Satan and Michael comes to an agreement

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Angels wings are precious to them...

Angels these days might not remember it, But Azrael remembers it very well… that before the first war…

There used to be an angel that could match Michael’s Own Beauty… There used to be an angel that stand High and mighty… with his Beautiful wings…

There used to be an angel… with a mesmerizing wings…

That angel had fallen Not from heaven but from the sky…

That day…

Even a neutral party can’t be saved from the war…

Azrael smile sadded as he Stare at Raguel’s back while the Archangel was Briefing His angels about the next Month new Preparation for the souls Judgement…

Even if That angel had been lost in History, Azrael still could see it…

The beauty of the angel…

Azrael step forward and put a hand to where A wing should been behind Raguel, He could feel Raguel tense up for a moment but he didn’t Stop his talking and He pretend like it didn’t bother him.

Gently Azrael stroke his spine, Raguel shot a glare at him before going back to his angels.

There used to be four beautiful wings behind Raguel… he had seen it, He had touch it before… Soft and so Fluffy…

He didn’t realize the other angels had left, it seems like Raguel Had dismissed the meeting and now His Attention are fully on Azrael “What is it this time?” Raguel asked.

Azrael smile slowly dropped but he forced them up again “I love you” he whispered.

Raguel’s eyes went wide, Face flustered and eye twitch “Damn it! Touching my back in public just to say that?! Fuck you Azrael” Raguel hissed before Slapping His chest, Azrael Let out a laugh… a Warm And Joyful laugh.

It made Raguel Lips twitch up to a side smile “Az, Is something bothering you?” He asked “not really just want to let you know about my feeling” Azrael grinned, Raguel know that’s a lie…

He could see right through Azrael, He could see all the lies… “Az” he whispered “Trust me… I’m fine” Azrael whispered as he bump his forehead to Raguel’s , He had to lowered his body a little.

“can I… I want to… kiss you” “Az-”

The door slammed open and they lull away form each other “THE GUEST FROM HELL HAS ARRIVE GOD WANTS ALL ARCHANGELS TO ARRIVE TO THEIR DOMAIN NOW!” Uriel shouted before running off

The two exchange a glance “See you there” Azrael wink before disappearing, Raguel rolled his eyes and run out making sure to Stop by his office to placed all the documents first before flying off.


God find this as an entertainment, Of course they do…

They watch as these Greedy Hell Creature trying to win Michael’s Affection, they know those Former angels only wanted to Sabotage heaven when The time comes…

Mammon didn’t seems to try at all the Boy wasn’t even here while the other Sins are, Satan was strange though…

Something about him…

There’s no dark intentions in him and yet there’s  still something lingering there, Was it Fear? Was it Regret? God can’t make sure of it yet.

But it certainly Is entertaining to watch their creators dance over each other…

“Dashing as Ever Michael, I heard a few months ago you had personality went down to the pride ring… and now god ask For a peace treaty…” Azrael hum with a sly Smile on his face, Michael smile trying to hide his nervousness…

Gabriel stand behind him with both hands behind his back  and a bored look on his face.

“Azazel! Still Such a Charmer I see” Michael hum “And Gabriel still as Robotic as Ever huh?” Azazel Chuckle glancing at the Messenger.

Gabriel didn’t respond, He didn’t even look at Azazel, He look straight forward into nothing…

Soon Azazel’s Attention went to something else and Baal came in to say hi, he was Polite… well Scary He had guessed… he seems to be more interested in the political Issues than the Marriage actually, Which Michael felt a bit on relief.

And Belial Came in overly too Friendly-

He wrapped a hand around Michael’s waist and Michael almost let out a squeak “Now that’s no way to Treat Royalty Belial” Baal huffed but he was grinning, These Demons…

“oh come on, If we’re going to End up Married It’s best to Start things early don’t you think my dear Michael?” Belial Grinned only to make Baal huffed “Uh… Maybe you’re being a bit too forward” Michael fingers trying to pull Belial’s hands away from his waist.

Gabriel seems unfazed… Michael wasn’t sure why somehow he felt disappointed at it… soon Michael gave up trying to remove the hand “Why are you so certain That you’re going to be my choice?” Michael asked amused.

“because Between you and me, Azazel is clearly not” Belial Joked, Michale rolled his eyes Well the Archdemon isn’t wrong, Azazel is clearly out “And Baal is Not Interested in the Marriage” Belial gesture.

Baal scoffed “I Prefer to Do things my way thank you very much! And I’m not Planning on Marrying anyone!” He glared at Belial who stuck his tongue out at Him.

