Changes from the Past

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Yesterday Lucifer isn’t with them at Dinner…

And today he’s not with them at Breakfast and lunch…

Alastor don’t like to pry- who am I kidding- Alastor likes to pry on other people’s private life-

Something Just feels off… Lucifer hadn’t Fall for any of his taunt which makes Alastor felt super bored, and maybe a bit curious as why the King had been so mild lately…

“Ah This is where you’ve been your Majesty!”

Alastor Chirps as he Appear behind Lucifer who’s leaning to the Balcony, Lucifer Jumped and almost fall if it wasn’t thanks to the Railing-

“DON’T SNEAK UP ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT YOU WEIRD RADIO DEMON!” Lucifer raise his voice as he tried to step on Alastor’s Shoe but the demon move quicker to dodge it.

Alastor expected another impact but no… Lucifer just gave up, the King of Hell Pouts before looking away back to the Balcony… Alastor tilted his head tot the side now even more intrigued “Something on your mind your Majesty?” He asked as he step closer now standing next to Lucifer who’s already going back on Leaning tot the Railing of the Balcony.

Lucifer didn’t Respond, He didn’t glance at the demon, he just stare into the distance…

Alastor stays quiet waiting for the king to answer, And it end up with the two Of them Staying there in silence for 30 minutes before finally Lycifer spoke up

“I miss Lilith”

He admitted as he bury half of his face to his arm like a child “another Marriage Anniversary without her, Not sure if we’re even still married anymore” He sigh, Alastor never understood why people even want to get married… being stuck with each other like that-

But he Just gave Lucifer a nod pretending to understand…

“Char-Char believe we’re split… I don’t really know if that’s even true…” Lucifer sigh “One day she just… left, Without saying anything… she just left and took Charlie with her and… and I never Understood why” He Muttered.

“Michael and Raphael didn’t know about it yet and I’m not sure how I should tell them about it…” He added again… Alastor glance at him with a tilted head, his grin still visible as usual.

“hasn’t it been 7 years?” the Deer demon asked and he Receive a Nod from Lucifer.

Alastor pause for a moment, thinking of his next word…

Apparently it seems like the king of hell had been in a down mood lately, Mostly involving his Wife… ex wife? Leaving him and now This year it’s some kind of wedding anniversary? Alastor can’t keep up with all these love talk-

“Maybe you should celebrate your Anniversary with Someone else?” he asked, Lucifer turn to look at him giving him a Confused and shock look at the same time.

“I- that’s” “perhaps I could replace her? Or maybe Charlie? Or Husk? Or Niffty? We could call Kas-” Alastor Stop when he heard a Joyous Laugh coming from the King of hell…

Lucifer mood shifted drastically as he start laughing and trying to control his laugher…

The king wave his hand dismissively “That- that’s not; that’s not how a… BWAHAHAAH” he can’t even explain the situation, Alastor just stare at him confused before his grin became genuine… the King of Hell had finally had his mood shifted to the better.


The moment Lucifer laid eyes on her to him she was… beautiful…

He was Mesmerized… and since then he liked to sneak into the Garden of Eden to met this ‘Human’

“where are you going Luci?” Michael asked when he notice his younger twin brother was on his way to the door, Lucifer flinch and gave His twin a nervous smile “oh you know…just going outside” he tried to made excuses.

But they both know Michael is not that dumb, the oldest raise his brow curiously “Just going Outside? Oh then Why don’t I join you?” He immediately asked, Lucifer immediately Declined as he shake his head and wave his hand frantically “NO! no! No you don’t need to!” the angel raise his voice a little.

Michael gave him a curious and amused look “Come on now Luci when do you even able to lie to me hm?” He asked as he lean back to the wall, He cross his arm in front of his chest while his wings lays comfortably behind him.

“What are you about to do Lucifer? Its not that I’m going to be mad at you” Michael chuckle, Lucifer knew that out of everyone in Heaven Michael would be the Only one he would trust with all his Heart… Michael was His older brother, his twin brother…

Lucifer fidget with his fingers a bit, showing signs of nervousness and it worried Michael… he push himself away from the wall and made his way toward The shorter angel.

Michael gently Hold Lucifer’s fidgeting hands “Luci?” He asked softly “You know you could always trust me right?” He added and Lucifer look up at him with determined eyes as he nodded slowly.

“You’re not going to be mad are you?” Lucifer asked, Michael think for a moment before he shake his head and lean down a bit.

“I just wanted to Visit the Garden of Eden” Lucifer admitted, Michael blink a few times confused by his Brother’s word “why? Do you find the scenery there enjoyable or is it something else?” Michael cant help but asked.

Lucifer think for an answer but befofe he could answer Michael wave his hand dismissively as he let out a soft laugh “Alright, Alright… clearly you want to kept it to yourself I suppose I’ll let you off the Hook” He Spoke.

“Huh? Really?” Lucifer asked disbelief, Michael nodded “But Remember to tell me whenever you’re ready Ok Luci?”

Lucifer immediately nodded before waving off and ran out of the door Yelling ‘See you soon Michael’ it made Michael Smile…

Before he turn to look at the clock and realize it’s 1 am-


He Shouted as he raced out of the door.

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