A Breaking Bond and an Unbreakable one

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The whole 3 days with Satan was Fun for Michael, he really enjoy spending time With Satan although sometimes Satan Rage could go out of control but thankfully it was never aimed to him… sadly Whatever Michael tried He can’t calm Satan down…

Although Satan manage to calm down in the spend of a few minutes or hours… and back to his usual self.

The Past three days was fun and Exciting for him… and it was Torture For Gabriel-

Although Gabriel Doesn’t show it… even if he already promise himself he’ll stop chasing… it still hurt seeing it all, How Bright Michael looks when He’s around Satan…

He was supposed to be a second in Command… and for this last 3 days he had done his job better than he usually do... Maybe it’s because he’s not in the mood to mess around…

Maybe it because His whole body and mind were stunned to follow Command just to hide the pain.

Emotions was always something he doesn’t understand… even if he act like he does, No Gabriel always felt conflicted… after all originally he was made just to be God’s eyes, To be God’s Messenger… a robotic being… not someone who naturally Learn what emotions are…

Soon the two return back to Heaven… somehow Gabriel felt so relieved they return to heaven, He enjoy Sara company he wont lie she’s always so enthusiastic and So Friendly even for someone who became Satan’s Personal Guard…

He doesn’t hate Satan! Really no! He doesn’t at all

He just can’t handle seeing Michael with That Ex-Angel…


Gabriel glance down at Michael who was walking a few feet in front of him “Come Walk Closer! We’re back in Heaven after all… you don’t need to walk Behind me” Michael gesture for him to come closer.

Gabriel forced a smile before walking closer “You’ve been quiet…” Michael whispered as he stare up at Gabriel, Gabriel body was stunned for s moment…

Have He?

“I expected you to cause some kind of mischief this last few 3 days… but You didn’t … what are you? Going back to those robotic Attitude of yours?” Michael joked, Gabriel shrugged with a forced smile.

Michael had been more relaxed lately… and he knows why… and It makes Gabriel just want to shut up, Just want to leave… to stay away before he get hurt even more… but he yearn to stay close.

He wanted to protect Michael… it’s his job after all… “there it is again” Michael Whispered and Gabriel thought came back to reality, He look back at Michael who had stopped walking.

Gabriel stop his step, Michael smile turn to a small frown…



“Pardon Sir?”

“GOD DAMN IT GABRIEL! CALL ME MICHAEL!” Michael Shouted and Gabriel immediately flinch, Michael wings flare up in anger as his relaxed expression immediately twisted to rage.

He did that… Gabriel always made Michael mad… and Gabriel knew it… he can’t make Michael look so Happy or so enthusiastic like Satan Can… he can’t make Michael looks so relaxed that he Have no worries to his surrounding…

He always Made Michael mad, Always made Michael tense and Became Violence at times…

He can never do what Satan manage to do…

Because Michael doesn’t see him like that…


Gabriel thought return back to reality.

“ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!” Michael roared, Thankfully they’re in the God’s Castle (the Castle where Michael’s stay and where sometimes God Goes down to take a break from his throne) if they were in the street of Heaven everyone would scattered-


“What… do you want me to say?” Gabriel Finally spoke up and silence hit the room, Michael looks hurt.


Gabriel always Made Michael made those expression… it hurts him when he compared himself with Someone who can really made Michael happy…

It hurts so much he want to die…

Michael’s wings lowered back to their original position “I don’t know, You usually Chat around… I don’t like it that you just act so quiet and distance when there’s no outside Guest…” Michael muttered.

“it remind me of… I don’t like it, Please just talk about something Gabriel… don’t be so distance” he added as he glance to the ground.

Gabriel lips turn to a thin line “Goodnight Michael, I’ll see you when We cross path again” He spoke with a  forced smile as he wave at Michael playfully, Michael open his mouth to say something but before he could Gabriel already teleported away.

Leaving the prince alone in the Hallway to his room…

Michael hand touch his chest before it clench and he punch the wall next to him, it caused damage and cracked

“Stupid Archangel of Messenger” He muttered before stomping to his room.

When he’s inside his room he slammed the door, Hard enough for the surrounding crack a bit… he doesn’t really care he could call Raphael to fix that and the Punch he did earlier.

“being distance… asshole” He glared at nothing.

Gabriel promised that they wont go distance he promise that He’ll treat Michael the same just minus the whole Flirting! But this is FAR from It…

He act so distance! It frustrated The Crown prince.

And it hurts…

Michael hates how hurtful Gabriel’s attitude Has become, Michael had been waiting to return to heaven for the last 3 days just because he Wanted Gabriel to Go back to the Usual Playful Gabriel but even returning to Heaven.

Gabriel was still so distance…

Michael took off all of his Uniform just to put on a casual clothing and threw himself to the bed face to the mattress.

He felt so mad right now, He want to throw his anger at something or someone… he grip on his mattress and in the count of second… his bed was throw to the other side of the room… a king size bed…

Thrown to the other side of the room

“DAMN IT!!!!” He Roared as he ruffled his hair.

