Sickening Desires

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In the end it became a whole Day of Going out on A Walk, having fun, and Buying new things!

Alastor had suggested that they should Buy Kasory new Clothes instead of Using Charlie’s old ones, and They end up Buying her small dresses and Suits, What would happen to it when Kasory back to Her older Form? Well That’s for the future to Worry about!

As Lucifer cooing around the Child in his Hand Alastor Walk alongside him holding the Bag of Clothes, Kasory was now Wearing a More fitting Clothing whole Chewing on French Fries...

Alastor had Got a bit Pissed that Lucifer decide to bought such a food for the child, He could’ve Cook one his own and make it way healthier than that! THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT’S BEEN PUT IN THE FRIES!

But his Worried was ease quickly by Lucifer who told him Archangels wont be injured by a simple food… still…

After finishing Her fries Kasory was about to wipe her hand to Lucifer’s suit but Quickly one of Alastor’s tentacle handed her a napkin and help her wash her hand using one Of their Water Bottle.

“you’re good at this” Lucifer grinned “Well Sire between you and me… someone has to” Alastor bitterly Responded as he Gesture with his hand for the tentacle to Disappear when Kasory Hands is clean.

Lucifer frown and Glared at him, So much for Complimenting the Overlord!

“Luci…” “yes Kasy?” “want Soda” “Sure” “Absolutely Not!” Alastor immediately Objected it “oh come on Al, Let her have Soda” Lucifer glared as the two stop walking.

Alastor Surrounding became static, He is NOT going to let the Child DRINK ANYTHING LIKE THAT! He had to go through seeing The Unhealthy Food all across the Street! Kasory had already eaten 10 Sweet, 3 Street Friend food, 5 Strange looking Food that Lucifer said ‘it’s the food These days’!


“dude she’s not Your kid chill, She’s fine” Lucifer huffed “Sire He have too much of those Food” Alastor Snap.

Kasory didn’t say anything, she just sat there quietly while the two argued about it.

Everyone quickly Ran away from the Location… of course they do they’re scared that the two would end up in a fight-

Soon the argument gone heated… Kasory Raise both hands up toward Alastor “Al I’m hungry” She spoke and that made both of them stop.

“We could buy something” Lucifer Muttered but Kasory shake her head “Want Al’s Cooking” that seems to ease Alastor anger… the Grin on Alastor Face Soften, No more forced… “Well then dear why don’t we return home and I’ll cook your something?” He Chirps before continue his walk.

Lucifer followed behind and glance at Kasory “You just want to calm him down don’t you?” He Whispered, Kasory look up at him with an innocent smile.

When they arrive back at the Hotel they immediately went to the Kitchen, Lucifer placed Kasory down on the Counter while he leave to put away the Shopping bag, Alastor tied his hair back “What would you like to eat my dear?” He asked Glancing at the Angel.

“Anything! As long as You cook it then It’ll be delicious” She chirps with a grin.

His gaze soften, Such an enthusiastic child… But he’s no idiot, He know Kasory ask for His cooking because She doesn’t want to see him And Lucifer Yell at each other… So he’ll just make some Light snack…

Kasory had already ate a lot today he wasn’t sure if she could handle a Big meal… so he just make something simple like a Muffuletta… he could just cut it down to pieces so when the others want some they could get it.

Speaking of the others, It’s quiet Huh? Maybe they went out with Cherri…

While he was preparing the ingredients he didn’t expect the Tiny Angel to try and sliding off the Counter she was on.

“Careful dear!” he dropped the meat he was holding before rushing to Stop her from falling down, Thankfully she didn’t get injured…

She giggled as she kick her leg in the air “My doe… don’t do that” He sigh as he stand back up holding her “I want to help” she chirps.

“Of course” he sigh, He went back to Placed her on the counter this time closer to his and he placed the frozen meat on a Bowl of hot water before Putting it next to her “Watch that” he told.

“I’m not an idiot Alastor” She blankly spoke “I know you aren’t my Doe but Children aren’t supposed to hold any knife” he spin the knife in his hand before using it to cut the bread in halve, She huffed.

