giving up on you and Alastor Regret life

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Golden Feathers…

The moment he lays his eyes on The New Angels Gabriel sees them as troublesome… One Always so Enthusiastic over something while the other one seems to be more polite but that politeness seems Forced.


They’re loud and always up for troubles…

“They are destined to rule” God had told him, He doesn’t understand what that means… how could the two rules? If there’s only one Realm to rule? And the ruler of that realm is god?

But God kept Saying that whenever Gabriel Seems annoyed by the twins.

After Lucifer fall Gabriel could see what God means… they meant to rule

Both Brothers are Meant for a Throne… one must fall to Fulfill their destiny… and God had given their angels choice who shall fall and who shall stay.

A sickening little joke But Gabriel had never Questioned it…

Gabriel could see the Cold eyes on Michael’s Gaze as his arrow hits Lucifer’s on the chest...

He sometimes question why Michael had given His twin that gaze…  why now? From all the time… Michael had always shows more care to Lucifer than anyone else… but now at the war.

Ever since the war started Michael had change drastically…

And that’s when Michael point him as His second in Command in the war and The time after the war…

When the war was happening God’s Domain was closed… God didn’t intervene… Gabriel wish God does.

Because the Scream of Raphael haunts him… Raphael Screaming for Belphegor when she falls…

Zadkiel’s cries for them all to stop…

Satan face twisted to Full of Rage…

Raguel’s unconscious body hold by Haniel…

And Michael’s Cold Gaze That had truly Breaks His Twin’s Hope…

The war had impacted them all… it had Harmed more than it should… heaven had never been the same…

And that’s when Gabriel decide to change… Michael had always looks hurt and Cold after Lucifer’s fall…

Gabriel Doesn’t like that, Somehow he misses the Cheery look on the Archangel… Michael had never paid attention to others after Lucifer falls though… not even to Gabriel.

He had tried to ease Michael up but only Receiving the Cold Shoulder…

So he decide to change… and it help… it really had helped Michael even if The Prince Didn’t realize it…

“SAY CHEESE!” Gabriel Grinned and the phone took a photo of them, Michael gasped “GABRIEL!” he screamed.

“Stop messing around and Do your Job!” He ordered but Gabriel only Step back to mess with his phone “oh chill Michael, You should take a break with me! You know~ I heard there’s this new Popular restaurant at The 2nd level of heaven~” he Nudge Michael’s shoulder, Michael rolled his eyes annoyed.

“No I’m busy”

“Michy! Michael! My Baby Boy~ come on now don’t reject me like that!” Gabriel wrapped his arl around Michael’s shoulder and lean his head on Michael’s head, Michael Gabe him a weird look.

Confused for sure… Gabriel wasn’t the type to act like this… he was Always so Cold, so robotic and so distance…

“pfft, Fine if you insist… I can just ask my Angels to do this” Michael made the Files in his hand disappear, Gabriel Grinned.

And that’s the start Of his New Attitude towards Michael, It helped Michael to Smile again, Even if At Some times Michael yell at him to be serious or Poke one of his eye telling him to pay attention.

But in the end of the day Michael finally become the Michael that Heaven Need…


When Gabriel awoke he was on one of the Balcony in God’s Throne, Oh right he was in duty…

He wasn’t supposed to be asleep at all! He was here to guard God not to slack off! He could slack of in his other job but NOT THIS ONE!! He felt so ashamed of himself.

“Do you have a nice dream My Creation?” God Asked amuse, Gabriel lean away from the wall “Apologies Father, I did not mean to…” He cough nervously, God Smile softly “There is no need to apologize, You have a Lot of Things on your mind don’t you?” God asked.

Gabriel nod “Would you tell me what’s bothering you?” A trick Question, Gabriel should said yes… But he know if he did he might spill something… something that he shouldn’t, He still wasn’t sure if it was true or not and even if it is he doesn’t want to get anyone I  trouble.

