it did not go as God Planned-

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“Oh shit!”

Azrael almost fall but Thankfully Eva grabbed him before he could fall face first to the ground, he gave her a genuine smile… Kasory and Metatron had left a few days ago and Now it’s only her that taking care of him.

He really appreciate having her around…

“Dad be more careful please” she Spoke in her sweet and Quiet tone, He nodded before using her as support even if she’s way and way shorter than he is…

He’s around 8’7 while she’s like 5’9…

“Sorry for troubling you Eva… I really didn’t want you to have to deal with me like this” Azrael sigh as she led him to the living Room couch.

Eva gave him a small and welcoming smile her face was relaxed… “its fine really” she spoke as she gently help him to sit down, he wince a bit when his back touch the soft couch behind him.

“I feel like I always show you a weak side of me… from the first time I took you to heaven and now this… I’m so sorry Eva” He sigh, her smile didn’t falter as she put her hand on his.

“It’s fine… really, after all… this makes me about to see the real you” she spoke trying to comfort him, He stare at her for a minent before chuckling and shake his head he raise his free hand to caress her long hair

“You’re such a cute hamster Eva… thank you for caring about me, Thank you for not leaving me even if I’m in such a horrible state…” He whispered.

She had never run from him… no matter how horrible he looks she had always stay… he doesn’t understand at all but he was glad that she did… he was glad that she stays and didn’t leave him.

“I would never leave you in such state… after all.. you yourself that Had protected me from the start so… let me protect you Dad” She lean to his touch.

Even if she knew him for months but not years… she wont hesitate to be there for him when no one else can’t or wont… he saved her… she will protect him with all her power even if it’s not that much of a power she will try her best…

Just for him…

She had look up to him from the very start he had shown weakness, She look up to him… she wanted to be just like him of course minus the painful feeling that he’s been going through-

“Although… I hope you don’t neglect your training just to take care of this old man” He Boop her nose it made her giggle as she lean away “You’re not as Old as Sir Metatron” she joked, she could always be herself around him… she could always step out of her introvert Zone when it’s just him…

She wish one day he’ll be that comfortable with her too, That he’ll finally show his true self more often . She wanted to know him

The real him…


Michael is Bright…

He shine way brighter than the sun, truly the light of Heaven, The Crown Prince…

Satan had never thought much of him aside being a prince and now being his soon to be Husband…

Not until a few days ago, Spending time with the prince Truly Change his point of View a little, they were suppose to Play an act but… he can’t help but to Find Michael Enjoyable to be around.

Michael was Elegant and look so perfect in every way but… once he truly get to know the prince behind the persona of a prince… Michael wasn’t far from Lucifer, Although he does act more adult than the King of hell, And Michael is more amusing to be around.

Satan sometimes can’t help but smile amuse whenever he could feel the rage in Michael… even if the Price tried to pretend like he’s calm Satan could feel He was Angry…

And Satan thought Raphael have Anger issues-

A few days after Returning to Heaven Satan suddenly got Visited by Michael again which Surprised him because this time it was Unplanned.

The rage in Michael was Big… so big that it’s almost overwhelmed The Sin of Wrath…

Satan was just in the Middle of punching a Punching bag when he felt the Overwhelming Rage…

He turn his head to look at The Open portal as The Prince walk into his work out room.

“Prince? What are you doing here?!” Satan asked surprised.

“I’m frustrated” Michael simply Answered as he closed the portal behind him and Cross his arm in front of him a she look away…

Satan mouth turn to a thin line, The rage was so overwhelming he felt like he himself want to burst in rage because of this Amazing energy Michael been throwing at him…

He Step away grabbing A Towel from the Seat to wipe his sweat away before making His way to the Prince “You’re anger is higher than Usual” Satan pointed out.

Michael sigh “I know, Gabriel been avoiding me… I hate how he’s been avoiding me… I don’t know why” Michael sigh again as he put a hand to his face.

Gabriel? Ah so It’s about Gabriel…

“I have to admit I’m not sure if I should tell you to calm down or not because I am enjoying this rage from you Prince” Satan Chuckle, Michael raise a brow and look at him up and down.

“I had to admit I rather see you shirtless” Michael joked, it made Satan laugh.

He could feel slowly the rage fades away but there’s still a hint of it inside Michael, Like a Burning Candle…

Michael step back a bit “Sorry that I uh… just suddenly come here I just… so frustrated I don’t know who to turn to” He look away, Satan stare at him… Michael doesn’t know who to turn to? Didn’t he have the Whole Archangels on his side? Aren’t they friends? Or did Satan miss something here?

Michael shake his head before walking away, circling around the Room frustrated and the rage returns to him… “Damn it I shouldn’t even come here, this was all just an act between you and me… you have a boyfriend and I shou-”

“we Broke up”

Michael immediately turn to look at Satan surprised when he suddenly interrupt him “What?” He asked as he stop walking.

