Conflicted Views

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Introducing the Background Archangels!

Archangel of Wisdom, Michael's Former best Friend and The Archangel's Advisor... Uriel

Archangel of Love, The beloved Vlogger/Streamer And everyone's Beloved Love Advisor... Kamael

Archangel of Joy, The famous Optimist Tailor of the 4th level of Heaven and A Loving Wife... Haniel

I might make their design soon


Gabriel wont stop staring and It makes Michael a bit unease-

“What in Father’s name are you planning?” Michael glared that seems to catch Gabriel’s attention back to ‘Reality’ “Hm? Nothing why did you ask?” Gabriel ask back looking genuinely confused.

“You’ve Been Staring at me Non stop! How can I NOT ask?!” Michael Screech, Gabriel pause for a moment before grinning and leaning forward to hold Michael’s Blue and Green Fabric that’s been hanging from his Uniform

“Why don’t you change it to teal? I think it’ll suits you better” Gabriel Tease with a wink, Michael’s eye twitch what does this mother fucker want?!

For someone who’s a huge fan of Romance and Had probably read most Romance Novel there is… Michael Is quite a bit of a Dense Balloon When it comes to Someone flirting to him.

“Very funny Gabe, Go back to work” Michael hiss, He could hear Gabriel letting out a sigh “Humor me for once would you Mikey?” “Ew don’t call me that” Michael muttered “then what do you want me to call you? Michael is too long and Boring” Gabriel whined.

Michael move away “Anything but Mikey or Mike it just doesn’t fit” Michael Complained.

The mischievous grin return to Gabriel’s face.

“what ever you say… Darling~”

That immediately cause Michael to pause…

For once in the longest time… Gabriel manage to make his face Flustered…

“FUCK YOU GABE!” Michael Shouted without turning to look at him, That only Made Gabriel Grin wider “what you said anything but Mikey or Mike, Right Doll?~” He Step closer and He could see Michael’s wings wrapped them self around their Owner.

Michael didn’t answer, he didn’t move “whats Wrong Sugar? Is it too much sweet for you?” Gabriel asked now already behind Michael who still wont look at him.

“Honey? Sunshine? My Beloved?” He Sneak a hand to carefully grab Michael by the waist which cause the other Archangel to flinch and About to jump away but Gabriel hold on to him.

Michael was now Hiding his face under his wings.

“Come on now Bear are you shy?~” Gabriel tease again, Oh this was fun…

Until he saw a glimpse of Michael’s face, Michael was Flustered and his Pupil were shaking? Like someone in a panic or something… Gabriel could see how conflicted he looks… “Don’t hide your face from me Now Pumkin~ how about tonight We sleep Together?”

“Gabe…” Michael whisper, Gabriel Felt his chest tighten in somewhat a good way… that tone of voice, Something He never heard Michael Use…

“Gabriel…” “Yes Sweetheart?”

“we’ve been walking with Kamael” Michael reminded before covering his Face with his hands and Gabriel face went flustered, He turn to look at the Archangel that he FORGOTTEN was there with them.

Kamael was Standing there holding up a smoothie while also his phone clearly recording this- “oh no keep going ignore me” Kamael Chuckle.

The Archangel has been Stream Vlog the whole time and Immediately Turn the Stream to Gabriel and Michael the moment Gabriel Said Michael should change his fabric to a teal, That was clearly a playful flirt…

Kamael was hoping for Michael to put Gabriel in his place but He did not expect to feel Love Blooming in Gabriel or even Gabriel to pull the first move like that!

He knows something was Hidden underneath And he didn’t expect it was Love! How cute…

Although… he wasn’t sure if he could feel any Visible romantic Love from Michael, Or maybe Michael just so good at hiding it?

“KAMAEL!” Gabriel Shouted now he looks Flustered “Are you recording us?!” dumbass had to asked “No, I’m recording my face drinking this smoothie” Kamael had the guts to Throw back sarcastic respond.