He’s so frustrated right now…

It took him 3 hours or wrecking his whole room to finally calm down his rage and finally called Raphael at the middle of the night…

It took Raphael 20 minutes to arrive, but Michael wont Be mad after all he know how Troublesome it is being called in the middle of the night

“What brings this up?”

Raphael asked tiredly when suddenly in the middle of the night he was called by Michael to ‘Fix’ His room and… the whole room was a wreck-

He had reverse the damage outside Michael room and now He stab his Spear to the ground and hold it still as it reverse all the damage of the Chaos Michael manage to do…

Michael was leaning to the wall with hand cross and glaring at nothing, Avoiding to even look at his Little brother.

“Michael? What cause this? Did something Happen with Satan?” Raphael  asked tiredly again, Michael didn’t answer the first question but he shake his head at the second, Raphael sigh.

And they sag He have anger Issues-

After everything went to normal Raphael made his spear Disappear.

Michael slowly made his way to the bed and sat down while glaring at the ground, He looks tired… Raphael sigh again.

“Well then if we’re done here I’ll be returning back now, Good Night Michael “ Raphael slowly made his way to the door “Good night Raphael, Thank you and… be careful” Michael responded, Raphael gave him a nod before leaving the room.

After a few minutes Raphael arrive to his Pent House…

Raphael went to his room with a sigh, Tired…

“so where have you been?” a Voice asked, Raphael raise his head… his sight was still so dark and blurry “Vox?” he called “Of course who else would it be?” Vox laughed.

Raphael slowly followed the source of the Voice, Reaching one hand out and he felt a Familiar hand grab his hand gently…

He smile a bit before suddenly he was pulled forward, he yelped… hoping to fall to the ground nut instead he felt the soft and Comfy Feeling of his mattress… his eyes went wide before he felt hand wrapped around him.

“You look like shit what happened?” Vox asked, Voice so close… was he Hugging him? Cuddling? Raphael have difficulty on understanding the situation because he can’t really see it…

But he Slowly raise his hands and wrapped it around the man in front of him “Michael Need help, He just returned from hell a few hours ago and whatever he did to his room it’s a wreck… even if I can’t see it clearly I know it's a mess” He answered and he bury his Face to Vox’s shoulder.

Raphael’s body shifted a bit to a Shorter form, It made him felt more comfortable when Hugging Vox… he always find comfort in burying his face to Vox’s Shoulder without having a Back pain or a Neck pain while doing it.

Raphael had stopped asking Why Vox was even here, The OverLord likes to suddenly came into His House through his Phone… maybe getting away from the loud noise of Hell? Raphael wasn’t really sure.

But at least Vox is here now, He can get at least a bit of Comfort from the tiring day

Vox Chuckle as he gently ran his hand through Raphael’s hair, It seems to be comforting for the Archangel as slowly he drifted into sleep.


Haniel Smile Wider when she saw a familiar figure walking pass the portal…

“Belphegor! Thank you so much for agreeing!” She clap her hands together with a genuine loving look on her face, the sloth Ring Ruler Gave her a tired smile.

Raphael step forward “Don’t try anything funny Bel” He Warned “I know, I know Raphael… I myself is curious… this is the first time an Archangel ever get pregnant after all…” she lazily step toward the medical bed where Haniel was sitting on.

“It is a surprise isn’t it?” Raphael chuckle as Belphegor answered that question with a nod.

“certainly Something none of Us expected, After all Archangels are different from other angels the moment they became an Archangel” Belphegor sat down in front of the Haniel before putting one hand to her stomach.

She stare at it for a moment “Truly a miracle that I cannot explain at all” the sin of Sloth whispered “Neither can I” Raphael chuckle before leaning to the wall.

The check up lasted only 5 to 10 minutes the rest of it was filled with Interesting conversation, Haniel catching up with Belphegor… they aren’t really close before Belphegor fall, Actually they were simply just an acquaintance… Haniel knew Belphegor as Raphael’s Protégée while Belphegor know Haniel as the Archangel of Joy…

Although they do talk whenever they met mostly because Haniel was overly friendly with anyone…

After Haniel Left Belphegor stays in the room with Raphael.

“So… your wings” Belphegor spoke filling the silence between them, Raphael glance at the Source of her voice “Can I… see them?” she asked, Raphael pause for a moment before he summoned his wings.

He can’t see it but he know Belphegor eyes were wide staring at his wings like all the tiredness disappear from her instantly… “Can I… touch it?” She asked her tone was surprised and disbelief.

“yea, Go ahead” Raphael spoke softly, he felt Belphegor coming closer…

Belphegor stare at the now dark colored red wings… what used to be so soft shade of red… became something so dark… it didn’t reach to her touch at all like it’s completely just an accessory instead of a wing.

She gently touch it and trace around the feathers… “Somehow this seems crueler than Making you fall” She muttered “I got adjust to it… I’m fine really” Raphael try to reassure her, She just gave him a smile full of pity… if he could see her smile she know he’ll get mad.

Raphael doesn’t like others taking pity of him about anything…

“Can you see anything at all?” she asked as she gently put a hand to his cheek her thumb brush the spot under his eyes.

