↠ 27

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After explaining the situation, both the hybrids were sympathetic. They once knew how it was to have a home before they were tossed away like a cheap toy. Jimin smiled at him and was oddly accepting the hybrid into his home.

So much different than welcoming Yoongi into the family.

"Did Jungkook drag Yoongi to the art shop?" You asked Jin as Jimin took the new hybrid to the guest room so that he could put his stuff in there for now.

Jin nodded. "Yeah, they left about an hour ago? Or like forty-five minutes ago?"

"Oh okay." You replied and then Jimin came back pushing the hybrid to you.

"Y/N, what's his name?" He innocently asked.

Ah, that's right. Why do you keep forgetting names?

"Do you have a specific name you want to be called?" You shot your usual first question.

The hybrid in front of you averted his gaze, obviously thinking. The light faintly caught the gleam of the tag that dangled from his grip. Then he stuffed it in his pocket as he caught you staring at it. "I don't have anything in mind..."

Before you could suggest a name, the front door burst open. A very happy Jungkook skipped his way in with a very bored Yoongi trailing behind him. The rabbit hybrid went up to you and stuck something in front of your vision. "I got you this Y/N!"

You lowered his hand a bit and your eyes widened in surprise. "Jungkook, where did you even get money?"

He smiled that showed off his bunny teeth. "I was painting on the street and someone liked it and paid me this!" He said it in such a quick rush that you didn't catch all of it.

Yoongi let out a sigh. "He means that there was some free painting thing, he did it, someone passed by, liked it so much and they bought his painting."

You sent a grateful smile to the cat hybrid who slightly pouted. "That's amazing Jungkook! You can just keep it, okay?" You praised him as he happily smiled once more. At last, Yoongi was the first of the duo to actually notice the new hybrid in the room. "Who are you?"

The hybrid stared at the duo with wide eyes as now the rabbit hybrid took notice of him. "Um... I don't know?"

"Right!" You gasped as racked your brain through the characters. C'mon, like your plan of naming your hybrids after your favorite TV show goes to waste. "Hm... You don't look like a Taehyung... Maybe...? Nah..." You mumbled to yourself as you switched through the remaining characters. "You feel like a Hoseok. Is that okay with you?"

He tilted his head a bit, mumbling the name under his breath. "It has a nice ring to it. I like it."

You smiled brightly. "Welcome, Hoseok!" You tugged him into a hug to which the newly named hybrid was surprised at.

"Group hug!" Jimin excitedly yelled and immediately joined you two.

"Wait. Hold up-" You started to say but Jungkook quickly got the message and joined in, pulling the cat hybrid in. Seokjin watched for a moment before he also smiled and went in for a hug. Now you were surrounded by happy laughter and smiles.

What you didn't notice was your phone vibrating in your pocket.

You sighed for the second time as Seokjin happily held your hand while you were grabbing clothes to go change into. He was getting a little too clingy this morning. Like earlier, you had just woken up and was greeted with Seokjin in his falcon form staring right in your eyes.

You may or may have not jumped out in fright and almost pushed the other three hybrids off the bed.

Hoseok slept on the couch. He was still a little uncomfortable as he quietly ate dinner and stayed on a single spot on the couch. You had a feeling that it would take a little longer to gain his trust. It was understandable.

Either way, Seokjin was following you everywhere. When you mean everywhere, it literally meant everywhere.

"Seokjin!" You narrowed your eyes at the door. "I can hear you scratching! Don't you dare come in the bathroom!"

He had tried getting into the bathroom with you earlier. You'll admit he was sneaky but one of his feathers poked out of the towel he was hiding under. So you took him from underneath the towel and placed him back on the bed. Only Jungkook was the only one waking up so far and so his curious doe eyes were watching you.

You had shut the door and locked it. Now here you were trying to finish up showering before the falcon hybrid scratched up all your door. Getting on your clothes for the day, you rushed it as you briefly saw a talon swipe under the crack of the door.

After making sure your hair was brushed, you flung it open. The falcon hybrid jumped a bit but immediately looked up at you with a small squawk. "I know you look adorable like that but stop trying to come into the bathroom!"

Seokjin only squawked back at you. Sighing, you gathered your things for the day and your falcon hybrid decided to perch on your shoulder. You slightly flinched as you felt his sharp talons prick your skin. Thankfully, at least he was aware of his sharp talons and so he didn't rest his full weight on them.

Accepting your fate, you grabbed your things and went to the living room. Hoseok was still sleeping on your couch and you quickly placed your things on the lone armchair. Quietly, you went up to him and slightly frowned, seeing the collar still in his grip. You let out a small sigh and went into the kitchen.

Since Seokjin was bugging you all morning, you were somewhat surprised to see Yoongi and Jungkook cooking in the kitchen. "Good morning!" The rabbit and corgi hybrid greeted you. Yoongi only smiled in acknowledgement.

"Wow, now you two can cook?" You questioned and stood by your corgi hybrid who was curiously looking at the falcon still on your shoulder. And now Seokjin was rubbing his head against your cheek.

Yoongi nodded. "Yeah." He pointed his spatula at Jin. "Since he said that at least someone else needs to cook in this house. Then this one was watching me and now we're cooking." He then point the spatula at Jungkook.

Impressed, you took a pancake that the hybrids already made and bit into it. It was so fluffy! "These are so good!" You complimented and ate it just plain. You were ready to grab another but this time have some syrup or something on it when your eyes caught the time on the clock.

"I'm going to be late!" You muttered and ran out of the kitchen that startled Jin into flying up in the air. Hoseok was barely stirring from sleep as you gathered your things and put on your shoes. "I'll be back later! There's some money on the counter!" You dashed out the door while the other hybrids blinked at how fast you ran.

Jin was the first to break the silence with a squawk. Yoongi lightly glared at him, faintly smelling the heat that the falcon was nearing.

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