The Archangel of Health God's Punishment

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Michael woke up greeted with a sight of Gabriel next to him on the bed staring at his phone with a frown… a Frown Michael haven’t seen in a while…

He looks sad, Conflicted… Worried and there was a hint of anger.

The only light in the room was From Gabriel’s phone… “Gabe” Michael Called out quietly, Gabriel eyes darted to glance at him, At that point he could see the Icy look of Gabriel.

A look Gabriel had never used for millions of years… Immediately that gaze went from cold to warm… to his usual Look.

Gabriel placed his phone down but didn’t turn it off “Did The light Woke you up? Sorry Michael” He sigh “What makes you so frustrated?” “me? Frustrated? No way” Gabriel chuckle

“Gabriel…” Michael cupped his cheek.

“I’m So Sorry Michael, If I know this would’ve happen I wouldn’t have… I wouldn’t have… I just… Wanted to keep him safe because he’s dear to you…” Gabriel whispered, His Body was Shaking.

Michael wasn’t sure who or what Gabriel was talking about but he scoot closer “Hey Gabe, you tried to do the right thing and that’s enough isn’t it?” He tried to comfort him.

Gabriel suddenly hug him and bury his face To Michael’s Shoulder “you don’t understand… I shouldn’t have…”

“Then make me Understand” Michael whispered

“You’ll hate me”

“… I’ll hate you more if you hide something from me especially if it’s important for me to know” Michael huffed.

He felt his shoulder getting wet… is Gabriel Crying? Michael wrapped his wings around Himself and Gabriel protectively, What had caused his Beloved Second in Command to Have such a Breakdown?

After a few minutes of Silence… Gabriel body relaxed and Michael could feel him falling asleep

Michael Glance at Gabriel’s phone… he Silently picked it up and stare at what Gabriel was Looking at…

His eyes went wide…

<[God made him Flightless Gabriel! I’m so Sorry, I wish I could Fix it but trying]

<[I’ve been trying to work on Creating something that helped But Im not Sure if it’ll actually help, Heaven’s Technology is More complicated]

<[I need Your help]


<[I think he lost his eyesight, Whatever happened that day… All I know he told me he can’t feel his wings and That He ask where I am, While I’m right next to him]

<[Gabe Help, I really need your Intelligence on this To help him]

Gabriel had answered with a few things that Michael had Clearly Ignored… he stare at these messages confused at the situation but know full well what ever happened Someone was Hit by God’s Punishment…

And Gabriel was Involved… and who ever this ‘Vox’ is Was There…

<[im Checking on Raphael tomorrow, if you have time Stop by so I could Give you the device]

Michael’s hand almost crack the Phone…



His… Raphael…

His brother…

Michael put the Phone back down… and that’s when he started to realize… that’s not even Any H.T.N.S Technology, The phone was too ‘Primitive’ For something Gabriel would make…

The Chaos Of Heaven Came to hellWhere stories live. Discover now