He seems to be so proud of his word…

Well soon It didn’t take long for Alastor to Finish and Now Kasory sitting on the dining table eating a slice of the Muffuletta.

Alastor sat next to her…

He let his mind Clouded his head…

Why was he so worried for her? He hates this attachment and yet he couldn’t harm her… he couldn’t harm anyone in this hotel…

As time passed all of them had become someone so dear to him, He doesn’t like this and yet he yearn for the comfort…

How Vaggie always keeps everyone together, How Angel Seems to be More understanding than he looks, How Husk smile more when the others is around, How Kasory seems to learn more about Life from them, How Niffty had Find people she could rely on.

And how Charlie accept all of them with open arms…

How Charlie had accepted him with such a wide smile, She’s always full of hope even if to him her hope are useless and Just a mere child dream… he somehow felt Hateful when someone dared to tell her that…

Home… he had find home in these people…

The people he had said would be his entertainment… in the end they’re more than that.

Alastor placed his head to his hand as he smile softly at the small angel in front of his gaze.

“Would you like to Join me in one of my broadcast My Dear?” Alastor offered, Kasory look up at him.

“sure!” she chirps before biting the last of her slice and look around for a napkin, Alastor gave her one “Thank you!”

Such a polite Little Angel


‘Michael is with someone’

‘Michael is with someone’

‘Michael had been with someone, that someone is a Sinner’

Gabriel clawed his face, Thankfully it didn’t leave a mark as he sat on his bed, should he tell Father about this? A little part of him wanted to… Wanted to tell God about it but A big part of him refuse…

If Michael really is with A Sinner… Telling god might cause the god punishment towards Michael, It could Hurt Michael… he doesn’t want that… no he doesn’t want Michael to be hurt even if he’s hurting Thinking about Michael being with someone else.

His phone buzz and he glance to the side

<[Are you free?]


He want to ignore him, Want to just push him away… He know full well the more Michael spend time with him the more he’ll fall into the pit of this feeling.

But yet… he doesn’t want to… to push Michael away…

He grab his phone with shaking hand before swiping it open, clicking in the code and went to Michael’s chat.


He stare at his message… its So simple it doesn’t sounds like him at all when he talk to Michael… well he always keep things short when he’s texting the other Archangels or his subordinate but never Michael…

Michael was responding… before it disappear and A Portal appear in front of his bed, Gabriel Flinch when Michael walk out of the Portal with a worried look on his face

“are you ok?” Michael asked Staring at him “um yea?” Gabriel Raise a brow, The portal behind Michael disappear as Michael crawl up the bed to him, Gently wiping the tear away.

Gabriel didn’t even realize he was crying… maybe because he had never pay attention to Sadness before… “Did something Happen Gabe?” Michael ask softly, Gabriel shake his head “Nah, Just Stressed out and stuff… I’ll be fine!” Gabriel Forced a smile.

“you could tell by just my messages… Impressive My Prince” Gabriel chuckle as he stare down at his Phone “you always go back to the old you when your mind are conflicted… it has been conflicted lately… is there anything I could do to help?” Michael asked.

He wanted to take advantage of that so bad… he wanted to say Yes, yes there is something Michael could do to help… absolutely! but He shouldn’t fall for such desire… he’s not A Demon, Or Azrael… he’s better than them.

He’s God’s Strength, He shouldn’t fall for such a simple desire…

“no, It’s fine Michael really I’ll get back on my feet In no time… I always do, I always will” Gabriel grin “if you can’t Stand on your feet, then Let me help you… let me be the wall you hold on to” Michael put a hand to Gabriel’s Chest, Gabriel immediately tense up trying to not blush but he fail miserably “You’re a Good friend of mine Gabriel… A Little annoying at times but you’re still someone I trust… more than anything” Michael whispered the last three words…

Gabriel eye twitch at the word ‘a Good friend of mine’ it hurt so bad…

Adam was right… Michael would never fall for him…

He should’ve listened to Adam… and Take it as a sign to Move away from Michael before The feeling Get worse…

“Michael” Gabriel Called before grabbing Michael Hand and push it away from him, He slide out of the bed “No need to worry about me, I know how to take care of myself… now forgive me but I must Do some work” Gabriel Sterly Spoke.

