Archangels preparation

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[no fanart for this chapter either]

Charlie stare at the Flowers in the garden, It had Bloom but the Jasmine haven’t bloom yet… she wonders why…

Is it only bloom at certain season? Or Does it need Sunlight? Hell doesn’t Have any sunlight… but it seems like they’re very healthy…

“Lost in thought my dear?” Alastor asked as he walk toward her holding a Watering pot, he Calmly Pour water to the plant “Sort of… I don’t know why the Jasmine wont bloom…”

Alastor let out a hum “if I’m not mistaken Jasmine bloom at spring and  lasted till Late Fall of course as long as we take good care of it and it Receive Sunlight” Alastor Told

“sunlight… we don’t have any of those here in hell… does that mean it would never bloom?” Charlie Sigh, She look sad… Alastor glance at her and look back at the Jasmine… “Lets just hope for the best my dear Charlie, even if it doesn’t bloom It still looks prettier than the rest of flowers here” He Tried to cheer her up.

She gave him a smile “Thanks Al… You always know what to say” that earn a pleased hum from Alastor.

“I wonder how’s Kasory doing” She look up only to met with a dark pentagram on the sky… “No need to worry dear I’m sure You’ll be able to meet him the day you visit Heaven, after all the meeting is next week” Alastor step back to Fill the Water again.

Yeah he’s right, she’ll met The Chaos Bringer soon… she wonders how’s Kasory Life is up there… is he having fun more than he is here? But from the stories he tell it never about what heaven is like it’s more about what the Archangels are like…

Speaking of Archangels… she would meet them right?! They’re the highest and closest rank to God after all! And she already met Raguel and Kasory! They seems pretty Interested in her Request of Redemption! And then there’s also Those three angels… one of them surely looks like Her dad.

Michael was it? She heard he was the leader of the Archangels! She know if he’s and her dad have history he would definitely hear her out!

She wonders why her dad even worried about it if She’s going to Meet with his old pals…

Everything will go smoothly! And Raguel is the Archangels of Judgement and Redemption he would definitely he there to be in the discussion! This is so exciting!

“Raguel, Sera Wanted to Borrow the Court house for next week meeting with the Princess of hell” Gabriel told, Raguel look up from the book he was holding “Wait… why… why was I just informed of this?! I’m the Archangel of Judgement I should be the one making the decision” Raguel asked He seems to be offended by the request.

“It’s a Political Issues Raguel, And We both know No matter what’s the issues we Archangels can’t get involved with any of Heaven Dispute with hell” Gabriel sigh, Raguel wing raise up but lowered again as he glared at the floor

“Fine… Ok, I’ll free the court house for Sera Next week, But at least tell me earlier and not so sudden” Raguel Huffed “I was just told by Sera… not my fault” Gabriel sigh… this was all so suddenly for both of them.

Raguel Closed his book “Well I’ll be busy for this weeks then…” And here he thought today would go smoothly… he’s going to need a very strong caffeine-

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