“Me and Him, Broke up… I mean… would it even be possible to stop this now? Marriage in a month” Satan muttered, Michael felt pain… he felt in pain… he never wanted that To happen, Satan always seems so proud when he talk about his boyfriend… he always seems like he genuinely Love him! Michael never want to be the person that cause such break up!

“also we kind of Think that Hey it’s been millions of years and… we fit more as close friends so…” He shrugged.

“w-who is Your Boyfriend… actually?” Michael asked as he step closer to Satan.

With how much Satan talk about His Boyfriend he had never said his Name, the Name of His Boyfriend or the species of his boyfriend never slipped out of his mouth at all… which Curious Michael.

“I- at least let me apologize to him, For causing this…” Michael stammer, Satan hold a hand out for him to stop “It’s Fine really Prince, I don’t think this is the right time anyway… with how unstable your emotions is right now…” He gesture to Michael.

Even if he could only feel rage he could clearly see the Twisted Emotions inside Michael, he know Michael felt guilty and So much other negative emotions… if he said the name… he know Michael would break down…

“please… Tell me his name” Michael put a hand to his chest as his wings wrapped around him.

Satan took a deep breath before letting out a sigh “He doesn’t want you to feel Guilty Prince, Really we just think it’s better off as Friends… it’s not because of you” Satan tried to convince him.

In reality that was half of the truth, Satan just doesn’t want to make His Boyfriend in pain even more so they broke up… and Breaking up was the best option because it does lessen the pain… and with him breaking up nothing actually Pull him back from fully agreeing to the Arrange Marriage.

“we’re still close friends so You don’t need to feel Guilty” Satan sigh.

“then why wont you tell me His name?” Michael asked sternly as he cross his arm again glaring at Satan, usually Satan would get mad if Someone dared to talk to him that way… but this was Michael… if he gets mad he know full well Michael could end him…

So Satan push his rage Behind “It’s…” he pause… before he close his eyes and open them again.


And with that the room went silence as Michael’s wings lowered as low as possible and His stern look turn to confusion before realization and horrified…

Before Michael fall to his knee and Satan could Feel the Anger Blaring even more…and He know that Anger was Targeted to the Prince himself…

“I’m a Monster” Michael whispered as he claw at his face, Satan knows full well what’s going on… Michael was Having a Breakdown.

Michael start to muttered Negative word to himself as his eyes start to water… and he cried…

The prince cried In front of him and Satan didn’t know what to do…

Satan was not the type to comforted others… no he was never that type…

He gulp before he Step toward Michael and kneel in front of Him, he put a hand to Michael’s shoulder “It’s Fine ITS not your fault” he awkwardly said.

“its my fault… it’s my fault… I should’ve pick azazel… Belial… just…. Oh dear Father I hurt Zadkiel… dear god... no… Dear precious Zadkiel….” He sob his body was Trembling…

Satan felt Overwhelmed by the anger the prince radiating and at the same time he felt A bit of Happy knowing that The prince Hold high regards of Zadkiel…

“he doesn’t hate you” Satan tried to convince him.

Michael Punch the ground beneath him and The whole ground tremble like an earthquake, Satan was amazed…

“OF COURSE HE’S NOT! HE’S FUCKING ZADKIEL!!” Michael roared… the rage was too overwhelming…

“ZADKIEL… god… I’m so sorry…” He cried curling up to himself

“Its fine Prince don’t beat yourself up” Satan Told, He really don’t know how to Convince Michael…

Michael immediately stand up “I need to go to Zadkiel” He Spoke As he was About to Summoned a Portal Satan Grabbed him and Forced him down.

“WHAT AR-” “NO!” Satan Immediately interrupted with a roar, Michael tense up… “No… don’t… He would be Sad if you came to him in such Condition, He’s fine ok… we’re fine… everything is fine it wasn’t because of you” Satan spoke.

Michael stare at him for a moment without saying a word “You need to ease down from this first…” Satan spoke trying to be as soft as he could but it came out Harsh… he can’t be gentle… he really cant but it seems those words are calmed Michael down…

Michael sigh before he start crying away silently, Satan pull him to a hug, He was unsure if it helps but When Michael hug back and bury his face to Satan’s chest He guess it does.

Michael’s body was trembling… but he had slowly calm down from earlier, he didn’t try to claw his own face…

The prince was in such a Vulnerable Condition that even his wings just lay there behind his back like all it’s muscles just gone…

Satan rub His back as Gentle as possible trying to ease him.