He push away all emotions, Locking them in a box… He shouldn’t even feel any of this for Michael… He really shouldn’t… they're just Co-workers and nothing more... Would NEVER be anything more...

“Gabriel… you said you’re not busy” Michael glared “Well I lied, Just want to meet you but We already met and now I have to go back to work” Gabriel Lied as he clap his hands together “I’ll be seeing you around Prince” He said before leaving the room.

Feelings are cruel…

Desires Are Horrible…

He wanted to fall down and let the Pit swallow him…


“DON’T YOU KNOW HOW DRASTIC I NEED THESE SOULS?!” Lute Shouted, Azrael smile didn’t falter as they both sat across each other from Azrael’s desk.

“why don’t we take a walk?” He offered as he stand up “we don’t have Time for that Azrael I need-” she stop when Azrael offered a hand to her, she glared at it before slapping it away to stand up on her own.

The two walk out of his office and down to the Elevator… to the main floor and out of the Building…

“Let me remind you Lady Lute… we are in heaven…” “I know that” “I understand you’re angry of Adam’s death, My condolences… but Just so you know Revenge is never an option” Azrael Told.

Why was he being so Gentle to her? It confuses her… she glance at him, His gaze was Longing… like he Was hiding something behind it.

“your mind is Filled with Revenge and murders, Even if you are at the wrong in the first place” “I’M NO-” she step when a finger placed in front of her lips “Are you? Lady Lute… Soul can be Redeemed, but you and Adam decide to put a war… to hell… tell me Lady Lute if Those souls can be redeemed… who do you think the bad guy is? Who had Cause a lot of bad than Good?” He ask Softly.

A tone she never hear him speak to her with… now she understands why The reapers all loved him… even if he see them as a test tube of Hamsters they always felt so welcomed and he always Seems to care about their well being…

It makes everyone forgot that Azrael was nothing more than a Sinful Hypocrite… and Yet His tone made her want to reach out for comfort…

Even if he hates her he still try to snap her out of her rage… even if it’s for his own Gain he at least tried to do what others didn’t even want to try “Adam and Mine” She whispered as her wings slowly fall “Exactly… but You two aren’t at the wrong either because you don’t know about that… and yet you’re still on the wrong” That doesn’t make sense yet it does…

“I’m not giving you more soldiers Lady Lute… not until next year or the next… I don’t want any more souls to be taken more than it should cleansing a soul Takes too much energy from both mine and Metatron’s Angels we need rest Lady Lute, So for this year and maybe the next take some rest… you and the Girls need it too...” He put a hand to Lute’s Shoulder.

“you can’t always lived with the feeling of rage and Revenge” he added.

“I miss him” Lute Whispered as she hug herself as best as she could with just one hand “I know” “It shouldn’t have happened” Azrael Shrugged at that but he didn’t say anything to object or agree to it “I… I’m not sure how to do all of this without him” she close her eyes and Open them again when she felt someone Hugged her.

She look up, It was Azrael…

“cry on me, I’m here to hold you” He whispered and she did, she burst out crying… Some reapers that float by glances at them Worried but Azrael wings wave them off.

Azrael guessed that no one but Adam ever Cared much about her emotions… no matter how a dick the guy is at least he actually Cause some good impact in someone’s life…

“you can’t always lived in such Emotions Lute… it’s already blinded you don’t let it blinded the future Father have for you” Azrael whispered Quietly he brush her hand.

Exorcist halo are black… It already shows how Their Job aren’t the Purest there is… even Azrael have a brighter halo than they are… And yet

He wonders… how could an exorcist Halo are black while… a certain someone’s halo still Yellow…

At God’s Domain…

An angel lands on God’s Domain As it quietly Steps inside...

“I haven’t seen you in a while” Metatron greeted, Only to be responded with a nod from the angel as the Angel stand in front of the Throne room.

“You can come in, Father isn’t busy” Metatron said the angel immediately push open the door before walking in, his Footsteps doesn’t even make a noise as he step into the Acrylic floor.

God raise a hand to stop him from Kneeling “Azrael had Inform me that there’s no need to Exterminate Lute or any of the Exorcist” God informed, The angel tilt his head to the side silently asking god to explain.

“The Exorcist will Stay in heaven, And you… Will not harm any of them” God Ordered the Angel stare before he nod quietly before turning around to leave.

“You Know, Kasory is no longer around… There’s an Open space for an Archangel~” Uriel Offered As he lean to his sword glancing at the Angel.

The angel Stays Quiet but Both Uriel and Meratron could already tell his choice, The Angel shake his head before start to walk away again.

“always refusing such an offer, Don’t you think it would be better off if he stop being a Executioner for Father?” Uriel huffed yet he was amused at how easy it seems for the angel to refuse him

Metatron shrugged “I think his current work fits him pretty well… and he knows it himself” He Smile staring down at his book, Uriel raise a brow as he glance at the Oldest Archangel before his gaze went to the exit where the Angel left

“I guess you’re not wrong” he muttered.

“Oh Voxxy you Know I can’t Devote myself to a single Person, Tell Raphie I said Sorry”

Vox sigh, of course… Val answer just like how he expected, Valentino like Raphael but He clearly can’t and Not willing to Just Be with The Angel…

“seriously, You’re done with him?” Vox Asked as he followed Valentino Walking down the Hallway of their Building “well if Dear King Lucifer said so then yes, You can have him for yourself” Valentino Hum.

Vox raise a Brow “if it’s so easy for you to let go why were you so mad at me when I didn’t say anything to you about him?” Vox Muttered, Valentino Let out a smoke “Because I do Care about Him Voxxy, But I don’t care too much to let go of My work just for him” Valentino glared down at him.

“and I always enjoy Playing around, I rather Not be bound to one person” He Look back forward.

Vox Didn’t say anything else… Valentino still cares but he wont Give up his work… Vox would do the same honestly but thankfully his work doesn’t go against what Lucifer Said.

“although… I hope you don’t mind sharing him with me from time to time” Valentino grin maliciously, Vox Gave him a nervous grin “well if Raphael wants too who am I to say no?” He respond.

“Excellent then I won’t have any problem, Have fun in your little Romance… I have a ‘meeting’ to have with some of my Subordinate” One of Valentino’s Hand wave at him as the Moth walk out of the Building.

Vox keep himself up before leaving from the Public view and his smile Fall, Somehow he felt frustrated by Valentino’s Answer but he had to remind himself he was talking To Valentino! Of course those answers are Possible.


It was a meet up Planned by Beelzebub and Satan felt like he’s going to die…

“why is he glaring at me?” Satan Whisper to Mammon who’s sitting next to him, Mammon glance at Lucifer whisper been Glaring non stop at Satan for the whole Meet up.

The others seems like they didn’t notice because Beelzebub has been cheering as usual and Non stop talking while Belphegor was playing with her phone, Leviatan was In a conversation with someone on the phone, Asmodeus Joked around with the Gluttony Sin.

Lucifer was smaller than all of them but he’s still look scary-

“Are you sure? Maybe he missed, He probably glaring at me but end up at you” Mammon tried to reassure the demon.

Satan eye twitch “I don’t know he’s been acting cold towards me Ever since the start” He tried to hide from Lucifer’s gaze as he took a sip of his drink.

For the Sin of Wrath he knows full well Lucifer is MAD at him, he could feel Lucifer’s angel Straight towards him and it’s strong… He’s Almost Impressed! He had never felt such angel from Lucifer…


“never mind he is M A D at you” Mammon muttered “dude what the hell did you do?” he whispered amuse, Satan shake his head “I don’t know, we haven’t talk for days last time we talk it was in the group chat! And it’s just a casual conversation you read it yourself!” Satan Hissed.

He really didn’t know what he did wrong to Receive such an attitude from the king of hell himself! They doesn’t have any type of problem last time he remembers!

Soon Lucifer’s glare was broke when Beelzebub tackled the king to a hug “Luci! Luci! Luci! Why are you so quiet Lu Lu?!?!! Let’s party tonight bitches!” she Lifted her Glass of Alcohol, Clearly she had drank too much or Eat too much sweet…

Lucifer attention change toward her instead of the confused Sin of Wrath… and Satan Let out a Sigh of Relief…

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