Thank God Baal have enough patience to not launch at Belial…

Michael look around, Mammon wasn’t even here… and Satan…

Satan was Talking to Zadkiel, Satan had only Greeted him and talk to him For a few moment before running off to Zadkiel, Talking about Books he Assume… those two are always such a close Friends even before Satan’s fall.

Michael look up a bit behind toward Gabriel who raise a brow when their eyes met ‘Help me’ He mouth out, Gabriel only Scoff amused before looking away again.


“Lord Belial I have to Warn you, You are Harming our Prince” Gabriel spoke in a monotone Voice, an old voice he hadn’t used in a long time…

Michael didn’t even remember He used to have such a Voice, Belial immediately let go of Michael’s waist “I didn’t mean to harm you, I forgot a prince like you have such delicate skin” He Grinned mischievously.

Where is Lucifer? Michael wanted to see Lucifer…

“ah it’s fine Belial” Michael Raise a hand dismissively trying to be polite.

Azazel immediately tackled Gabriel (well… tried to) “You still use that Voice Creepy~” Azazel laughed as his Bodyguard chuckle glancing at Gabriel who didn’t even seems to be fazed.

Meanwhile Not far from them Satan had been talking to Zadkiel about the Newest book that One of the Sinners had write, It had become a huge hit and he thought maybe Zadkiel would like to read it

“I make sure to check if there’s any gore or something but Don’t worry this one is Safe although there’s a few words that might be harsh…” Satan Gesture as Zadkiel stare at the book “Oh what is this about?”

“it’s a fantasy story about an Imp that went out on a journey to find herself, Traveling through all 7 Ring” Satan explain as little as possible, He know Zadkiel wouldn’t like Spoilers he doesn’t too…

“Sounds interesting enough! I’ll read it when I have the time, Thanks Satan!” he chirps, Satan nodded, They had always gets along and this was the first time they actually met face to face after Satan’s fall…

Satan gaze toward Where Michael is… his Smile turn to a frown and his gaze Sadden, No he was worried.

“is everything ok?” Zadkiel asked “Well… you see, The others sins had been telling me to At least try to win Michael over, Because the Archdemons are… not that trustworthy when it come to peace treaty and… You know I have a Boyfriend Right Zadky?” He glance at Zadkiel.

Zadkiel nod, If There’s someone who knows it’ll be him, He was the first one that Satan had Approach about it, Long ago… it’s amazing how Satan and His Boyfriend still have such a strong relationship even with Satan whole Anger Issues…

Must be one Patience Boyfriend huh?

“I hope he doesn’t mind if I end up with Michael, I mean… to Make sure hell and Heaven’s Safety” Satan gesture slowly, Zadkiel put a hand to his hand “I’m Sure your Boyfriend wont mind, just like you said before… your boyfriend is Understanding… He understands, and he would rather have peace instead of war” He softly spoke reassuring Satan.

“But he’ll be hurt, And hurting him is the last thing I want to do” Satan muttered as he glance to the ground, He would destroy any ring… he wont hesitate to Rip anyone apart but… His Boyfriend? No he couldn’t dare to harm such a kind Creature

Someone who had Willing to deal with him, Loyal to him no matter what he had done or what he haven’t done… someone so Understanding, Loving and Someone who Manage to help him find peace in his mind… to control his anger.

“Your Boyfriend might be hurt a little but He’ll understand, You just talk things with him… and if he’s as I suspected then… He’ll still Be with you even if it’s in the shadow” Zadkiel Smile at him.

Satan smile return to his face “Thank you Zadkiel, I know I could always count on you”

Just in time when Michael suddenly appear “Satan, Zadkiel” Michael nod at them and they both nod at him with a smile Zadkiel Wave “Well I’ll be seeing you around! It’s good to catch up Satan” he nudge Satan’s Shoulder before walking off.

Satan’s Boyfriend wont mind…

It’s for the good Of both Heaven and Hell, He’ll understand.

Zadkiel Smile turn to a thin line as he walk away.

Just hopefully…

“I haven’t seen you since… uh…” “Years and years ago” Michael chuckle, Satan nodded “You have grown haven’t you?” Michael Look up at him “I have” Satan said proudly.

Somehow this felt like just Michael Talking to A kid him… “where’s Mammon?” Michael asked “He was on the list and refuse to go because to him he is Lucifer’s brother meaning he’s your brother too” Satan point which made Michael Chuckle.