“What was that about wanting to sleep with Michael, Gabriel? You know Father wont like that~ No sex before Marriage my good man” Kamael snickers… “i-i… It was a Joke! I didn’t... Its not like it’s a Rare sight! All of us had share a bed At least once or twice!” Gabriel tried to defend himself

Kamael nod knowingly “Yea but I feel like you’re offering Michael to ‘Sleep’ With you as in… Have sex”

Gabriel stand there in silence, Should he say no? Should he just Flirt back and said yes? The Phone pointing at him doesn’t help…

“Gabriel” Michael whispered “Yea?” Gabriel glance back “Your Room or mine?” that made Gabriel Jumped “ITS NOT LIKE THAT, I’M NOT ASKING FOR SEX!”

“I KNOW YOU AREN’T, I’M ASKING WHERE DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP TONIGHT!” Michael Shouted back but still wont Face him or anyone else.

Holy shit this is gold- Kamael was Holding back his laugher… the Flog went a bit too wild… the whole Heaven going to think they’re dating now-

“y-Yours?” Gabriel Answered nervously, Michaels wings unwrapped itself from his body and Gabriel could clearly see how flustered his face is…

‘I want to kiss him'

Gabriel mentally slap himself for thinking of something like that “Then… I’ll see you tonight, I have some work to do… I need to go meet Luci” Michael Respond before walking away.

Gabriel watch him leave, He put a hand to his Chest and clawed on it… Crap Why does Michael makes him feel like this?!

“Look at em go Guys… Two Grown up who’s Conflicted by love like a couple of teenagers, Hilarious” Kamael chuckle amuse

Such an interesting Situation… two co workers that’s been working with each other for so long without any hint of romance just suddenly… Fall in love

Well Gabriel did, Kamael could never read Michael’s emotions, Even if he’s the Archangel of Love he CAN’T  see Michael’s Love or other emotions, It was…. Blocked.

It's Michael anyway, God’s favorite Creation… The next God… of course he wont be able to see what’s Michael emotions are…

Only God could truly see it…

Soon Gabriel turn back to Kamael and Went up to him going to snatch the phone away but The shorter Archangel dodges “You can’t delete your Crime! I’M TELLING FATHER” Kamael Laughed as he ran off “Come back here you Little Snitch!” Gabriel chased after him


“Charlie haven’t return yet if that’s what you’re looking for” Angel Answered his unspoken Question when he went down to the main floor and look around but couldn’t find the demon he was looking for.

“ah I see, Thank you for the information My good man… I shall Take a walk instead then” Alastor Swing his cane before walking out of the Hotel.

Charlie haven’t return means Lucifer haven’t either… Where could he find someone who have the answer for Restoring Angelic Energy?

No one in hell would Know, Zestial doesn’t… and Zestial had lived longer to even get to know most of the Archangel face to face…

Alastor knew it means he can’t really rely on The Overlords to give him an answer or Just a lowly Demon…

He walk along the side of the street of hell… thinking of what he should do… something he could do to… help.

He shake his Head annoyed, He hates this… To feel such an emotions, To yearn for others safety… This hotel really had change him…

But he can’t get himself to just leave and hides away



“Val Tone it down stop yelling” Velvette Groaned, Vox was distance… locking himself away either in his room or his Surveillance Room.

And If he’s outside he Was always tinkering with that device…

That was behind the spotlight… Vox Still appear in public appearance, Like nothing had bothered him… hiding the truth as perfect as usual.

“I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HE FUCKING MEANS LAST TIME!” “Val… Relax Calm down Geez, You’re yelling will Blew my eardrum!” Velvette hissed, Ugh she wish Vox could calm him down-

Valentino huffed before storming off to the elevator, about to let out steam She guessed.

She stare at her phone it was the 50ft message that Raphael didn’t answer or even read… what really happened? She wanted to try and call because she needs the next Modelling Photo but she knows full well that might get Raphael in Trouble…


Velvette immediately jumped and rushed to Vox’s Door “Vox is everything alright?!”

“VOX OPEN THE DOOR” She Shouted when he heard something hard falls to the ground, Or… Someone…

It didn’t take long before the door slide open on it’s own and Vox Was on The ground Hands Holding his face, Smoke coming out of it… what the fuck happened?!

“Dumbass What the Hell did you do?” she asked stomping toward him “I… Ah… Ow.. burned my screen” Vox Muttered as he sat up with Velvette’s help, His Screen was Black.