He purposefully Though ‘Anyone’ Hiding away the fact he was Meaning it to he Michael… God could Read their mind… And He doesn’t want to risk Anything at ALL

“Father… may I ask for a favor” He asked “And that is?” God Asked back

“Michael and you once said You had tried to arrange marriage him is that correct?” God nod “Would… Would it be ok if you take me out of that Options?”

That For once made god Stunned in place for a moment before they quickly recover as they turn to fully face where Gabriel is “And why is that?”

“I… rather not Fall deeper Father, Emotions are scary… Michael will never see me more than a close friend and I understand that, So please… Do not try to push us anymore” Gabriel Told.

God Chuckle amuse “Have more faith in yourself my Messenger” they turn away from him, But he could still see their smile.

“I rather not lose him as a friend” Gabriel whispered, he rather not end up to what Uriel and Michael had become…

Just a single Confession could ruin a close friendship… could cause an awkward situation…

He doesn’t want that…

Even if Michael and Uriel Confession toward each other wasn’t about love… it still possible that What ever happened to their relationship could happen to Gabriel’s and Michael’s and he doesn’t want that…

No he’s not ready for that kind of treatment from Michael…

“are you sure my Messenger?”

“I am father, Take my name off the list…” Gabriel answer sternly without hesitation but Deep inside he was Hesitating… holding himself back to said it’s all a joke…

God sigh as they summoned a Golden paper “Very well then Gabriel” God Strike Gabriel’s name Under it was Adam’s name… wait God was Planning on Trying to Match Michael and Adam up??

Gabriel tried to ignore his worry and the fact that he somehow felt glad Adam died now-

“This doesn’t mean you can’t stop shooting your shot” God grinned “I told you father I’m done with it… I rather stay f-” he immediately stop when the door pushed open and Michael walk in…

“Father, Charlie and Vaggie Wanted to say Goodbye, They’re returning back to earth” He informed, God Attention turn to his favorite angel and nod “Where are they now?” he asked.

“They’re coming here soon” Michael Informed before he gaze to the side and his eyes met with Gabriel’s it made him feel strange that Gabriel stays on his station (or balcony idk how to type) instead of flying down and Annoy him.

Gabriel only smile and gave him a polite nod before looking forward to the door…

Michael felt Absolutely strange that Gabriel did that… like uncomfortable… It just felt so ‘Alien’ to him… it brings back those old memories where Lucifer was still in heaven…

Michael mouth turn to a thin line As he gaze down awkwardly.

Thankfully it didn’t take long when Charlie and Vaggie arrive with a Very excited yet sad Haniel.

This time Gabriel fly down only to greet the Princess and The fallen Angel before flying back up to his Station.

Charlie and Vaggie Said their goodbyes before Michael opened a portal for them to return back to their Hotel, Haniel helps them carried their belonging…

And when everything is done, Haniel Excuse herself out of the Throne room and Michael made the portal disappear

“hey Gabriel! Want to grab a lunch?” He offered nervously, God Glance at Gabriel who seems to be surprised by the offer “Ah… Apologies Michael… I’m still on duty” “oh right! No it’s fine… Father I will take my leave” Michael Bow down before he turn around to leave.

“Hold On” God raise a hand and Michael stop, He turn around confused “Gabriel you are relieved of your duty” God Gesture, Gabriel Eye twitch


Michael glance up at him, With those eyes… Crap Gabriel mentally slap himself.

“so~ are you free?” Michael asked teasingly, Gabriel sigh “I am” He Can’t help but matches Michael Smile, He fly down and land next to Michael, The Expression on Michael’s Face Made him want to let the ground to swallow him.

Why must he fall for his own Leader?, Michael walk out of the Throne room as Gabriel followed but slowly Gabriel glared at God who’s looking so smug…


Gabriel had been acting different, That’s what Michael could easily realize because Gabriel wasn’t trying to hide it… He’s been acting as if Nothing is wrong.

