God's Little Scheme because they're bored

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Extermination has been Pin post… that’s what God told the Archangels… That’s the best Azrael could Convince Lute… They had tried to calm heaven down from the whole Drama and Sudden Outburst…

Lying… lying and lying again…

To protect the Exorcist… Sera’s Image And God…

“A Peace Treaty, Between hell and Heaven…” Michael whispered as he stare at the paper in front of him, He know full well this paper means nothing When the Extermination Start Going back up again in secrecy.

“Father, Are you… really Agreeing to this? I mean… we could just forever Stopped the Extermination” Michael Spoke softly, God sigh “And What would be of help if we do that My Creation?” “We know now that soul can be redeemed father” Michael responded.

“And How long would that take Michael? We only have one sinner Redeemed, There’s millions and Even billions of sinner down there… If they keep piling up, They might destroy the other rings” God Gesture, they have A point and Michael shut up about it.

A Peace… Something he had wanted for so long, He stare at the Paper again reading everything again and again, God had write everything so perfectly and tempting…

[Protection of the other rings from the pride ring Increased with Heaven’s help]… Sinners Number Raises and so is the number of danger that might come to the other Ring…

God wasn’t just thinking of the Sinners but They were thinking about The others hellborn Safety too… Meaning No matter what The execution was the fastest way… possible… to remake a soul…

[Prince Michael Hand in Marriage]

“Father, Does it need to be a marriage?” He asked, God shake their head “No, If both side agree to just have A Platonic Business relationship then It’s all good, but knowing demons down there… you know how it is Michael” God Sigh

Michael tried to keep his smile up “Yes father” Knowing Demons they’ll be more interested in Agreeing to it if they have a treasure to keep…

And To everyone… Michael was The most Valuable treasure out there…

“Um… Father, Who would… this Document goes to?” He asked “Well the Sins and Archdemons Of course” God Told.

“all of them?” “Yes, But that Rules of Marriage only works on the one I had given you The List of…” God Point

“Just remember Michael, There’s no wrong in saying No” God reminded, there’s no wrong but saying no would cause more Difficulty on getting A peace treaty…

“before I sign this father may I ask one last thing?”

“ask away”

“why did… why did Gabriel remove himself from the list?” Michael asked, He heard god laugh nervously as they look away clearly hiding something.

Michael frown “Gabriel had chosen not ti be involved, I have tried to persuade him… but I failed” God Admitted.

“I see…” Michael Gaze fall back to the golden paper in front of him… he summoned a pen and he Scribbled his Signature on it before He gesture to god, They Move their hand to create a symbol and the paper disappear.

“I appreciate your cooperation Michael…”

“Thank you for considering my Consent Father, I shall take my leave” Michael bow and God nod.

God watch him leave, a Smirk appear on their Face

‘well this is going to be Interesting, I wonder how many Entertainment  I could cause With this’


When Lucifer Receive the Golden Paper his smile dropped, A Peace treaty… But with a cause

God is Giving Michael away like that?! No that’s not possible, Michael was Supposed to lead Heaven if he did end up marrying someone from hell then…

Hell would have a Way to get to heaven… who ever he’s going to marry WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE!

WHY WAS GOD THINKING THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?!? Lucifer Knows his people better than anyone… especially those Archdemons and their Followers, They would clearly take advantage to take over Heaven and Everything will be fucked up.


Michael will be Blamed…

It seems like Lucifer was not the only one thinking of that… the other sins Stare at the golden paper they were given…

Asmodeus looks terrified and so did Belphegor…

They knew this was a bad idea to put Michael as a price…

If God see them all as a toy then Michael is like That super Extra rare limited edition Toy that Everyone wanted to have so bad.

And God… Just gave Michael out… For a peace treaty that probably wont last long…

“wait why is My name on the list Of Getting a chance with Michael?” Mammon asked confused as he point at his name on the Golden Paper.

