Alastor's and Kasory's Deal

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“GAH!” Kasory jumped back, Her back hitting Alastor’s Chest “Careful my dear” Alastor’s Ears lowered.

In front of Them was something that seems like… an effort of Cooking, A Burning pan.

Kasory could do so many things, but Cooking was not one of them… Alastor almost felt impressed by how bad Her cooking is… Not just that it just felt like every time she tried to cook all the cooking utensils just hates her in general.

It has been 2 week since Kasory return and She’s now Around Alastor’s shoulder height “Doe, You need to be careful on how big you want the fire to be” Alastor sigh before leaning forward to turn off the Stove.

He step away to grab the pan and threw it to the Dish washer before pouring water on it, Causing the fire to Demolish.

“I’m So bad at this” Kasory groaned as he pinch the Corner of his nose “…Yes Yes you are very bad at this My dear” Alastor chuckle while Cleaning the Pan.

Kasory stare at her hand there was a few old cuts caused by her attempt to cook before… cooking or baking was something alien to her no matter how much she had tried to get used to it.

The kitchen just not her place…

“We could try again One day, Right now why don’t we take Some rest from the Kitchen shall we” Alastor offered a hand, She Accepted it as he lead her out of the kitchen.

“I’m so sorry” Kasory sigh “No need to apologize my dear not everyone could master something so quickly” Alastor Chuckle

“WE SMELL FIRE ARE YOU GUYS OK?!” Vaggie Shouted as she ran towards them behind her Angel and Charlie followed.

Alastor wave his hand in the air “Now now, No need to worry Dearies… It was simply another Cooking incident” Alastor Told, And they all relaxed

“Warn us again next time when you two decide to do something like that” Angel huffed, Alastor only respond with his casual grin while Kasory Shrugged.

“also hey look at you, You’re getting taller in no time” The Spider Chirps as he step forward and Pinch Kasory’s cheek with one Hand, Alastor let go of Kasory’s hand and step back making sure he wont end up being the target of physical Touch.

“Bet you’ll be as tall as the past you in no time” angel ruffled her hair “Hopefully, I… Would like to get all my Power back before anything could happen” Kasory Respond.

Where did the clothes Lucifer and Alastor bought went? To the void of course-

“You really should try Making your hair longer!” Charlie chirps as she wave her hand in the air, Kasory was considering it… but she shake her head “That would be easy but Long hair is not my style” She muttered.

“but you’ll look so nice! I bet you’ll look nice” Charlie Jumped up and down, Vaggie had to hold her down to stop her “maybe one day” Kasory Finally agreed, But… maybe one day.

She wasn’t sure if she should wear a long hair at all... It doesn’t seems like it’ll fit her…


Kasory woke up right when Alastor had finish His Broadcasting, He stand up from his seat and glance at Kasory, he had suggested for a chair to sit on but Kasory refuses and Kept sitting on the ground next to the door.

“Evening my dear”

“evening Al” Kasory push herself up as she step toward Alastor.

“I would like to talk about our talk before the Hotel’s War” Alastor smile was still there as Usual, Kasory’s Ear flick and she stand up straight “About… the Deal?”

Alastor nod as he offered a hand it glow green, Kasory stare at it… “You know making a deal with me doesn’t mean It could free you from what ever you are trapped in, I’m not As strong as you think” Kasory Chuckle nervously, she had know why Alastor might want to make a deal with her.

An archangel under a deal is like Having one of the Sins under a deal… Powerful… it could make a certain Sinner more powerful than they used to be.

Alastor was powerful enough… and Mix with Kasory’s Power… he could be unbeatable unless Lucifer Decide to take things to his own Hand.

“I know my dear, But I have something Else in mind” Alastor spoke calmly “Certainly your power could… loosen the Chain” He added, It could…

“Promise you wont Abandon me?” “My dear I am not your God, I will Never do such a thing” Alastor growl, He is not the god above… he see her, He see who she is and what she could be.

A weapon

A friend

A dear one…

Kasory Took a deep breath before she extended her hand and Hold Alastor’s, it cause their surrounding to crumble, Greenlight on the ceiling and around them…

Kasory’s eyes glow and Alastor could feel the chain around his neck Loosen it made him grin.

And it surprised him how no one had Ran into the room to stop them…

Kasory’s Power made it looks like nothing happens in the other’s eyes… a sort of illusion…

Kasory Gasp out when suddenly she felt a Burst of energy…

And everything glows yellow…

Alastor closed his eyes when the flashing light hits…

And when he open them again, Kasory was standing in front of him in her full height, The clothing she wore was different now.

The Symbol of pentagram next to his neck glows green for a moment before going back to red.

Kasory let go of Alastor’s hand to look at her own amaze “woah” she Muttered.