Of course, Mammon would do that…

“You’re done with them?” Satan ask gesturing to the Archdemons who’s talking to someone else, Michael shrugged “I don’t know… Hey want to talk in the Garden of Eden?” “They still open that Garden?” Satan asked confused, he thought they had Closed it.

Michael nod “Only open for archangels and High commands like Captain of an Angel species or Something, It’s Father’s private garden now” he explain as they both made their way out of God’s Domain.

And when they arrive to the Garden of Eden, they were all alone not a single noise other than the wind.

“look, I bring you here because” Michael turn to look at him “I think this is all Bullshit, I’m sorry for my word but… I don’t want to, Get Married” Michael Clap his hand together staring up at Satan.

Satan raise a brow, well this was unexpected “I mean yea I sign the… the papers but it was… Luci told me everything through a Text and We could figure something out” Michael Told.

“Lucifer did?” “Lucifer Think I Have Hots for you it was a joke I didn’t know he takes it seriously… he always takes my words seriously- he can’t get a joke” Michael glance to the side “well do you?” Satan asked amuse.

“Eh… 50/50 but you’re taken so… I mean Beelzebub and Lucifer actually thinks you’re Hot too so I’m not the only one” Satan sigh… of course.

This is embarrassing for him… “How about I chose you? And While going through the Peace treaty we can find a loop hole, I mean Father did say It doesn’t need to be a marriage but” Michael pause.

“but if it’s not a marriage then you’re still stuck in this Arrange Marriage loop?” Satan asked and Michael nod… In the end Michael would still end up being out in some sort of arrange marriage by god…

DAMN IT WHY NOW??? WHY NOT LIKE MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO?? Seems like god Got bored and want to see something FUNNY!

“then Of course, My boyfriend wouldn’t mind… he understands of the situation… Hopefully” Satan Muttered.

“EXCELLENT!” Michael shouts “tell your boyfriend im so sorry” he whispered and Satan laugh as he nod.


After A meeting the Hell Citizen Had gone home, Michael had told god his choice of choosing and now just… to deal with God’s stupid little game.

For once he wont hesitate to call It stupid, Because it is Stupid.

“Do you really like him?” Gabriel asked once they entered Michael’s pent house “as a friend? Yea, but Actually thinking of Being with him… No” Michael answered as he took off his uniform, Gabriel lean to the wall.

It has been a long time since he actually use a monotone voice, Had he really change that much?

“Satan has a Boyfriend actually, Me and him just trying to make sure that The Archdemons Didn’t get Their ways with Heaven, Baal seems cooperative enough but Azazel and Belial are the real problem here" Michael told.

It’s like it’s a normal thing stripping down in front of Gabriel, Gabriel offered a hand and Michael threw his uniform at him “Thanks Gabe” He said as he puts on a simple Shirt, Gabriel Cooed at something and two Pigeons flies in from the open window to take Michael’s uniform away to the Washing machine.

“Man I wish I could do that” Michael joked “What? Calling out The birds?” Gabriel Asked back, Michael nod “That ability always amaze Me Gabriel… how easy it is for you to call out for the birds, Just like Azrael to his souls and Metatron too” Michael muttered.

“Well You could do it too” Gabriel smirk “you could call out for any Archangels and they’ll be there as fast as they can, We’re like your little Birds Michael” His smirk turn to a grin.

Michael chuckle “Oh really? If I call you In the middle of the night would you answer my call?” He asked “Well I would if I could so Shoot your shot!” Gabriel Shrugged, Michael stare at him amuse before walking up to him gently holding his Frock coat, His thumb playfully rub the Fabric

“You know I think Father is trying to tell me something, but I don’t know what” Michael stare at Gabriel’s chest, Archangels doesn’t have A Heartbeat, But they have a ball of energy replacing where their Heart should be…

Each one always have different colors… something Michael always find Amusing, His was Golden while Lucifer was blue at the time… but It change to red.

Gabriel’s one was Grey... Instead of Teal, Its a dull color resembles the real Gabriel… Michael knows full well the Narcissistic behavior was just a Façade of Lies… maybe not but That’s clearly not what Gabriel is 24/7 especially not when he’s alone… Michael know Gabriel enjoy the silence…

The whispers from the birds and everything, Gabriel rarely takes a photo of himself when he’s alone… he only do that when someone else is with him.

“Have I ever told you that… I like this new uniform on you?” Michael asked looking up at him “No but you Said I look good in it” Gabriel grinned trying to hide that his Energy was pulsing faster than it should.