“I don’t think so? It’s all dark but I could see a few lines like I’m in a dark room with no light…” Raphael explained “I see… so it’s not really pitch black?” and he nodded at her questions.

“It’s pitch black the first time it happens but it’s getting better now” Raphael told, she nod at his word.

“this is what I’ve been warning you about Raphael… and yet you didn’t seems to listen to my warning” She huffed, She had tried to warn him that he’s falling to the wrong path if he keeps it up… but It’s Raphael anyway she knows how stubborn he is when it comes to his decision.

There’s rarely someone who could easily change his Mind about a decision he had already set on… “No need to worry, I told you, I got used to it everything is fine” Raphael reach trying to ruffled her head, she Notice his effort and gave an amuse smile.

She Lean her head toward his hand and he chuckle as he ruffled her head.


An Archangel ran down the hallway… at 5 am in the morning before turning to the corner just to jump toward another Archangel who without Hesitation step away and let him fall face first to the ground.

“Good Morning Metatron, Certainly in such an energetic Mood aren’t Thou?” Gabriel stare down at the Archangel who have his face first on the white acrylic Floor.

Metatron pause for a moment before sitting up and Standing back to his feet, He have his usual charming and energetic Smile he throw his Arma round Gabriel’s shoulder who stare at him emotionless with a  raised brow.

“morning Old Man~” Metatron Teased, Gabriel rolled his eyes before continue walking which Metatron followed “Thou are Older than I” Gabriel reminded, Metatron was around 50 years-ish older…

Metatron Laugh as he lean his weight to The Shorter Archangel who doesn’t seems to have difficulty at all like Metatron’s weight is nothing to him.

“Yea at least I don’t act or look like an old man” Metatron pointed out before laughing, Gabriel rolled his eyes again as he let out an unamused and Sarcastic laugh that only Made Metatron laugh louder.

Gabriel sigh… Metatron Always act such a child it annoys him so much, Maybe because Gabriel cant feel emotions that he can’t under Metatron sense of Humor, Yes He know his Clothing, the way he act and His Style make him look older than Metatron…

Metatron was such an energetic Archangel, He always run here and there like he drank thousand of Coffee in one go and now Just a Ball of excitement and Fun… Gabriel hates him for it but He cant help himself from feeling amuse at Metatron’s attitude…

He find it comforting and easy to get along with, Charming and So Brotherly toward him…

He wonder if one day Metatron would Lose that oh so Cool and Playful Attitude of his…


An Archangel ran through the Hallway…

He turn to the Corner and Jumped to another Archangel who immediately dodged as he fall straight face first to the Ground.

“Stop That Gabriel” Metatron Huffed as he tap his staff on the Ground in a warning motion, Gabriel pause for a moment before sitting up and standing back to his feet, he turns to look at Metatron with a playful smile.

“Good Morning Old Man~” Gabriel Throw finger guns at him, Metatron gave him an unamused and tired look, Metatron had look so tired all the time after he had aged… he had lost that charismatic and Playful attitude of his, Had stopped Joking around and Stopped acting like a child.

He looks so different from the Old Metatron Gabriel used to know… and yet Gabriel looks different from the old him where Metatron used to know too.

“morning to you too Gabriel” Metatron responded before continue Walking, His step is Coordinated… it’s slow but not too slow… but too slow for Gabriel’s liking, Gabriel followed him.

“so How are you Old Man? Miss me?” Gabriel tease leaning to the Taller Archangel, Metatron huffed “Sadly, Yes” he admitted, That made Gabriel snickers as he put his hand around Metatron’s arm.

“so~ what’s you’ve been up to Old man?” Gabriel asked with a raised brow, Metatron glance down at him with his one working eye, Gabriel wasn’t even sure if that eye is working with how grey it actually is… Metatron’s right eye were always closed…

It was an incident in a war against Leviathan when he went berserk millions of years ago, And since then he only use his left eye to see… well… Gabriel like to assume he could see since Sometimes Metatron does do paperwork and still look at someone in the eye…

“I’ve been counting the new pure soul as Usual” Metatron responded, His tone was Stern, Stoic and Unmoving…

“Must be boring” Gabriel muttered, Metatron let out a sarcastic chuckle “it would be for someone who kept neglecting their work like you” He insulted, Gabriel didn’t get offended instead he smirk and snickers.

“I always do my Job Old man~” he said proudly, Metatron raise a brow before he chuckle again “the only work you do is your work as Archangel of Messenger… not the paperwork or the Files or The work that Michael needs you to do” He point out only to make Gabriel pout like a child.

“because they’re B O R I N G~” He Lean away as he let out an annoyed groan, It made Metatron lips quirk up to an amused smile.

As years Passed through them… the two had changed so much… Gabriel and Metatron… one of the first Angels god Created, One of the First Archangel of God… they had went through a lot together.

And Until now no matter how much the two change it never change how close their relationship are.

“Hey Old man I’m planning on Watching a new interesting Movie tonight wanna come over?”

“Sure Gabriel…”

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