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Yoongi gave you an angry glare when you tried pushing him off. There was some part of you that found it a bit cute. Like if Yoongi had a piece of the blanket in his mouth and Jungkook was trying to steal it away. His dark eyes would be pinned on his opponent with his tail swishing angrily. Of course it was sort of cute with his eyes and little teeth clinging onto the blanket. But sadly you were not a blanket.

"That hurts Yoongi." You pleaded with him and he finally let go. He was slightly pursing his lips in an angry manner. Almost like a child who didn't get what they wanted.

You rolled your eyes and got back up. It was probably for the best that you all went home. "Hey everyone! Let's go home!" You yelled and for sure you knew that they all heard you. Jimin and Jungkook were the first ones to come running at full speed, nearly bumping into each other.

Then it was Taehyung who ran up to you and almost knocked you down when he was giving you a big hug. "This was so much fun!" He exclaimed and his eyes trailed down to your neck. He lightly frowned at first and then his eyes lit up. "Oh! Are we marking? Okay, my turn!" His fangs had now shown their length and he was ready to bite but you stopped him.

Your hand was on his forehead to keep him away. "It was an accident Taehyung." You just blurted out the first thing you said.

"An accident?" He tilted his head in a cute way. It made his silver looking hair block most of his left eye. "But I wanna mark you too..."

"Marking?" Jungkook innocently asked. "What's that?"

Although Jimin was glaring at the snake hybrid, he perked up a bit with his full attention on Jungkook. "You don't know? I'll tell you!"

"Jimin! Don't ruin his innocence!" You had to stop your corgi hybrid from ruining your innocent rabbit hybrid.

"But Y/N! He doesn't know what marking is!" Jimin argued back like that would convince you. Yeah, right.

You just sent him a glare. "Jimin, don't you even dare or I won't give you any ice cream for two weeks."

The corgi immediately pouted but reluctantly nodded. "What is happening?" Now Seokjin and Hoseok arrived at the scene obviously confused. Especially the bear hybrid but your falcon hybrid had a suspicious look on his face when he asked his question.

"I was trying to learn what marking was!" Jungkook, once again, innocently said out loud.

Hoseok tilted his head. "We can mark master?"

"No you can't!" You shut him down at once. Without another word, you grabbed everything and started your way back to the apartment, knowing that your hybrids would immediately follow. And they did, except Jimin was whispering to Jungkook to which you didn't think he would continue his conversation.

There went his innocence.

Ah, Monday. A day where everything went by slowly. When you left this morning, you were very surprised. As usual, all your hybrids were sleeping peacefully and Hoseok finally slept on your bed! Thankfully, he wasn't in his bear form or else your bed would most likely break. Instead, he was on the side of your bed closest to the wall, far from you and curled up with the blanket and pillow he was sleeping with previously.

He was too adorable.

And surprisingly, you didn't find Taehyung anywhere. You almost missed his note where it said that he went into his job early to make up for the hours he had missed last week. Your snake hybrid was honestly adorable as well when he signed it at the end with: "Your bestest snake :)"

Monday dragged on until the literal last second. You just wanted to go home and eat something that Jin made. So, it was a surprise for you when you found Taehyung outside your building. He brightly smiled with his box-like smile and happily went over to you.

"What are you doing here?" You asked him and then you spotted the thin dark purple collar around his wrist you got the other day.

"To pick you up!" He answered and noticed your gaze. "Oh, sorry. Didn't want the customers to figure out I'm a hybrid. Let me just-" He was ready to unclasp it to put it around his neck when you stopped him.

"It's okay. People will notice if you put it on now."

The snake hybrid nodded and grabbed your hand. "Let's go home then!" You smiled at him and let him lead the way. You were only a block away when Taehyung slowed down to a stop. As you were about to ask what was wrong, a limping hybrid stumbled from the alley in front of you.

There were hardly any other people to stare at him but the few that were there did. The hybrid growled at them which made them turn away. You took notice that this hybrid looked to be a mountain lion? His right back leg was lifted up and bleeding quite badly.

The hybrid must have felt your stare since he turned his glare right onto you. They let out a growl directed towards you and in response, Taehyung gripped your hand tighter. He let out a low hiss that the mountain lion was able to pick up.

The mountain lion tried limping away when your kind heart decided to take action. "I can try to wrap that up for you." You spoke and they turned their head to look at you. They huffed and tried continuing on their way. "You'll probably get captured if you continue to limp." You said and the hybrid stopped in their path.

They looked defeated. The mountain lion let out a growl but let out another huff. Their tail twitched as they gestured with their head to continue walking. And so you did. You dragged Taehyung with you as his piercing stare was still focused on the mountain lion that slowly limped behind you two.

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