He put a hand to Michael’s shoulder and gently push him away “Don’t get too close now Michael, I bite” He Snap his teeth in a joking manner, Michael laugh before letting go of his coat.

Soon they fell into silence, While Michael went to the Bathroom to Probably shower Gabriel stand watch next to his Bedroom door.

He pulls out his phone to check any new Messeges

ᴵⁿˢᵒᵐⁿⁱᵃᶜ [ᴿᵃᵍᵘᵉˡ]
<[Have any of you seen Azrael Anywhere?]

That was Raguel saying it to the ground chat… wait wasn’t Azrael with him?

ᴮʳⁱⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘ ᵂⁱˢᵈᵒᵐ ʷʰⁱˡᵉ ᶠᵘᶜᵏⁱⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᴹᵒᵐ [ᵁʳⁱᵉˡ]
<[Isn’t that Bitch with you the whole time earlier?]

ᴵⁿˢᵒᵐⁿⁱᵃᶜ [ᴿᵃᵍᵘᵉˡ]
<[No? I’ve been with Raphael The whole Meeting and even at the break Room, I thought he was with one of you?]

ᶜʳⁱᵗⁱᶜⁱˢᵐ ᵃᵗ ⁱᵗ’ˢ ᶠⁱⁿᵉˢᵗ [ᴶᵉʰᵒᵉˡ]
<[Saw him entered a few second before leaving and never came back, I think saw someone he doesn’t want to meet]

ᴼⁿᶜᵉ ᴷⁱˢˢᵉᵈ ᵃ ᴳᵒᵃᵗ [ᴶᵒᵖʰⁱᵉˡ]
<[did he accidentally saw Beleth?]

ᵀʰᵃᵗ ᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳ [ᴷᵃᵐᵃᵉˡ]
<[Would leave too if I saw that Bastard]

ᴵⁿˢᵒᵐⁿⁱᵃᶜ [ᴿᵃᵍᵘᵉˡ]
<[Ok the problem Is isn’t that, But He wont answer my text or calls]

ᴮʳⁱⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘ ᵂⁱˢᵈᵒᵐ ʷʰⁱˡᵉ ᶠᵘᶜᵏⁱⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᴹᵒᵐ [ᵁʳⁱᵉˡ]
<[Well that certainly is Weird, I thought he’s always answer you 24/7]

Gabriel frown at the Messeges being send to the Group… Azrael not answering to Raguel? Something is not right… he opened a Private message between him and Azrael.

[Where r u?]>

The answer was strange, It was a Scribbling of demonic Symbol On the Ground

[Away from home]

Gabriel wasn’t sure if he should be worried or not… knowing Azrael this all could be just a playful prank, But…

<[Fucking Hate Beleth]

<[Piece of shit of a cat]

<[Want to leave home]

<[Want to Leave]

The sudden Messages make his eye twitch, Was Something happening?

[Raguel is worried]>

<[Ik, trying to ignore him]

And that was the last message that Azrael send before going offline… concerning

But it’s Azrael so this all could be a friendly Joke-

If not then well… they’re either fuck or someone Is fucked and not in a sexual way but in a bad way

Meanwhile… A tiny fox walk along the street of hell, Padding here and there without a care to the world…

Until she stop in front of a Road, an empty road… she flick her tail and look up at the Sky where heaven was…

“There you are” Someone picked her up and she glance at the person, It was A Sinner… a Sinner with a wolf like mask covering his eyes and nose while a Simple Black mask covering his mouth.

A fluffy grey wolf tail swayed behind him “Don’t run off like that, Antonio going to kill me if I accidentally lost you somewhere” He muttered as he pull the fox along, The fox let out a chirps

Soon the sinner dropped the fox down and she continue walking alongside him “Do you know when he’ll return to us?” He asked “Not sure, he’s been busy” the fox finally spoke.

“busy huh?” his ear flick as he look up at the Pentagram on the sky “Damn I’m stuck with you till who knows whe- Ayoka?! Ayoka?! KHEARA?!” he look around and the fox was no longer there!!!


“VYOMI????” He called out her name Any name she had used that he know, Where the hell did that tiny slippery lil Fox go???

And then he heard Screaming from the distance and he stop panicking when he saw a building got burned down…

“There she is” he muttered, Can’t believe he lost a Tiny Overlord and now she’s burning down someone’s apartment without anyone Realizing it!

“Antonio Give me strength, Your Girlfriend is a menace” He Muttered under his breath as he made his way to the direction of the burning building.


Would it be funny to make a chapter just about these angels and their stupid group chat shenanigans lol

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