“what the hell are you trying to do??” she asked as she poke his screen, It was hot… like literally Burning-

“trying to make something…” he sigh “Can you… get me my phone… where is it?” he look around… well his head look around, His screen was still pitch black

“Uh no, I think you need to rest” Velvette muttered, Clearly he had overcharged himself.

“I need to call someone” “Vox… You still have tomorrow… for now take some rest let your Screen Cool down” She Pull him up to his feet “Vel” “Vox” He sigh as she Drag him out of his surveillance Room and to his bedroom.

When she manage to put him on his bed and make sure he actually shut down to finally get some sleep she let out a sigh, The moment he shut down his system his body goes limp, He’s been so tense lately…

She gently pat his shoulder before leaving his room making sure to lock the door so that

One Valentino Didn’t Barge in and Start ‘Abusing’ or ‘Arguing’ with Vox When he’s clearly still need a Rest.

Two So she know when Vox Randomly leave the room Under 8 hours.

Three so that Vox could have a peaceful rest…

What a mess… these two idiots got her all tired by just dealing with them.


“oh my Gosh! This outfit looks so Pretty” Charlie Squeal, They had Decide to Visit Haniel.

Haniel Grin “it makes it look more pretty because you’re wearing it dear!” She Squeeze Charlie’s cheek “and look at you, You’re as Gorgeous as Ever Vaggie” She Ruffled Vaggie’s hair.

“You two know each other?” Charlie asked curiously “Hm? You could say that, I know all of the Exorcist! After all in the end of the day they’ll end up going to Jophiel to make them a new suit” Haniel laughed.

“Imagine my Surprise when Suddenly I never seen you around for years and now here you are with a very pretty Girlfriend!” She Nuzzle Her cheek to Vaggie’s Head, Vaggie only gave a nervous laugh.

Haniel was always so Affectionate Towards everyone, She’s very enthusiastic too… Reminded Her of Charlie a little… the difference is that Haniel is a bit more mature when it comes to controlling her Emotions.

“And Luci~ It has been so long” she open her arm to hug him but he step back “No thanks” he laugh nervously “don’t be rude Lucy~” Uriel suddenly appear Behind him and Lucifer yelped as he jumped away.

“URIEL?!” “Hey Hey~” Uriel lazily wave with a grin “If you’re looking for Michael he just left a while ago” Lucifer muttered.

“no… no… No, I rather not Talk to him I was here to say hi to you!” Uriel Point at him, while Haniel went back on cooing at The girls.

“did Something happened between the two of you?” Lucifer asked, Uriel pause…

“one Shall not Ask the question Ones wont be able to handle” “Cut the crap Uriel” Lucifer frown and glared at him.

“now that I remember… Michael haven’t talk about you one bit… which is… Something unusual to me since before The whole war He… Talk about you a lot and… did anything happen?” Lucifer asked.

Uriel laugh and boop his Nose “that’s a Story for another time don’t ruin the mood” the Taller Archangel Told, Lucifer huffed “so that’s Lilith Spawn?” “Hey be nice Uri” Lucifer poke his side, Uriel laugh again.

“Who’s her name?” “Charlie” Lucifer answered while the three girls busy talking about something else, More like Charlie and Haniel Cheering over something and Vaggie just gave a nervous smile and a few nod at some questions the Throw or Need confirmation.

“She looks just like you” Uriel whispered “She act just like me too! So determined with her dreams” Lucifer said Proudly “Yea… I saw the fight you know… You did amazing for a tiny Duckling like you” He Boop Lucifer’s Nose again.

“I’m way older than you” Lucifer pout.

“Sure you are Duckling…”

Meanwhile, Michael was out again… Finally since Lucifer is around God had give him some free time (more like he give himself some free time and god just agreed to it-).

“hey there Mika~”

Michael almost dropped the book he was holding “G- Archangel Gabriel!” He felt his body went stiff, what the hell is this bastard doing here? “May I?” Gabriel asked pointing at the seat next to him “Of course” Michael answered trying not to sound Suspicious.

“you know… I feel like I’ve heard your name before so I did a lot of Digging” Michael tried so hard not to Sarcastically called him a stalker- “Just to be Clear… mind telling me your real name? Because I know for sure Mika’il is Your Code name” Gabriel hum.