“arent… wait Luci you told God That you and I are siblings right?”

Oh shit… Lucifer slowly shake his head “Dude… you just fucked me Over” Mammon Snarl but he didn’t launch at Lucifer, Lucifer was still in shock.

They all are…

“SHIT THERE’S BAAL!” Beelzebub Shouted “AZAZEL?! WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOD THINKING??? BELIAL??? THAT MANIPULATIVE PRICK PIECE OF SHIT!” She shouted trying to rip the paper apart but fail.

Belial would not hesitate to take advantage at such a thing, Azazel Would do things for fun… But he would definitely Consider the political Advantage and not just Wanting to fuck heaven over…


“This is not right, Love shouldn’t be forced, And knowing those Archdemons they wont hesitate to force to get what they want” Asmodeus shake his head in Disgust there’s a reason why he haven’t talk to any of those Archdemons… those Also Ex angels.

Because they’re already twisted… he always dislike them ever since their fall… “Why is Michael agreeing to this?!” Beelzebub cried.

Lucifer look at the list of the Angel… Gabriel’s name was no longer there… what had happened? No… was The… oh no…

It dawn on him… Gabriel Was there when they all misunderstood Michael and Alastor situation… Gabriel had Remove himself not wanting to be a part of something that he think he have no chance in…

“Dear hell no wonder you’re so mad at me” Lucifer look up as he saw Satan Staring at the Paper while sipping his drink

“Im on the list”

“THEN PARTICIPATE!!!” Beelzebub shouted and they all jumped back at how Loud her Voice had become, she always raise her voice but not in such a way… The Building felt like it’s been hit by an Earthquake…

“Mammon can’t do it because… well HE CLEARLY CANT! If big daddy up there Trying to fuck all of Heaven and Hell at least We need to try and stop those archdemons got what they want!” She Said Desperately.

Her ears both fall back and she was In the brick of crying… Lucifer stare at her… she have a point… They could at least Keep the peace treaty with the Archdemons but Make sure Satan Wins Michael Over instead of those demons…

“woman I have a fucking boyfriend” Satan snapped and they all turn to look at him disbelief “and We’ve been in a relationship longer than any of you ever been in one! Except you Luci” Satan Gesture to Lucifer.

“YOU DO???” Mammon shouted “SINCE WHEN?! WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US?!” “oh yea sure tell you! You’re the guy that Caused drama in Beel and Asmo Relationship!” Satan snapped at him.

“He’s not wrong I would Not tell you guys if I’m in a relationship too because fuck you mammon” Belphegor flip Mammon off.

“w-well tell you’re Boyfriend this is urgent” Leviathan finally spoke up at the same time Mammon said “BREAK UP WITH HIM”

And then Asmodeus punch mammon on the face, And soon the two end up in a brawl which distract Beelzebub who start cheering for Asmodeus to win-

Leviathan sigh as he slumped back to his couch and Belphegor eyes still glued to the paper on her hand…

“i… I think I could say something to him and he’ll understand…” Satan look back down at the paper hesitantly…

Lucifer let out a whine as he look back at the papers on his hand…

What the fuck does god think they’re doing???


The peace treaty message has been send… there’s no going back now…

Gabriel stare at himself in the mirror… he took a deep breath before letting out a sigh, He just hope who ever end up with Michael wont Take advantage… God had put a big risk on Michael… on all of heaven…

He takes Michael Suggestion and had change his Uniform, Well at least for once it’s not a button up shirt-

It felt weird wearing something different than his Usual style but He could manage...

“Looks Good”

He flinch before turning around to look at the open door, Michael was leaning there “Michael! Why are you here?!” he asked “Well… for once a certain Someone didn’t answer my call, Come on Gabe I thought we promise not to ne a stranger to each other” Michael frowned as he step closer.

“We aren’t! I’m sorry I was…” he pause trying to make up a believable excuse “I was too mesmerize by my own reflection I didn’t hear my phone ring, Sorry~” he joked.

