your Guardian Angel

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“My phone Crashed” Raguel muttered as he walk alongside Kasory “Zadkiel is going to freak out” He added.

“sound like him, always jump to conclusions… worried about you too much” Kasory chuckle.

“Can you sense the innocent soul anywhere?” he asked “I can only sense them when I am close… there’s too much soul in hell” He muttered.


“... Father we could just text Kasory” Azrael lifted his phone up shaking it in the air to get God’s Attention. “…Too Late Seraphim Had been released down to hell” Adam Hum Sitting on one of the Throne Steps.

Azrael glared at him “Humans are such a Brainless low life” “WATCH IT EMO BOY!” Adam Points at Him And The Archangel Of Death Snarl.

“you both! Stop!” Michael stand between them, Azrael step back and relaxed himself “We should get down there before the Seraphim destroy hell out of a simple mistake!” Michael bark commands and All the Archangels in the room went stiff.

“Azrael, Gabriel with me, Zadkiel Tell Raphael to Prepare the Clinic” Michael ordered and His Archangels immediately went to position… he turn to look at God “Father May I have the Permission to go down there and stop what might Happen?”

God Nodded “You have My permission, and My Blessing my child”

And with that Michael open his wings to fly out of the room Gabriel followed, Azrael glared at Adam for a moment before flying off.

“RAPHEL WE MADE A MISTAKE!” Zadkiel screech.

“I can see that, A bunch of Seraphim just flew pass me Saying something about attacking hell” He laughed “I bet it’s because you said something worrisome” “I Didn’t know Kasory was Reachable!” “Eh im not blaming you~ Kasory sometimes ghost us anyway”

“Prepare the Clinic…” Zadkiel muttered

“oh boy”

“oh dear seems like your dear Beloved Father is worried!” Alastor laughed when he saw a bunch of light creature aiming down to hell…

“SERAPHIM!!!! RUN!!!!! HIDE!!!” a Sinner shouted and Everyone even the Hellborn started to scrambled away.

“Charlie! We need to run!” Vaggie Grabbed her Girlfriend’s Hand and Pull her from her Frozen thought, Angel and Husk followed.

Sir Pentious and Niffty was no where to be found they must’ve already ran off first… Alastor Slam his Microphone om the ground and stand in front of the Two Angels “Now Now my dear it’s no time to be stunned! It’s time we get going!” He Use his microphone to poke them.

Kasory came back to reality “Right! Lets go” He grab Raguel’s Arm and pull him along, Alastor Ran behind them.

Seraphim doesn’t Give announcement… they’ll attack, They’ll destroy until they’ll find what they needed…

Raguel Eyes widen before he Pulled his Hand Away from Kasory “They’re here for me, I… I didn’t tell Father I was Coming down here…” He Stop running, Kasory did too “… Yea so what?! Come on” “Kasy You’re an idiot” “I heard that a lot from you”

“it’s Fine… I’ll be fine… Actually maybe I can ask their help to find the soul…” he step back, Alastor stand behind Kasory with a smile watching as the angel took a step away and turn around to go to where the Seraphims Are…

The Chaos Of Heaven Came to hellWhere stories live. Discover now