“What makes you think that?” Michael asked trying not to look intimidated, He hates when Gabriel Went on detective mode, this guy could get most information he wanted to and it’s scary-

Gabriel words are as twisted as a Snake, His eyes are keen and his brain works differently, With A Single word Respond from his Opponent he could easily track things down to the bottom of the meaning…

A Scary Ability own By a Man who’s a Menace to Society…

“Michael Have an angel under him to use his name for a distraction to others, To make others believe that that angel is him… you must be that Angel, So… What’s your real Name Sweetheart?” Gabriel asked with a sly smile.

Michael wanted to punch him so hard, How the hell did he get his hand on Michael’s file?!

“Prince Michael will Kill me if I said Anything” Michael sigh, Pretending to be Scared at such a thing… He’s going to Need to apologize to the actual Angel that got his Code name ‘Mika’il’  for throwing him into a deeper hole only because he doesn’t want Gabriel to Find out his Little Hobby.

Maybe give the dude a rest or something, a Vacation to a 5 star Hotel in The Highest Heaven Level…

“oh it’s fine, I’ll protect you from our dear Prince~” Gabriel wink, Is he Flirting? Seriously is this his way of interrogation or Is he just a huge flirt toward every one he see?

“Sir Gabriel I would rather Not, I have made a Vow to Prince Michael… and Please Would you just act less Flirtatious It felt weird and Uncomfortable… I wouldn’t want Prince Michael to Get the wrong idea… My Life is on the line here” He sigh, What is he even saying?!?!

“Michael… to get… the wrong idea? Hey does he talk about me a lot?” Gabriel asked, His tone was normal but very curious, His sky and playful smile or grin is no longer there

BUT MICHAEL WASN’T SURE HOW TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION!!! Does he talk about Gabriel to his Subordinate??? He know he’s very Professional when it comes to talking to all his Subordinate under his Agency…

Meaning he doesn’t really talk about Private matters, Or anything About the other Archangels… “No sir, He doesn’t… Prince Michael is very Professional (close off) when He’s with His Subordinate he doesn’t talk to us about his private life” Michael answered and he could see a flash of Sadness in Gabriel’s eyes before it disappears.

“when you met him would he kill you if you asked what he think of me?” “Hm? Why would you want to know that?” Michael asked, For once he see Gabriel hesitate to answer “nothing… just curious, You know me and Michael usually fight, Mostly because he thinks I’m being an idiot…” Gabriel gesture

“well are you?” Michael asked trying not to sound sarcastic as he fiddle with his book.

“with all Honesty… I’m no idiot, I act like that Only around him… because I want to get his attention” Gabriel whispered as he look away

Michael forced his eye to not twitch, This bastard was being an idiot, a Tease, A Mother fucking asshole just to get his attention?!?! Does he always gave him little attention if Gabriel Act Normal?!

“well Sir don’t you think if you keep that Up he’ll finally snap and Cut all ties with you? Why not try act normal when you’re around him?” Michael Suggested hiding the annoyance in his voice

Gabriel laugh dryly “you really do act like him! Which makes it Hard to convince you that… if I do that then He wont pay attention to me” Gabriel gave a sad smile “Nonsense you’re his second in command right? He have to talk to you at some point” Michael huffed now clearly annoyed.

Why would he ignore Gabriel?? Why would he ignore any of the Archangels?! “ok then… why don’t I take that advice of yours and The When we meet again I’ll tell you How it end up” Gabriel smile.

The rest of the evening it somehow end up with them talking and Gabriel hadn’t Flirt or Throw stupid Remark At him at all…

Gabriel was decent, Easy to talk to and Can talk about any topic… is this the Gabriel that the public see? The Charismatic Archangel Gabriel…

Michael could see the appeal now…

Especially that Gabriel had suggested a few Romance Novel he might enjoy… giving him the base of the plot without spoiling anything and Telling him where to find the books…

Truly a Charmer…

If it’s so easy for him to talk to people by just being himself like this then why does he always tried to be an annoying idiot just to get Michael’s attention? Michael pretty sure He Would Still Pay attention to Gabriel when he’s not being annoying…


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