the couch. Looks like you weren't moving anytime soon. You loved them with all your heart and you're grateful that these hybrids entered your life.

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