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Morning came can it felt surreal to open my eyes in the palace , Selim was still asleep so i stood up from the bed and put on a spare dress they put here yesterday for change .

My hair was a mess and i felt so exhausted after yesterday's long day , i stood up quietly and walked towards the door then opened it .

" I want breakfast to be set up in the balcony, don't be late" i ordered the aghas who guarded the door before i closed it behind them .

selim was still sleeping peacefully , he indeed looked so amazing , during night or day it didn't matter . he always looked stunning , i walked infront of the mirror and looked at my reflection .

" My dark circles of .." i walked closer towards the mirror and started touching under my eyes before i moved to my hair , i picked up a brush who was next to the mirror and brushed it gently .

" Maybe i should cut my hair" i whispered to myself as i grabbed a strand of my hair . I never cared about my hair or appearance what was happening to me .

"Don't cut it it looks pretty" i got startled by the voice coming from behind , i turned around to find selim eyes wide opened looking at me .

" Good morning your highness" I moved my hair to the side and sat on the edge of the bed .

"Good morning to you" his deep voice sent chills down my spine but i chose to ignore it and act normal .

" How come did you wake up early today , i heard you're a sleepy head" his hand reached to my cheek and brushed it gently as i was thinking of an answer .

" I mean i tried to , but from now on things are gonna be different . I have responsabilities now" i laughed as he followed me with one too .

"You should wake up , breakfast is gonna be served at any moment" i found this as an excuse to look away and hide my heating cheeks .

indeed after few minutes the servants were already finished with the table , selim wore his robe and we both headed to the table .

"The weather is so beautiful today" I immediately said after taking a seat on the table . i was too mesmerised with the blue sky

" Indeed , the capital has only seen rainy days lately . i'm glad we can finally enjoy sun" Selim agreed as he started eating .

i also started eating trying to think of a conversation to make but i had no ideas in my brain .

" Tonight i will have guests over" i was taken aback by this because i forgot that the wedding was supposed to last three days .

« Oh really ? who are you inviting » i said after swallowing some food .

« Actually it's just family , Sah sultan's daughter , her husband and rustem who was in a campaign » i nodded after him not having a clue about how they looked like .

While we were having a chat , a guard came towards us «  Your majesty , sultana . » he bowed down before continuing .

« Turhan hatun wants to see your highness » my blood started boiling when i heard her name . she wanted to ruin my wedding in any way

« Tell her to go back to the harem » selim continued eating without looking at the guard .

« Is she always so demanding » i said under my breath but he didn't hear me luckily .

after few seconds the guard came back running and bowed down again .

« Your majesty , turhan hatun has fainted » i put down my fork aggressively not falling for her childish trick.

I glanced over at selim who was obviously worried because she was carrying his son . he got up from his seat and walked towards the door as i followed him behind .

The guards opened the door and everyone was trying to wake her up until selim barged in between them and carried her to his bed .

i felt like i would snap at any moment , was i jealous over a man i barley knew ?

« Call in the doctor right now » he ordered the guard as he touched her cheeks slightly trying to wake her up .

this was all part of her show because i knew she was awake and i wanted to embarrass her for that .

i got close to her leg and carefully searched for skin

« It's normal in the few first weeks she will be better » i said trying to sound concerned about her , if she fainted for real i would be but it's not the case .

My nails digged in her skin until she let out a gasp gaining selim's attention . i let go of her and hid my hands

« Looks like you were awake » i said with a mocking tone but she started saying that her head was hurting

I couldn't read selim's expression , did he notice that she didn't faint and was only putting a show ? i couldn't get my answer yet .

the doctor suddenly came into the room and bowed down to both of us before approaching turhan who was fully awake.

« Doctor i want you to examine her and see if the baby's health is fine » Selim ordered the woman who dismissed us , we went to the balcony and faced the view on the garden .

« How did you know she was awake ? » selim asked as he put his hands on the railing .

« I don't know but it was obvious i think i'm good at catching liars » i accompanied it with a smile which he returned .

« I think i should let you in my divan then » he said while staring at the view .

« I used to sit next to my father actually , it's not like i understood something but i was always intrigued by paperwork » It's true , but i stopped since my father didn't want to

« That's impressive , i hate paper work . i prefer going to campaigns and attend divans » this conversation made me feel like i was not talking to a sultan , he was so casual and i loved it .

« I like that you're not stuck and actually carry on a conversation » he was faster than me and admitted it before me .

« I was going to say the same thing » i spoke back as i put my hand on his , i was actually making progress and this was still our first day married .

He looked at our hands and squeezed mine, but before we can say anything else the doctor called us in and i internally sighed in annoyance for ruining the moment .

« Your majesty , Turhan hatun is okay and i couldn't detect any reason for her fainting » there she was exposed .

Turhan was standing up and looking at the doctor with so much hatred .

« As for the baby , he's healthy and everything's okay » selim nodded after her and dismissed both of them without glancing at them again .

« I think i will also leave , you know it's gonna be another long day » i said looking at the door , he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him until we were few inches apart .

« See you tonight » he whispered in my ear and placed a kiss on my forehead as he held my cheeks , i felt my heartbeat go crazy at that moment .

« I will » i responsed to him as i took a step back and bowed down before leaving his room .

the update took a while because i had lost my draft but here we are hope you are loving the story as much as i do ❤️

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