not a chapter but an announcement

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Next Chapter I'm planning on revealing at Least One Ship that might Dropped in, The next chapter will arrive after the Release Of Hazbin Hotel episode 7 and 8 (probably around February 2-ish).

Since no one suggested any Ships I decide to Make one Of my Semi-Canon-ish ship Moving Foward to a new Step, Maybe... Most likely it will be Quite a Long Situation-ish before they Going to be together.

I might even Put AngelHusk in, But We'll see what Episode 7 and 8 will give us, Since if it's a canon (Series) character I would rather like The character To have the relationship given to them by the series!

The suggestion Box is still Open if anyone wants to suggest a Ship or a Character to Appear In the Story, If a character that appear in the story Is an Oc I might need a Lot of Info about them and it still might not Give me a Green Light for them to appear in this story but hey, Go on ahead shoot your shot! :D

For a ship as I said it before, Im down for any Canon x Canon Character (Series or The Fan-Angels it's all Called Canon here), I also Might consider a Canon x (Reader) Oc! As long as the Character Can fit in the story and fit the One that The Oc Want to pursue then I might Try to Add them in.

So anyone can try shooting their Chances, next chapher will definitely be longer than 3.000-ish Words probably 10.000 or 5.000-ish words

Have a good/Decent day/night, Thanks for Reading I Really appreciate every Vote, Every comment, Everything even if you're here just to Look :)

Maybe One day I should made a X Reader with One of the Fan-Archangels would anyone want to read that? 👀

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