↠ 46

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Back at home, you went to work. Sterilizing and treating his deep wounds. You can thank YouTube for it and it looked like Namjoon wasn't in pain at all from your touches. So, you concluded that you must be doing something right. Deep wounds were not your speciality - only small cuts - so this was a new start. And it wasn't like you could take him to the hospital. They might take him away once they found out that he didn't belong to anyone!

You finished up the treatment and let out a deep breath. Namjoon just looked tired at this point. He was resting his eyes and your remaining hybrids surrounded you. Surprisingly, the ones who looked the most worried were Yoongi and Hoseok. Well, you could understand Hobi. He did not like when anyone was hurt. Tell that to poor Seokjin who apparently got kicked in the head from Jungkook as he was trying to calm him when he was in his heat. Yoongi on the other hand...

He was just telling insults toward the hybrid a couple of days ago! At least, Jimin and Jungkook's heat was slowly dying down. "Jimin, please stop sniffing me." You asked as you stood up with the kit you had. What a lifesaver the kit was.

"Okay!" Jimin responded happily. Your sweet and overly clingy corgi was coming back. You could almost shed tears.

Putting away the kit, you returned to see that Hobi was placing a blanket on the mountain lion. Your heart almost exploded. You swear Hobi was the sweetest thing to walk this Earth. Now you were ready to cry out of his cuteness.

Taehyung bounded up to you wearing a concerned expression. "Y/N? Are you okay? You're crying." His question immediately caught the attention of your other hybrids.

Oops. Looks like you did cry from Hobi's cuteness.

"Sorry." You just laughed and wiped the couple of lone tears that leaked. "It was just Hobi."

At once Hoseok looked frightened. "I'm sorry master! Did I do something wrong?!" He was already apologetic and was ready to do whatever you commanded.

"Nope." You went closer to him and cupped his face in your hands. He was too adorable! "You're just too cute! I love that." Feeling overcome with emotions, you pecked his nose and went to check on the mountain lion.

Hoseok was now confused as a blush started to cover his face. "Is that wrong?" He innocently asked and he could see the rolling eyes and glares from the other hybrids. Oh someone please save him.

Seokjin shook in his head in disappointment and then a wonderful idea came to him. He wanted attention. So while the hybrids conversed amongst themselves on asking how Hoseok was adorable or how he could easily get kisses, he snuck away and stood right by your side.

"Do you need any help?" He asked.

"Nah." You stood up from your crouched position. "Namjoon is resting. I'm sure he'll be fine in a couple of days. Thanks Jin."

Seokjin nodded and watched as you took out your phone to call in sick for the day. Might as well since you were supposed to be at work for the past half hour. He glanced at the hybrid resting on the floor and mentally thanked him. If he wasn't there, then he wasn't sure what those hybrids would do to you.

And it was hectic as he was woken from sleep from Yoongi barging into the room and dragging Hoseok to who knew where. All he got was "We're going after them!" So there he was, managing after the remaining hybrids as the other two went off.

The falcon patiently waited until you got off the phone. As soon as you did, he perked up. "Can we get some more groceries? We're sort of running out."

"Oh sure. You want to go?" You asked as he eagerly nodded. Might as well make a quick pit stop for more bandages. His wounds made almost all your bandages disappear. It made you smile seeing how excited he was. "Alright, let me grab my wallet."

Although it didn't seem like Seokjin wasn't excited on the outside, internally he was bouncing with joy. Finally! Some time alone with you!

"Where are you going?" Jimin asked, noticing that you were grabbing your wallet. That made the other hybrids pause their interrogation with Hoseok and look over to you.

"To get groceries with Jin." You answered and immediately Taehyung shot his hand up into the air. "Can I go?"

"Me too!" The two hyper hybrids shouted at the same time.

You wanted them to come with you but you needed at least one hybrid to stay and watch over poor Namjoon. If you sent all the hybrids to go get food and you stayed behind? They'll probably bring back junk food while Seokjin and Yoongi would be overwhelmed by the others. "I need someone to stay and watch over Namjoon."

All the hybrids went silent. No one dared to raise their hand.

You let out a sigh. "Fine. Pick a number between one and twenty and whoever picked the number I was thinking of, gets to stay."

"Seven!" Jimin shouted immediately. Thirteen went to Yoongi, fifteen went to Hoseok, two went to Taehyung and nineteen went to Jungkook. Poor Jungkook.

"Sorry Jungkook." You apologetically said and his rabbit ears went down. "You have to stay here and watch him, okay?" The rabbit hybrid slowly nodded, hatching up a plan to get this hybrid out of his home. "And don't you dare try anything. I'll bring you back something if you're good, okay?"

Jungkook pouted a bit. "Okay."

And so with confirmation, you were ready to tackle on the group of hybrids going to the store. It was easy enough. Everyone managed to be on their best behavior. Until Jimin spotted some type of snack he wanted.

He dragged the nearest hybrid which happened to be poor Hoseok who looked confused. Taehyung was bouncing on his heels and held onto your arm. "Y/N? Can I go buy some juice please?"

Gosh dangit. He was too polite.

"Sure, Taehyung." He smiled that boxy smile and took Yoongi with him. Now this reminded you of a familiar scene. Seokjin stayed by your side the whole time. He picked out some fresh vegetables and was now on examining apples. He was too picky with his ingredients sometimes.

And damn like if this scene wasn't familiar before, it just got more familiar as a girl walked up to the two of you. Were you dreaming? Maybe.

"Hello." She smiled. "I was wondering if you knew where the cereal was."

Oh. Maybe not.

You were about to respond with an "I don't know" until Seokjin interjected. "I think in aisle fourteen, right girlfriend?"

Hold up. You just gave a look to your hybrid. She was just asking where the cereal was? She wasn't even hitting on him! "Oh thanks!" The girl thanked him and took off in the direction where the cereal was.

"Why did you call me your girlfriend?" You questioned the hybrid.

Seokjin shrugged. "You can't smell the air. She liked me and sorry I won't call you that again. You have that boyfriend."

"What boyfriend? Oh yeah. I forgot to say that I broke up with him." You responded casually and went back to looking at the apples.

Seokjin froze. You broke up with that boyfriend? Alright, he shouldn't be too excited, right? He took a glance at you and that moment was something he realized. He might have liked you. No, not just as hybrid to owner.

As his mate.

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