Actually Gabriel haven’t call him any Embarrassing name at all… which is weird

“ok what’s wrong?” Michael asked as he placed his Spoon down, Gabriel look up from his phone and raised a brow… a Horrible habit to eat while Looking at One’s phone-

Michael had scold him more than once For the past million of years now he just gave up on Doing it because Gabriel would never change on that Habit.

“What do you mean?” Gabriel asked “you! You haven’t… You’re acting weird” Michael gesture to him “Am I?” “you haven’t flirt with me at all, You haven’t randomly take a photo or… You just… Gabriel!” Michael seems to panic.

Gabriel put down his fork and his phone “Relax My prince, I am Fine… A acquaintance of mine suggested that Maybe I should stop… I mean hey! Soon If the deal is up You’ll be officially Out of the Market because Father would Try to Engaged you with Someone right?” Gabriel smile.

“and if anytime soon Someone put a ring on that finger then… I should stop, So I stop now before I can’t stop anymore” Gabriel chuckle “It would be bad right? If I Flirt with Someone’s Fiancé?”

Michael Frown turn to a Thin line annoyed by Gabriel’s Wordings.

“we’re not drifting apart, I’m just putting distance so that your future Significant other wont get too jealous” Gabriel laugh.

Michael look down… deep down he doesn’t like being reminded that one day he would need to marry someone… it has been billions of years why now? Even if he can say no to The choices doesn’t mean he's free form God little Arranging marriage Game.

With Lucifer And Lilith, And Raphael clearly Out of the Questions of An Arrange marriage it makes Michael become a center target

It sounds Like he wasn’t the center Target in the first place… he was, he always was God’s Center attention… But it definitely going to be worse now… god would definitely push him to marrying someone.

And if Lucifer and God made a deal of peace it means God would really Arrange him with a Demon.

Hey at least He know Satan would be on that choice-

He know Satan, They get along before the fall and he heard Zadkiel talk about Satan sometimes… Satan didn’t change much.

But somehow it felt wrong… no… it just felt so wrong when Gabriel said he’ll stop…

Does this mean no more Teasing? Does this mean no more asking to sleep together?

He glance toward Gabriel who’s already focusing on his food and his phone again.

Somehow it felt so wrong when Gabriel Stop Flirting to him, Yes it’s annoying but… This is Worse, He know he’s the one that had Suggested it to Gabriel! He doesn’t like this! Why the fuck does his stupid mouth had to suggest such a thing?!

“y-you know You could Still flirt with me I don’t mind” Michael Whispered “but I do, I don’t want to Cause any drama My prince… I don’t want to lose you as my friend” Gabriel whispered an excuse... In reality he just want to stop, If he doesn't he know he would fall deeper...

“Don’t be a stranger Gabriel” Michael chuckle, Gabriel smile “to you? Never Baby~” He really shouldn’t say that but the grin on Michael’s face made him felt proud “He’s Back~” Michael Snickers.

Gabriel rolled his eyes amused “Tone it down a bit it’s fine just… if you stop flirting it felt like I’m talking to a Stranger” Michael huffed “understood Sir”

“Hey Gabe… what if I chose you instead?” He asked jokingly and Gabriel laugh “oh No, I’m off the list” “Wait what? Why?” Michael Immediately look confused.

“You have better choices than me, Come on! We both know we’ll be nothing but Coworkers, Nothing more than Just friends” Gabriel gesture he hides the fact those words had hurt him when he said it.

Michael blink once and twice before chuckling “actually you’re right, I could never imagine Marrying you… I couldn’t imagine marrying anyone actually!” Michael muttered.

