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we were standing above her head , three pairs of eyes were pointed at her . and by her i mean the girl that tried to take my life yesterday , unfortunately for her she survived but either ways she was going to die unless i forgive her .

" Will you keep wasting our time" i finally spoke after minutes of silent stares with us , she was just blinking not being able to let out a word which angered me .

She asked for water with her hands and i gave her a cup of water to drink , she swallowed the drink and looked at us again .

" I'm sorry your majesty" her eyes locked with selim and he was just not having it , he didn't care about her apology .

" I did all of this once i got the orders" selim walked closer to her and mihrimah made sure to stay close to him .

"My question was simple who told you to do it"selim's  voice was not steady anymore , the girl grew scared as she inhaled air before speaking

« Esmehan » she finally spoke , i wasn't shocked a bit but mihrimah and selim had terrifying expressions in their faces .

« What are you saying ? do you have any idea of who you're accusing ? » selim threaded and he got closer to her , she flinched and looked away .

« I swear i only did what i was told to do" tears started falling from her eyes from fear , she knew she was going to get killed for that .

" Brother .. this is serious . how could esmehan do such thing ? where did she get the audacity from" mihrimah got angry and selim was still not saying a word he was staring at the girls soul

I didn't like his silence at all . we had to punish esmehan because she just tried to take my life , finally one of the snakes was going to fall off .

Selim exhaled and left the nursery without saying anything , he was stomping which indicated that he was furious . Me and mihrimah immediately chased after him

the whole palace fell silent after his presence was announced , everyone was staring at the scene infront of them .

Selim was pacing at this point and it was difficult to catch up on him . he finally arrived to sah sultans door and pushed the door open , the door started shaking from the force .

He went into the room and immediately walked towards sah and esmehan who immediately stood up after they saw him this angry .

" Hiranur leave" selim spoke without glancing at me , i was standing behind him . i wanted to see what was going to happen .

"Selim calm down first , i can't leav-" he turned around to look at me , his eyes were red and he looked more furious than he looked earlier .

" I said Leave right now , mihrimah you too" his eyes were piercing through me and i didn't have any choice but to leave the room .

me and mihrimah left without saying anything , we waited infront of the door to hear something .

" Hiranur don't worry , it's gonna be okay esmehan will sure get the punishment she deserved long ago" she grabbed my hand and rubbed it gently .

"I am not scared for her , she deserves it . i wonder if she did it with the help of her mother or not" mihrimah chuckled and looked at me like i said something funny .

"Esmehan never works without her mother , she will never do something alone" based on mihrimah i know she's one hundred sure about this .

We kept staring at the door and we started hearing selim's voice , he was very angry and i have never seen him like this .  the voices started getting louder and i just wanted to know what's going on

"I wanna go in" i put my hand on the door but mihrimah grabbed my forearm gently .

"Don't , you shouldn't ignore his order . he's angry now and you don't want to trigger him more" i stepped back and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration .

Suddenly after some time the door was yanked opened startling every one of us . Selim was the one who got out first , i tried to see who's inside but he grabbed my hand and walked away .

"Selim what's a happening" he was literally running and i just wanted to know what happened inside , he didn't utter a word until we got to my room who was the nearest .

We got inside and aynur got dismissed immediately , as soon as the door closed he let go of me .

" Selim you're scaring me what happened" he put his hand over his mouth and pinched the bridge of his nose .

" I've been surrounded with snakes my whole life , and i'm just finding out . do you know what that means" his voice was filled with anger and frustration.

" I'm sorry" was all i managed to say , he turned his back and looked at me again .

"They've been testing my with my mother and now my wife , i don't want you to get through what she lived ever" this time he was calm , he put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me in the eyes .

" I don't know how i'm going to talk to them after this, i don't wanna forgive them" i looked at him sadly and looked away .

I knew what being tested by your family feels like , they do the worst things to you and then excpect to get away with it and treat like your feelings are worth nothing .

" My mother always warned me from them , i knew they were bad but i tried to see the good in them . But not anymore , that was long ago" he walked closer until we were inches apart .

" I will protect you even if it means leaving my family behind" his hands found their way to my waist and i felt like my heart dropped .

" their punishment started , they're going to learn what it means to try to kill my wife" he leaned in and embraced me gently , i melted in his embrace .

we couldn't enjoy more of our hug when the door knocked , selim asked them to enter and there was sumbul who looked like he ran all day .

"Your majesty , turhan hatun is giving birth" selim's eyes locked with mine and i tried to give him a neutral look while his face lit up .

He then left the room huriedly while i stayed in the room , turhan was finally giving birth . it's not like i was afraid she's going to birth a prince .

but because i wasn't the one who gave him his first child . i hated myself for not coming here earlier

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