a Deal of Mercy

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[we're close to the end of the main Plot, but the story isn't ending yet :D
When the plot of the Story end i might just add a few oneshot/outside plot story]

The next Day Kasory Just Observe as the Cannibals and the Hotel staff train to Take down an angel…

Kasory Wings flutter when a familiar hand touches it and gently stroke the feathers “how are you Feeling?” Alastor asked “Better, Sorry for worrying you, And your cooking is as Delicious as ever” Kasory Chirps.

“That’s excellent news my dear, May I ask why did Your Dear God Punish you for this time?” Alastor asked as his hand leave Kasory’s wing to Ruffled his hair.

Kasory smile “I broke a rule” he said Simply “And what rule is that?” “I… may or may not had tried to transform to my Full form” Kasory Chuckle, like it’s not such a serious topic but clearly from how damaged he got yesterday it was a heavy and Dangerous thing to do.

“Eh I was about to break another rule anyway” Kasory wave his hand in the air playfully “Hey Al…” “Yes dear?”

“if… I lost my Halo… would you be there for me?”

“now that’s an interesting Question, What would you do to cause such a punishment I wonder” Alastor Hum, in the back of his mind he felt like he know what will happen… he felt like he could tell what Kasory was up to…

“you have earn more than my respect my dear so don’t worry, I’ll be Here for you” Alastor Told earning another smile from Kasory.

“Maybe when You Lost that Halo we should make a deal?” Alastor Joked “Maybe…” Kasory laughed



Lilith had left again, Lilith only return when Lucifer informed her about the arrival of Michael and Gabriel but after that she left again…

He doesn’t know where she went… he doesn’t really pay attention anyway, she always so secretive.

He Let out an annoyed Groan when his phone buzz…

He stare at it… ‘Asmodeus’? Ugh what is it this time?!

He answered the call

Only to be met with Asmodeus Wheezing and Laughing

“what?” Lucifer Asked


And He was back on laughter… What is going on?

“hold on Asmodeus I’m getting another call” he turn off the call just right in time Beelzebub Called, He answer


→Lucifer! I did Not Know your brother was In hell! Why didn’t you tell me?! Oh My God When my Bestie informed me about An angel modelling for Velvette’s Company I was Shocked!]


→I know that eyes from ANYWHERE! I didn’t know he was so natural! Have you seen his New pic in Velvette’s Voxtagram?!]

“….wait what uh… Hold on I’m getting another call”

This time it was Satan

→BY FATHER’S ASSHOLE YOUR BROTHER IS CHALLENGING THE DEVIL! Look at those Body! HOO BOI! He’s making those sinners thirty!]

“What?????? Satan, What is going on?”

→My man, My main guy! Belphegor just told me about your brother being in Hell and He’s Thriving!]

And then Lucifer ends the call… just to be called by Mammon…

“Yes mammon? No I don’t want to give you my credit card”

→how much is it to hire your brother?]

“W H A T????”

→just asking! -]

“NO!” Lucifer end the call

What is GOING ON????

Another call from someone

“WHAT?” Lucifer shouted

→Check Velvette’s Voxtagram, No actually just check The V’s Social media… Trust me… I think you need to see it]

Belphegor Sounded tired, she’s always sounds tired…

“Ok” and with that Belphegor end the call.

Lucifer rolled his eyes why are all these sins suddenly calling him?!

He was about to put his phone down before suddenly a message came to his phone…

It was from Asmodeus

A link attached to it…

Lucifer huffed and ignore it… it’s not important and it’s Asmodeus it’s probably just a Promotion about some sextoys or something…

<[Luci check it Please]

A text from Asmodeus… and then a text from Beelzebub

<[check the news! Check the News!]

What is going on???

Ugh what ever these idiots are up to… as usual je doesn’t want to be part of it! NOPE! HE’S NOT GOING TO LISTEN TO THEIR DUMB FUCK EXCUSE FOR ATTENTION!!!

He put his phone on Silent mode until those assholes would SHUT UP and leave him alone! Can’t they see he’s busy?! (Making a new duck-)

“are you sure my brother wont find out?” Raphael asked nervously, The more popularity he get the more worried he gets…

“don’t worry… Lord Lucifer is as clueless as a brick! If he realize it wont be anytime soon that’s for sure!” Velvette Laughed…

Her laugh died down “I’m Guessing one of the boys gave you a-” “I smack them before they went too far” Raphael Blankly Cuts in, Velvette snickers “Oh no~ who did you hit?” “Drunk Valentino”

“how far did he go this time?” Velvette asked looking at the Angel up and down Raphael face went flustered before he pull down his turtle neck revealing a Hickey… Velvette laugh before she Stand up

“VALENTINO!!! YOU KNOW FULL WELL NOT TO LEAVE MARK ON MY MODELS!!!” She roared as she stomp to the Elevator, Raphael Guessing to Go to Valentino’s room.

“Morning Baby~” “Morning Vox” Raphael let out an annoyed Groan when Vox lean down and about to kiss his neck before something hit the Overlord



“NO BITCH BECAUSE I KNOW YOU AND VAL BITE!” Velvette shouted throwing another box “BACK OFF! BACK! NO GOING ANYWHERE CLOSER TO HIM UNTIL MODELING IS DONE!” “OK! STOP! VELVETTE!” Vox Shouted when the woman wont stop throwing him boxes of cereals.

And with that she manage to shoo Vox Away back to his ACTUAL work… “Why must you agree to being with these two?! They’re ruining my perfect Model!” Velvette whined as she punch Raphael’s shoulder out of Frustration.

“they just… seems like they really wanted to… uh… shower me with affection so I can’t really say no… they seems genuine” Raphael rub the back of his neck.

Velvette raise a brow “Genuine is Something I wont describe BOTH of them, Vox is an egoistic and Controlling Bastard and Valentino is a guy that Like to keep pretty things… but I didn’t mean To say they’re bad people even if they are they’re my Best friends” Velvette observe her nails

“But if Genuine is the Word you want to use… then maybe they are…  just don’t get attached”

“don’t worry Ms. Velvette… I know not to get attached, in the end I need to go back to heaven anyway” Raphael whispered those last words.

Velvette gaze sadden, Awe she’s going to lose her new favorite doll pretty soon :(

Little did they know Vox was Listening to the Whole conversations… and his chest felt clench… Raphael was going to return to Heaven in the end…

[How does angel become a falling angel?]>

<[Break an unredeemable rule]

[What are the rules?]>

<[depending on the angels]

Gabriel is not making it easy

<[If you’re trying to Turn Raphael to a falling angel good luck, God wont let him go that easily]

Damn it!

<[Raphael’s will is stronger than his Desires, he’s cunning he’ll know what you’re trying to do before you even make a move, he’s there for a reason and after he’s done]

[Want him to stay]>

<[Oh boy, Did something happen?~]

The Chaos Of Heaven Came to hellWhere stories live. Discover now