“wait no, I imagine Marrying Satan before” He Gasp, Gabriel smile froze “Satan?” he asked trying to stop his eyes from twitching when Michael nod “he’s on the list, So I’ll probably Chose him if there’s no good choices… and since you’re out of the list Meaning I definitely have to choose him… hopefully that would bring heaven and hell closer, Although it’s more like the Wrath ring with Heaven and not all Hell” Michael muttered and he start talking the possibility on increasing Heaven and Hell’s Politics while Gabriel sat there…

Gabriel smile and nod but deep down every word Michael said breaks him… breaks him more than it should…

How could Michael be so cruel? Pulling him closer only to hurt him like this… Holding him close only to have eyes for someone else… embracing him only to be yearning for Another man…

But he need to remind himself Michael have no wrong here… he was Clueless of Gabriel’s feelings thinking the flirting was just a Friendly act and Gabriel wont blame him for it

“Remember how Cute He used to be?” “Satan? Cute? Michael you’ve lost your mind” Gabriel huffed, Michael raise a brow confused… “I don’t think so I’m sure most angels that was there when he’s an angel would agree with me, from Cute to Hot” Michael sigh.

Gabriel tried not to frown at his words… so is that Michael’s type? Someone who’s NOT An angel? Find an affair with this ‘Alastor’ Guy and now talking about Satan… Guess He could see where Lucifer and Raphael get their Taste in Significant other-

All Three Brothers have the same taste… Someone who isn’t an angel…

“We should wrap this up don’t you have work to do Michael?” He Asked Trying to sound like nothing is bothering him “huh? Oh! Dear God I have a Meeting with Jophiel!” Michael Gasp.

Soon they had Paid for their food and leave the restaurant “Hey Gabriel!” “hm?”

“don’t be a Stranger ok?” Michael told nervously, Gabriel gave him a mischievous smile “I wont be if you don’t push me away Your Majesty” He lift Michael hand to kiss the back of his palm and wink at him.

“I’ll be going on my way now, See you around My prince” Gabriel let go of his hand and Michael almost felt ashamed that a part of him wanted Gabriel to stay longer, To hold him longer.

Gabriel turn around, Opening his wings and flew off.

Michael stare at his hand and a small blush creep up to his face

‘what the fuck was that about’ he cover his mouth with his hand as he look away.

Little did he know that would be the last time Gabriel would Ever tried to Earn his Love…

Because he had earn it… at the same time where he had decide to stop pursuing Michael in such a way…

Love is complicated…


When returning home what Charlie didn’t expect was… that Her father and Alastor is arguing about a Child-

“They’ve been doing it a lot… they didn’t even know we’re in the room with them sometimes” Angel Dusk Whispered to her.

The child in Question was sitting on Alastor’s Bed while Niffty brush her hair, She seems to be so happy That there’s a child here…

Charlie felt something inside tug her, The child look up from Niffty and to Charlie… familiar Gaze… Charlie put a hand to her mouth as she let out a Gasp.

“You gave Birth to Kasory?!” and that get Alastor and Lucifer to stop and they both Turn to Charlie with confusion, Vaggie face palm… She love Charlie she really do but sometimes The princess can get A Bit Out of control with her imagination…

Everyone now Looking at Charlie Confused, Angel Raise his brow Amuse while Niffty was vibrating in Place… oh no… Charlie just gave her ideas- she rushed out of the room laughing like a maniac.

“…… No Char Char Alastor has been Hiding Kasory- because Apparently God Punishment had hit him, And lock him in his Original form, Alastor was so overwhelmed when Kasory finally Return to a More… Lively form that’s why he reach out for Michael” Lucifer tried to explain while Alastor Face Twisted to disgust at Charlie’s Word.

And then his surrounding became static before he Disappear

“AL I’M SORRY I DIDN’T MEAN TO MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE!” Charlie Screamed as she ram out the room trying to look for Alastor “AL!!!!! FORGIVE ME PLEASE!!!” She cried.

“she just gave Niffty a Very Horrible Idea” Angel whispered, Husk chuckle next to him, Vaggie sigh… a few minutes in hell and everything already becoming a bit out of control...

Her gaze slowly went to Kasory who look back at her, Is that child really The one that had once destroyed Heaven’s 6th Level?... Unbelievable she looks as harmless as any normal kids.

Vaggie walk up to her “wow it’s weird looking up at you” Kasory muttered “Usual I have to be the one bending down” she added, Vaggie Immediately frown “thank you for reminding me why I fucking hate Children” she muttered only to Receive a Giggled from the Angel.

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