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I looked at sumbul completely confused , i thought maybe my exhaustion took over me but i'm sure i heard him well .

« His majesty Sultan Selim took the kids with him to the hunting lodge along with Princess Monica » i felt enraged when i heard him utter those words .

« Who gave you the right to send my kids away without me knowing » i yelled at him but he just stepped back and tried to calm the situation .

« How can I say no to his majesty- but he didn't have bad intentions » the thought of him going with the princess and taking my kids with him angered me and made me mad .

« There is no time to waste im going to get my kids back here , Ahmet can't stay without me » I immediately called in the maids to help me change

« Sultana i don't think it is a good idea , this will anger his majesty a lot » Sumbul was right but i didn't care about his reaction , my kids shouldn't be taken away from me .

« I don't trust that princess , she might do something to him or his majesty . why did they go when i was away » i was getting more mad each time i answered him .

« Sehzade ahmed wanted to go with his majesty for so long and » i interrupted him «  Ahmed wanted to go with me and his father not with this princess »

the maid put a dress on my bed as she freed my hair from the ponytail i had .

« I can't grant the safety of my kids with that woman , now leave and tell them to prepare my carriage » i ordered him and be immediately left my room as the girls helped me get ready .

I was getting so impatient and just wanted to go and see my kids to ensure that they're safe , i didn't even want to understand why Selim did this . He had some explaining to do , i ignored my exhaustion and headed towards the carriage .

I just hoped we would arrive fast before the night arrives , i took the time to sleep inside the carriage to catch at least some rest . it took us the whole evening to finally arrive , the sun was already set when the carriage stopped infront of the hunting lodge

I stepped out of it and the guards there were confused on why i was there , nonetheless they still announced my presence making all of them turn to the other side .

« Where is his majesty » i saw an agha right in the entrance and asked , he looked down and answered me .

« His majesty is not here but the sultanas and sehzadeler are inside » i walked past him as i searched for them , the agha immediately took me to the room they were in

The maids opened the door and there i saw my kids sitting next to each other as they chatted . They all looked at me shocked

« Valide » they all said to each other and came running towards me , i hugged all of them .

« Mother we missed you so much » Gevher spoke to me as she kissed my hand , Orhan backed away to let hatice hug me .

« I've missed you too, i am here » i told the three of them before ahmet came running as he hugged my waist , i got down to his level and hugged him tightly .

I have missed them so much .

« Mother , why did you leave » his question surprised me but i knew he was still a child .

« I didn't leave my lion , i was busy with your grandfather . but now i am here » i broke the hug and patted his head slowly .

« How is our grandfather doing ? i hope it's not something serious » Gevher asked worriedly as she was so close to my father .

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