That was horrible… but from Michael expression he seems to buy it, Michael smirk and rolled his eyes “Ok Mister Narcissist” he Sarcastically called.

“you know I am~” Gabriel Wink at him, It must be his imagination when He saw a bit of Pink on Michael’s cheek as Michael gaze away for a moment before looking back at him.

“ok so The reason why I call you was because I’m going to be very busy… its not like I’m not busy all the time but I’ll be extra- Extra Busy!” Michael gesture and Gabriel Listen while Nodding his head.

“I’m going to NEED YOU to help me out A bit more, Not like you didn’t always help me but I need to borrow like… 89% of your time for this whole month” “You could always uses my Time Baby I’m always free for you” Gabriel Flirted calmly.

He definitely Missed the fact Michael actually flinch at his Name and gaze away, Michael Been looking away from him every time he said something.

Usually Michael didn’t do that, What happened? Maybe Michael starting to feel uncomfortable with it… and he said it was fine…

“I’ll be meeting a few Old friend of Us” “for the Marriage thing? Let me guess you want me to be your loyal second in command and watch your back because you don’t want to talk to U R I E L” Gabriel grinned when Michael pout.

Oh he got it right, It was usually Uriel job in the past but ever since Michael and Uriel fall apart Michael had refuse to Ask Anything of Uriel unless it’s really urgent.

“sure Michael I’ll be there for you, I’m god’s eyes… I’ll be yours too” he poke Michael’s Forehead playfully “Cool! Cool! Cool! Thanks Gabe It means a lot that you agree! I mean Kasory isn’t around So I… I don’t know who to turn to if you turn me down” Michael Nervously laugh.

“there’s always Azrael” “You know He would cause things worse” “And I wont?! Michael~ I’m so Happy you trust your second in command who still haven’t write that Report you ask four weeks ago~” Gabriel dramatically make himself look like he’s been touched by Michael’s word.

Michael’s eye twitch “we need to talk about that Later” He point “Of course Your highness” Gabriel bow Playfully, When he didn’t notice Michael was Blushing at his playful gesture.

Michael look away trying to calm his Heart(?) Down before looking back at Gabriel who’s already standing back in Full height and smiling at him.

How did he never realized before? That Gabriel Smile shine brighter than the Stars at night…

“Hellloooo~ Michael? Oh dear did I accidentally Make you Mesmerized by me?” Gabriel joked and that brings Michael back to reality “Shut up Gabriel” he Glared.

Gabriel responded with a snickers before ruffling his hair “So… mind telling me what I need to do?” Gabriel asked with a smile.

While Michael explained Gabriel Nod and Keep note, He was holding his phone in one hand to type down the things he might forget… which literally 90% of what Michael said-

Not his fault he can easily forgot about Something non Technology related-


“dad said he wont be able to visit anytime soon, Business stuff” Charlie frown as she sat up on her bed, Vaggie Hugged her from behind “I’m sure He’ll be able to visit again when he’s done, After all he’s already coming here More than we Expected” Vaggie laughed.

Charlie Laugh alongside her “Maybe I should Offer for him To Stay in the hotel instead what do you think of it? After all… I bet he’s lonely back home” Charlie Smile sadly as she stare at her phone.

Her and Lucifer Relationship had been fixed… and She doesn’t want to be reminded that Whenever he go home he’s alone.

As far as she know Lucifer never liked being alone… maybe She should offer him to stay In the Hotel with them, He already help him after all…

Aside from him Cherri had been Visiting more often although she had kept rejecting the Whole Redemption thing She still come To the hotel to hang around Angel or Just to Sit around… missing Sir Pentious she guessed.

She missed him too…

“Of course Babe, Anything that makes you feel at ease” Vaggie whispered before letting go and slide off the bed.