Alastor felt around his neck, Even if the chain didn’t seems visible he still could feel them, they weren’t as tight as they used to… it gives him Space to do his own things…

“Thank you my dear” Alastor chuckle.

How is that halo still on top of Kasory’s head? How is it still glow so bright?? He could never understand what God is thinking but he know God is one piece of shit-

He raise a hand toward Kasory and The Angel lean Forward to nuzzle his cheek to the hand, Alastor chuckle.

He could see the Green Chain around Kasory… somehow that chain Wasn’t as strong as he expected, Maybe it’s because of Kasory’s power? Or is it just how Archangels are?

Unable to fully be bound to other being but God…


Azrael walk along the Dark ground in silence, His surrounding only filled with the sound of the wind and the branches from the trees

When Humans die their soul return to him… when an angel die Their energy return to god to be given to Metatron…

To create again…

And the cycle continues…

Azrael hides something from others, Everyone knows that He’s hiding something… deep down he was withering… and God knows about it.

This was his heaven Punishment, His God Punishment… to suffer little by little to wither away…

And one day he’ll be reborn… with 0 memories… he doesn’t like to think about it… But Whenever he’s alone the thought always return to him…

No one will come get him in this place… Kasory isn’t around to Search for him, No one knows about this place…

Azrael chuckle when a Single feather falls and it withered away.

It hurts, His body hurts like it’s been eaten from the inside… he’s scared…

He’s scared of death…

Scared of his own Power…

He fall to his knee as his hands hugged himself, His remaining four wings wrapped themselves around him.

Sins… desires… something he had committed a lot, Because he want to show that Even if God’s Punishment is Burning him from the inside… he still can be more alive than the other archangels.

He have no fear of breaking a rule…

Why should he? In the end he’ll die by God’s Punishment… there’s no stopping it now… he’ll die…

And be resurrected as a new Archangel of Death… with 0 memories…

He wont remember about Kasory… or Raguel… or anyone else…

“You are cruel Father… I have to admit…” He chuckle weakly, He know god could hear him in this floor… but… only a whisper of his voice… this place is damned from holy creature…

He lean his back to a tombstone as he try to control his Energy… it used to be a beautiful Violet… Now it’s slowly turning to pitch black…

It wasn’t his fault… His job was also dangerous itself… It might be a work God Allow or even told him to do but that work was Also Something that cause his demise… the more soul he takes the more it eats him inside.

There used to be an Azrael before him, He used to lived before… and Metatron knows the old him… Azrael doesn’t thought, He only jear stories…

Metatron told him the Previous Azrael, the Him before this reincarnation was Cold… Distance and Always Push others away…

Sounds familiar… sounds like him…

He put a hand to his chest, it hurts so much…

His energy was burning…

He should’ve gone to Raphael, ask for help… Ask for the medicine he’s supposed to take but he didn’t, Because je doesn’t want to… he’s tired of always having to rely on medication…

Tired of always having to be strong while he was slowly Withering away, Weakening…

At least if he die and got revive… the next him maybe could be more Of God’s Style?

Azrael chuckle thinking about it… imagining an Archangel of death that would be a God liking… sounds like something That Impossible to happen, the last Archangel of Death had betrayed God, While he Had become a menace for god

He hiss in pain when he felt his chest was burning.

He just hope the next him… would take care of Eva… he’s so close on finding out her past, her truth… he promised her to find it… hopefully the next him would…

The next him would Fall for Raguel again, That would be like one of those silly human fairytale… yet he can’t help but hoping for it, He doesn’t want to just leave Raguel alone like this…

But he know it only takes a few years or months before Finally he’ll be Gone for good and reincarnated to a new Pure Angel of Death…

He was too twisted, too dark for god’s liking, too dangerous to stay for another million of years… or even a thousand…

“you know what Father…” He look up at the dark sky with a grin

“I regret Nothing in this life… It was a nice one, It was… A nice life…” he whispered, For once saying the Truth without hesitation…

“I know I’m not of your liking… I’m not trying to be… and I just hope the next me would be the one for you, But what the chances?” He chuckle as he tilt his head to the side.

“the Azrael before me had Betrayed you didn’t he? And Now you have me… I have not betray you Father… but I had harmed you, I had broke your rules more than one and that had Made you sad huh Father?” Azrael pull himself up to the stone behind him.

“I don’t care” He Finally said “I don’t care anymore, Not like I did before…” he pull his Hoodie forward to cover most of his face “If you still cherish me father then Why don’t you come down here… or do you wish for me to perish now?” He asked calmly before closing his eyes.

“foolish Child” a Voice spoke it made his smile turn thin and ghostly.