He had never have such trouble before, Maybe because Zadkiel had never have any rage inside him that Satan could easily ease him down without Fearing to Make the Anger goes higher…

But Michael isn’t Zadkiel… Michael have anger, He have A lot… and Satan could feel it…


Zadkiel sit on the edge of heaven humming a Peaceful tune all on his own as he observe the humans on earth…

It hurt when they decide to break up but, All their lives the both of them always act more of a Friend kind of thing instead of Dating so he doesn’t really mind it at all after all…

Lately he notice the change tone in Satan’s voice when he talked about Michael, So Zadkiel Suggested to end their relationship before it hurts even more and surprisingly Satan had the same idea but he was too scared to Hurt Zadkiel…

Actually that Ease the Archangel of Mercy even more knowing Even if they broke up Satan will still care… Zadkiel smile softly yet his eyes hides the pain inside, but he’s not mad…

No he would never be mad, He know That their relationship times is up and he would let it go…

Even if it hurts so much…

Everything will be better for him and he knows it, And if it doesn’t then he could see the bright side of it…

That’s what he always do…


He look up and turn his head to the Owner of the voice and when he saw the familiar figure he felt like he wanted to cry.

“Michael! Hi there how are yo-” his Voice was cut off when Michael suddenly hugged him…

Ah… so he found out? Zadkiel smile falter as he bury his face to Michael’s shoulder and close his eyes, even without the two exchange any Words they both know what they wanted to say…

And even without Saying he’s sorry…

Zadkiel Forgave him… because it was not Michael’s fault, it never was… in Zadkiel’s eyes there was no ones at fault not even God who Find this amusing…

Maybe there’s a reason why he’s the Archangel of Mercy…

Michael hughed him as his wings wrapped around them, Zadkiel’s body was trembling as he silently sob into Michael’s shoulder, Michael doesn’t care if it ruins his uniform.

“please make him happy for me” Zadkiel whispered.

Michael’s eyes went wide before his body relaxed… how could he say no To Zadkiel? He nodded at Zadkiel’s word.

Only a monster could say no to Such a Pure Angelic Soul…

When he notice Michael nod Zadkiel Smile return, A genuine smile as he pull himself closer to Michael’s hug… it’s comforting, his wings wrapped close around his back as Michaels bigger ones wrapped around the two of them.


Gabriel slam his keybaohe side of his desk breaking it into two before throwing it to the other side of the Room, Fatya Cooed as she jumped a bit on her seat.

“god damn it” Gabriel fall to his knee as he cover his face with his hand and Scream, Thankfully his Surveillance Room were Sound proof from the Outside.

It hurts a lot… even if its just three months he got the feeling it still hurt… Fatya lands next to him and peck his Hand before nuzzling to it, Gabriel glance at her and smile softly as he reach down and gently patted her head.

If Michael is Happy then he’ll be too… he was a Second in Command it’s his job to be there for His Prince and its his job to stand aside when times comes

“I’m sorry girl, I worried you didn’t I?” Gabriel weakly chuckle before leaning back to his Metallic Counter, Fatya Cooed before jumping to his lap and nuzzle to him

At least whenever he felt hurt whenever he felt like there’s no one to turn to… he still got her by his side.

His loyal companion…

“Damn it… Adam was right… Should’ve Listened to that fucker” Gabriel sob as his body trembles a bit which concern the white Pigeon, she look up at him before cooing again nuzzling to him trying to comfort him.

Gabriel was thankful for her trying to comfort him… He close his eyes as he gently pat her, He needs to calm down… and when he went back to his seat or when he Go out of that door… he need to already have his charming smile again…

He need to calm down… Accepted the truth…

That In the end It was never meant to be…

God really have a sick kind of pleasure in the drams huh? Man… one day in the future Gabriel will look back at this moment and laugh at himself for being such a dumbass, For being Hurt just because of a simple shit…


Metatron and Kamael glared at God

“In my Defense this is not what I thought it would go” God Muttered the three were Watching the whole situation through God’s screen.

Metatron muttered something under his breath as he shake his head and Kamael narrow his eyes  “I told you love isn’t a Game Father!” he Raise his voice a little but still at Respectful Tone of Voice.

“I understand your frustrations… but this does not go as I planned…” God Point, Kamael was about to say something but hold himself back because it might be rude… but God already know what he was about to say.

Metatron rub his forehead tired of the bullshit “Lets just hope this would work out and didn’t turn to a regretful one…” he sigh It’s somehow Made him have a whole flashbacks of Lucifer’s fall… even though this is about Michael and under God’s consent… actually god was PUSHING THIS.

“if this end up to be a messed up thing, I’m quitting my job” Kamael hissed, God gesture with their hand silently saying that it’s definitely fair if Kamael want to quit his job because of God’s Bullshit.

Megatron hold his Staff in one hand before he sigh “I should go check on Gabriel” he spoke “yes that would be a good Idea” God muttered as they Rub their face awkwardly…

This does not go as planned… This was Somehow out of their control

The Chaos Of Heaven Came to hellWhere stories live. Discover now