Charlie Smile at her “I’ll ask him once he’s done with his business… Wont want to distract him”


“You don’t need to keep praying you know, I could regain my energy just fine now” Kasory told, Alastor only let out a hum before ruffling her hair, Now she’s half his Height.

The Little fox method works well and Fast, Seems like angels energy are from the believe of the People…

“I would always pray to you if it means it’ll help you My dear…” Alastor Hum, Kasory look up at him amuse “I’m no God, No need to treat me like one” He huffed

“Oh Dearie No! I am Not treating you like God, I do not believe in God… I’m treating you like what a Friend should, Is that not right? I’m only Hoping to help your recover” Alastor put a hand to his chest.

Kasory ears raise and lowered as he smile “Thanks Al...” “Would you mind me asking something that might be a bit Sensitive?” Alastor asked “Ask away”

“If Praying To an angel helps a lot why isn’t there any Angels that Prayed for you my dear? Do they not… see you as one of them?” Alastor asked.

“They think I’m dead Al, That’s why they didn’t try… And Michael can’t… Michael… Let’s just say He’s Complicated, There’s things he can’t cross even if he wants to” Kasory Whispered trying to Push away the doubt to heaven.

Why were there no one praying to him? Even if angels thinks he’s dead sure someone would’ve tried… right?

Alastor seems to notice the conflicted look on Kasory…

Ah So it is a very sensitive subjects…

Angel in black, Angel in Red covered in Blood The Archangel of Chaos, Thank you for your Protection… Thank you for Gracing us with your Presence, as in return I welcome you to our Realm with open arm” Alastor Spoke, Kasory felt a Burst of Energy hit her.

A prayer without Speaking a single word About God and yet still work, Alastor is Impressive… it actually sounds more like a summoning ritual…

She’s not surprised, Alastor Would Turn it to a Summoning ritual the next thing she know this man will start sacrificing someone’s Limb to her or something.

Hopefully he didn’t go that far, But knowing him he’ll find that funny and do it anyway-

“Thank you Al” She Muttered, He grin proudly.



“oh hello Jophiel! Do you need anything?” Zadkiel look up from his Phone as Jophiel decide to sit next to him on the edge of The first floor of heaven.

“nothing, Just felt like You need company, Raguel been telling me you’ve been Observing humans more than usual did something or someone catch your eyes?” Jophiel teased, Zadkiel laughed at the Words

“I don’t understand what you mean but… I just… lately Humans has been quite Interesting, and Confusing…” Zadkiel put away his phone as he look down at earth.

“our current Situation… Heaven and hell it just the same like the Human down on earth huh? We’re all so destructive towards our self and each other without knowing” Zadkiel whispered as his gaze sadden.

Jophiel put a hand to his shoulder and pull him closer to a side hug, Zadkiel lays his Head on Jophiel’s shoulder “This world… no matter the realm… could never stop Being so destructive it hurts…” Zadkiel whispered “I know Zadky… sadly that’s just how Creatures are...” Jophiel whispered trying to comfort him “Why don’t you take some rest now? You’re worrying Raguel you know” she added.

Without realizing it Zadkiel Slowly drifted into sleep… for once in this past week he finally go to sleep, Jophiel smile gently Caressing his hair.

“oh? What’s going on here?” A Familiar Voice giggled “Come join Us Haniel” Jophiel gesture and she sat next to her and Lay her head on His other Shoulder before letting out a cheerful hum.

She glance at Zadkiel “You manage to get him to take a nap” She smile “He needs one…” Jophiel whispered, She can’t agree more..

Zadkiel had been very conflicted… especially after Raphael outburst a few months ago… it seems like his words had hit Zadkiel so bad that it makes Zadkiel's Mind conflicted…

“we should Invite him to one of our Tea Party If he’s not so busy” Haniel Giggled “Yea We could ask him when he woke up” Jophiel ruffled her hair.

And the two fall into silence…

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 Kasory feminine Design

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