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A loud meow of pain slowly stirred you from deep sleep then a heavy weight made sure that you weren't going anywhere from your bed. There was another thud and a small ow from the end of your bed and the bed dipped underneath the new weight. There was a slight sniffing sound and all of a sudden, a tongue licked the side of your neck.

Groggily, you tried to focus your eyes in the dark and once you looked up, you swore you needed to get a bank vault door or something. Jungkook's black hair was basically in your face and then you felt his teeth bite into your skin. "Jungkook." You flinched and tried pushing his head away.

He pulled back and a smile took up his features. "We can mate now!"

"No, me first!" Jimin tried knocking the rabbit away as his face came into full view. "Right, Y/N? I was your first hybrid."

Suddenly, both hybrids were yanked away. Hoseok held Jimin and Yoongi was holding Jungkook by his arm. You could tell your cat hybrid was angry that he was disturbed from his sleep. His tail swished behind him angrily as his dark gaze landed on the two hybrids. "How did you even get in? I barricaded the door!"

Still half awake, you looked towards the door to see that the dresser and nightstand was pushed back and the door was half open. Jungkook's rabbit ears went down and Yoongi simply let out a sigh. "How are you so strong?!" The cat hybrid let out one of his infamous angry rumbles.

All the noise made Seokjin stir from his sleep and Taehyung walked out of your bathroom. Oh yeah, he still prefers the bathtub still. Maybe when it gets colder, he'll join your poor bed. "What's happening?" His sleepy voice was deep and for a moment, you questioned if it was really your snake hybrid or some random dude that was in your apartment.

"They got in here." Hoseok answered as Jimin tried slipping away from Hoseok's hold. Seokjin and Taehyung looked at the door. The falcon hybrid flew down from your headboard and shifted into his human form halfway. "How?"

As the hybrids were trying to figure something out, you finally had a coherent thought in your mind. With the exception of Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok, the rest were naked. Ah, wait. You guess you would not count Jungkook and Jimin since they didn't have any pants. These hybrids were going to be the death of you. You just let out a sigh. "At least Hoseok is wearing pants." You mumbled but most of the hybrids heard.

Hoseok tilted his head in confusion. "Am I not supposed to wear pants, master?"

"Oh my gosh." You just covered your face with the blanket.

"Ah wait master! Am I supposed to wear pants or no?" You felt something poke your leg and you could only assume that it was Hoseok.

"No please wear pants Hoseok." You answered although the blanket muffled it.

"Oh! I will master!" He answered back enthusiastically.

You only shook your head. "Thanks Hoseok, you're my good boy."

Great. You probably shouldn't have said that. "Y/N!" Jimin shouted that made you flinch. "I'm also a good boy too!"

"I'm also a good boy too!" Jungkook repeated after Jimin and now you could feel the side of the bed slightly dip. Was that your rabbit hybrid?

"Jungkook, off!" Yoongi growled out and there was some more movement happening and now you weren't sure what was happening. You peeked your head out and some Yoongi struggled with the rabbit hybrid. You glanced at your alarm clock; the numbers read two in the morning.

You were ready to try and sort everything out when the door opened itself more. An angry Namjoon stood there, his tail swishing around and a glare settled on everyone. "Why are you so loud?! It's two in the morning and I can't sleep!"

"It was them." Taehyung pointed at the corgi and rabbit hybrid who sent glares at the snake hybrid who just snitched on them.

Namjoon let out a growl as he stalked over to them. He grabbed the both of them by the backs of their shirt collars and started to drag them out. "Wait!" Jungkook was now struggling out of the hold. Still the mountain lion managed to get them out of your room. The rest of you were in awe and everyone stood there.

"Finally I can sleep." You muttered, mentally thanking Namjoon as you snuggled back into the bed. Slowly, everyone returned to their sleeping spots. Except for Hoseok who cautiously placed himself next to you, his body literally hugging the wall. You didn't care at the moment as you would need to go to work in a few hours.

Another day, another day of chaotic hybrids.

You did your morning routine, pausing to look at your adorable hybrids and then ventured out of your room. Namjoon, in his mountain lion form, laid at the entrance of your hallway and you could see the rabbit and corgi hybrid in a corner of the living room sleeping. Once in a while, they twitched in their sleep.

Curiously, you bent down and rubbed the backs of Namjoon's ears. Hopefully he liked it like Yoongi. If not, then this was going to be awkward as hell as you tried to give him your thanks. Then there was a loud rumble coming from him. Was that his purr? He slightly shifted around and flicked one of his ears. Still, the rumble of appreciation carried on. Aw, look at him! Well, there was no time to waste.

Ever so slowly, you started to tiptoe to the kitchen. You weren't going to grab anything that was noisy. Hell, you weren't even going to make any breakfast. You grabbed a random piece of fruit and slowly opened up the fridge door to pick up your prepped lunch. You could feel your heart pounding like this was a spy mission.

In all honesty it was. You grabbed the container and tried your very best to softly shut the fridge door. Once you did, you listened out for the two hyperactive hybrids. So far, so good. Carefully, you went to your front door, pausing every once in a while if one of the two hybrids made a noise. Thankfully, you were almost in the clear. Grabbing your shoes, you slowly slipped them on. And just like that you were out the door.

You let out a sigh of relief as you managed to escape from them! Happy that you didn't have your two hyper hybrids come rushing at you in the morning, you carried off to work, hoping today was a good day.

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