↠ 2

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"Shit." You angrily mumbled to yourself as you put your button up black blouse on. "Shit, shit, shit." You continued, managing to put on some black pants. "I shouldn't have fallen asleep on the couch."

You woke up this morning to find that you had accidentally fallen asleep last night. And that you only had about 20 minutes to get to work. So, your day was absolutely going great.

You combed through your fast (hoping that it would look decent) and messily put it into a ponytail. Quickly, you sprayed on some perfume. Making sure you had everything, you grabbed your small bag and rushed to the living room. Deciding to skip breakfast, you quickly put on your regular flat shoes and rushed outside. Locking your door, you took off into a sprint as you rushed down the stairs.

Last time you looked at the clock, it showed that you only had 15 minutes left. So, maybe you'll make it in time. Maybe.

Turns out, you were late by 10 minutes. There were a lot of people out today and there was a minor car accident. Nothing too major that required an ambulance or anything. So, now here you were, slightly out of breath in the elevator heading to your floor.

The elevator dinged and opened the doors. You slowly walked out into the small space for clients and headed inside the main office. You went to your cubicle and your seatmate, who was also your best friend, looked at you.

"What happened?" Wendy asked. "Boss isn't here yet, so you really have some great luck today."

You took a seat in your chair and looked through the drawer of files you had in your desk. "I overslept and I fell asleep on the couch last night."

"Ah." Wendy took a sip of her coffee. "You're still up for this Saturday night?"

"Yeah." You smiled and took out a manila folder with papers. "We're still going to see the movie you want to see?"

Wendy smiled. "Hell yeah. I've been wanting to see it."

You slightly laughed. "But you gotta promise that we'll go see the movie about my favorite show-"

"Oh, yeah! C'mon, I wouldn't bail out on you for that. Not since you're coming with me to see my movie." She stood up. "Gonna refill, you want a cup of coffee?"

"Please." You replied and started to flip through the papers.

"Alright, usual coming up." She sauntered off.

Then you heard the boss come into the office. She said a "good morning" to everyone and headed to you. "Hey, Y/N, do you think you can stay for an hour today? This client is being really persistent and wants to complete the finances today. I'll let you go home early for a day for how much time this takes."

"Sure!" You replied. How were you supposed to say no? "I'll grab the documents to complete the transaction today."

Your boss nodded. "Thank you so much."

Then she walked away as Wendy came back. She handed you your coffee. "Looks like you'll be needing it."

"Maybe lots of it."

It was barely 9 o'clock and you were dead tired. You just wanted to go home and sleep. The client had taken almost over 3 and a half hours. He was running late and after so much convincing finally agreed to the deal. Your boss was apologizing so much and now you get to get off 3 hours early next week. You tried hurrying back to your apartment when you stopped when you heard voices. "Ha! Look at it!"

Hybrid Troubles | bts auOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz