Angels/the AU 60 fun fact

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A few Angels fun fact.

1 Metatron Is the Oldest Archangel and One of the Oldest Angels… and So is Gabriel but somehow Gabriel looks like he didn’t age one bit (lmao)

2. Raguel’s favorite drink is Coffe and his favorite food is Velvet mille Crepes Cake.

3. Raguel Can Detect any lies and he could see right through anyone, At the same time he doesn’t lie but if a question is something he doesn’t want to answer he would wave it off or Use words that would Went pass The questions… it’s not a lie it’s a simple Nudge to a different side of the Conversation.

4. Eva is Biologically Azrael’s daughter, she’s a Nephilim but the difference is Azrael was never Fallen.

5. Gabriel is afraid of Raguel… like literally.

6. Cassiel is the weakest Archangel along Kasory but Kasory only weak when he’s in Heaven because it have little negative energy.

7. Kasory Power came from the Negativity, Chaotic And destructive Energy around him, In heaven he can’t be as strong as when he’s in Hell or The void or earth.

8. God Likes to play around by causing a lot of drama between their angels for their own boredom…

9. Michael’s actual favorite food is Gabriel’s Cooking and Lucifer’s Baking.

10. Zadkiel is the only Trans Archangel.

11. Zadkiel’s Sexuality is still conflicted but if he realize about it, it’s Gay Asexual.

12. Jehoel used to lead the Seraphim before he gave that role to Lucifer and Become an Archangel full time.

13. Kasory is Like a stray cat, He have a lot of names given to him by different people and he responded to all of those names sometimes people didn't even know which name is his original name...

14. Eva Actual name is Azraela Evarg Bloom.

15. Sometimes Gabriel’s voice is a bit robotic but he tried to make sure it wont slipped.

16. Raphael is the Most feared Archangel in Heaven’s standard because of his Anger issues and Sadistic Nature.

17. Kamael is always single, don’t ask him why he’s single he’ll cry you monster-

18. Jophiel is the one designing The Archangel’s Original Uniform.

19. The Past Azrael used to be in a romantic Relationship with Kasory.

20. Kasory is an asexual but just like Raguel he is not immune to Sexual Activity, he just feel like It’s not needed or he doesn’t have the urge to do anything about it.

21. Niffty is Azrael’s favorite Sinner…

22. Alastor and Kasory is currently in a Platonic Relationship, Alastor treated Him different from how he treated other male Character because Kasory isn’t really a Guy, He’s a Bigender and Alastor Respect that.

23. Kasory learns a lot of ancient Magic spells, he use those spells in heaven mostly because he can’t really use his chaos power there.

24. Kasory can switch gender, And when she’s in a female form she could actually get Pregnant but we’re not going to that route guys- lmao

25. Michael’s singing voice is so angelic that anyone who hears it would immediately stop whatever they’re doing to just listen.

26. Kasory have an older brother, but he’s in another universe… far from the Hazbin Universe.

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