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It's been already two days and i can't seem to find anything against turhan , i decided to give this a break until i find a way but in the meantime my father understood the danger and reinforced more guards to go with him .

I was busy with orhan and gevher that me and selim didn't talk or meet since the birth of the two angels . They go see him from time to time but i never go with them since i'd be busy

I was sitting with nurbahar helping her to change the twins clothes when my door opened only to reveal mihrimah .

« Sultana welcome come in » i bowed down to her and walked towards her , she nodded and walked towards gevher .

« How are you doing any better ? » she asked and dismissed nurbahar at the same time . « I'm so much better now thank you sultana and they are too » she gave me a fainted smile and sat on my bed .

I knew right away that she had to tell me something , and something important .

« Did something happen you don't look well » i asked while putting clothes on gevher first , mihrimah watch my every movement and cleared her throat .

« I have had enough of my aunt , really » never in my life have i heard mihrimah speak of her badly « I want you to form an alliance with me, we have to kick her out of this palace it's not hers to claim » i distracted myself and continued putting clothes on them , i couldn't answer her in that moment so i waited until they were both neat and clean to speak

« sultana you're the only one that believes me when i say that she tried to kill me and get rid of me , and if there's someone who wants her out of this palace is me . what are you thinking of ? » i said finally answering her question , i was intrigued to know what was she thinking about .

« I know about everything but trust me even my brother can't do anything about it he respects her so much just like i do but we have to stop this » i sat down next to her and made sure to maintain eye contact with her .

« I agree with you more than anyone but we have to be careful about this , we can't make anything wrong and it shouldn't seem like we're the ones who planned it » she shifted closer to me and looked around before speaking again .

« if you want to get rid of turhan then tell me so i can include her » my eyes widened , of course i wanted but she had a son and even if i send her away ibrahim will be alone and i don't want that .

« No , not now . her time will come » she nodded after me and started talking about her plan .

« I have her seal » my jaw dropped and my eyes widened after what she said , hearing the word seal was enough to make me believe that it was going to work .

" I cant have in for so long i have to get it back before she notices so if we want to do anything we'll have to do it today" my heart was racing at this point , not because i was scared but because i was excited to get rid of her .

"Since the divan is going through a crisis we have to use this on our favour , just give me the seal and you'll have to get it between selim's hands" she handed me the seal and closed the palm of my hand .

" I trust you with this and don't tell anyone okay ?" she finally stood up and i followed her ,i put the seal in my pocket and smiled at her

"You didn't see me and i didn't see you we know nothing about it" i answered and she nodded while patting my shoulder .

" When you finish this just come to me and i'll take care of the rest" with that she walked away and there i was with the seal , i looked at it deeply and started thinking of what i was going to do with it

i sure was going to write a letter by her name , the thing all sultans hated was treason and especially when it comes form your closest people .

I was meant to write something he'll never forgive her for , something that would make her leave the palace for once and never comeback .

I hid the seal abruptly when i heard my door open , no one had the right to barge in without my permission .

"Hiranur they found out .. the seal give it to me" mihrimah said running towards me but made sure she closed the door .

"How do you know you just gave it to me not so long ago, so they know it's with you ?" mihrimah shook her head and tried to take the seal from me .

"No , my only chance will go away from me if i give it back to you sultana" mihrimah looked around and sighed loudly .

"This is going to get us in trouble , i don't know why i thought it was a good idea" she slapped her forehead in frustration but i immediately reached for her hands .

"Sultana trust me i will finish this in matter of minutes if you want » i went to my desk and got the encre out and took a seat , mihrimah couldn't help but take a seat next to me .

i wrote down everything that could destroy her image , i made it look like she committed treason . right when i finished i read it out to mihrimah .

Her grin grew wider after each word i spoke , i made sure to make this letter sound convincing .

And lastly she put sah sultans seal on the letter , we waited for it to dry then closed it .

« Now everything's in your hand mihrimah » i put it on the palm of her hand and she stared at it for some time before nodding at me .

« This will be done , don't worry »with that she left my room and i finally let out a sigh , i was relieved. my eyes moved to the corner of my room to find the twins already moving from their sleep .

Finally they were going to grow up in a calm environment, i was hoping that this would work and sah sultan would leave my life for once .

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