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Turhan was pregnant .

I felt like my whole world was destroyed , the man i was about to marry will have a kid with another woman . no one would like to be in such position , i left the palace as soon as i heard this and angrily went home , my mom looked worried when she saw me furious .

« What's going on ? » my mom worriedly asked and i took a deep breath in before i answered her .

« Selim is excpecting a kid right before our wedding mom » her reaction was worse than mine , she was extremely angry .

« This is what i was afraid of » she circled around the living room before staring at me .

« We have to get rid of this kid , he should not be born . He ruined everything » i took a minute to understand what she meant .

« Mom there is no way you're gonna do this , i'm not gonna let you » i scolded her because of her evil idea . i would never risk this

« No matter how many kids you give birth to , this kid will ruin your life . you'll be exiled if he ascends to the throne and they'll get rid of your children and us . do you want this ? » My mom had this idea in her head and there was no way i could convince her otherwise .

« Mom i'm not evil to do this , i don't care about the future . i just wanna be happy and rest my head on the pillow with no grudge or regret » i approached her « I will not be on this game and i swear to god »

my eyes narrowed « If you touch this kid i will not call you mother ever again » i took a step back and retreated to my room .

« Keep chasing happiness , it'll not save you later » i heard her shout behind me as i closed the door to my room , it opened and i yelled at the person to go away but they didn't .

« Seems like things are not going well » akça said while taking steps towards me .

Last person i wanted to see right now is her .

« Leave me alone akça i don't have time for you » i turned around to look at her as i took my coat off and threw it on my bed .

« as much as i hate to give you advices but my mom is right if you don't do nothing about this baby you'll fall behind » her voice was threatening, i knew if she was in my place she'll never hesitate to kill them both off but i wasn't like them at least .

« Leave my room now » i yelled at her and she gave me a smirk before i slammed my door behind her .

I was so angry with everyone , i took the closest item to me and smashed it against the mirror .

Everything was going smoothly until turhan got pregnant and my mom was right , i didn't want to live miserably in the future but in no way i'll hurt her child . i'll just wait and see what the future will send my way .

I slept the whole day and the day after i went to continue buying stuff for my wedding even if mihrimah told me she will take care of everything i still wanted to get somethings at least .

i tried to stay focused on my main goal which was my wedding . that evening i had to go to the palace and check my room that they spent days preparing . by the time i got there i was so exhausted from everything

I got accompanied by an agha which i didn't know yet , i still have to know everyone here .

Sah sultan was waiting for me infront of the door and i bowed down to her .

"Good evening sultana" i gave her a smile before she returned it to me

" I would like to show you your room myself , it's very close to mine by the way" she ordered the aghas to open the door .

it was one of the prettiest rooms i've ever seen , so much better than mine , it was as big as the valide sultan's

"Sultana this room is so pretty" i said in awe as i looked around the room "It's big for me"

"I gave you a big one so it can fit your future children too" my cheeks started heating up and looked away with an awkward smile .

" I am sorry for yesterday , i didn't think turhan would get pregnant but don't let this disappoint you okay ?" she put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it .

i didn't know what to answer so i just nodded , we finished inspecting the room and we left but in our way my eyes fell on turhan who was happily walking around with some girls , she stopped and bowed down to Sah sultan but didn't to me

"You will learn how to bow down to her too , from now on" sah sultan stepped in and turhan kept looking at me with such devilish glare and i kept staring back at her .

" Forgive me valide sultan but she is not a sultana yet" turhan argued back and i glanced over at sah sultan who smirked at the girl .

"Don't forget where you came from turhan , she is a free woman unlike you . either ways you're going to respect her" Turhan got humbled real quick as i stepped infront of her and raised my eyebrow .

She bowed down to me slowly as i maintained eye contact with her . sah sultan quickly dismissed

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