“Causing so much trouble as Usual Azrael My Death” the Same voice Huffed and Azrael felt a pair of Hand wrapped around him and pull him up.

“you’re not allowed to leave just yet my Death, You are destined to stand by Michael Side when he become my replacement” the same voice spoke, Now he know full well it was God.

Azrael relaxed his body to lean to God’s hold…

“after Michael Had taken the throne then you are allowed to Fall from Grace… for now… Heaven Still need You as their Azrael”

It sounds more like a command than a Wording for comfort… Ah so God was planning on leaving soon… And when god leave… Azrael goes with them…


Raphael was busy with himself, He might currently be blind but it didn’t stop him from doing his job, He had traced his hand on writings to read them, When it’s online he had Asked one of his subordinate to read it for him.

He knows every part of the Clinic by heard so je didn’t bump into anything at all when he walk around, Although sometimes he does hit a random new things he didn’t know was there.

He was amaze how most of the angels didn’t realize the change, although now he could see the bright and dark of the place but nothing else…

Sadly no progress on his wings, he still can’t feel them..

Raphael had frown thinking about his wings… the feathers are getting darker, He can’t feel the wings… and they’re still there… he grip on the paper in his hand tighten as he let out a sigh.

All of the sudden Raguel slam the door to Raphael’s Clinic open for once in his life there was a terrified look on his face, Raphael glance at him “Looking for Azrael?” he guessed “where is he?” Raguel asked.

Raphael point at the Door to the Private Recovering room, Immediately Raguel ran to it.

Raphael rolled his eyes amused “Hello Zadkiel” he called when he heard a familiar footsteps of the angel in blue walked I  nervously “Hi Raph” he wave before nervously point at where Raguel left to “I um… going to” “Go ahead” And with that Zadkiel walk pass with a more calm than Raguel earlier.

Sometimes He wonders if they’re actually siblings or not, Raphael Chuckle at the thought.

Both worried about Azrael so much… He hope What ever Azrael went through will finally be Cured… he doesn’t like the sight of his friend hurt.

Inside the private Recovering room, Raguel and Zadkiel went up to Azrael who had his phone in his hand…

Azrael look up to them “Ah, You two… sorry for worrying” he laugh as he wave his hand at them, Raguel went up to him and Cupped his cheek… “Az are you ok?”


“what happened to you?” Raguel whispered worried, Zadkiel had step to the side to sit on the side of the room, all of the sudden God had informed all the Archangel that Azrael had return.

But wont be returning to his duty for a few days to regain his energy, God told them Azrael had got into a little fight with a Void creature…

Zadkiel had Told Azrael what God told them and Azrael smile didn’t disappear but Raguel frown deeper seeing how a little stiff it become.

“What really is Happening to you Azrael?” Raguel asked all of a sudden, Azrael stare down at his hand “no lies can go through you huh Raguel?” He laughed “Az” Raguel gave him an even more worried look.

“I rather not talk about it, But trust me I’ll be fine anytime soon just forgot to take my medicine” Azrael told there was a few part of his word that is a lie and Raguel wasn’t sure if he should point it out… but Azrael said like he doesn’t want to talk about it… so he'll drop the subject until Azrael felt like talking.

The moment they saw Kasory, Charlie had Hugged him immediately, She was so short to him now… he was taller than Alastor… completely already back to his original height.

Kasory ruffled Charlie’s head as she hugged him, Niffty was messing with his ear Playfully, Kasory chuckles.

“Good to see you back to who you are” Angel chirps “the Suit looks batter ion you than the old armor” Vaggie points out.

“Is it now?” Kasory asked ears perked up only to make Niffty giggled, Vaggie nodded “it fits you” She repeated.

Kasory ears lowered as he gave her an appreciative smile which only make Niffty giggled even more and pulled on the ear Kasory Yelped “Ok niffty stop that” Angel huffed grabbing her from Kasory’s shoulder as he pulled her away from the Archangel

“thank you Angel” He sigh in relief while Niffty was giggling like a maniac trying to go back on Kasory’s shoulder but Angel hold her far away from Kasory, One of angel free hand gave a thumbs up at Him

“I’m so excited to be working with you again! Well you in a full height of course! I miss seeing the tall you” Charlie chirps as her eye sparkle, Kasory ruffled her hair…

Kasory can’t help but smile wider at her, Such a enthusiasm… he adore it so much.

“Oh my dear don’t we have something to do?” Alastor put a hand to Kasory’s shoulder, Kasory glance at him before gently pulling himself away from Charlie “Right…”

“What are you two going to do?” “Come join us to the garden Charlie, Kasory going to perform a magic trick” Alastor laugh while Kasory rolled his eyes at Alastor’s little humor.

That gets everyone attention immediately and they all followed Alastor and Kasory to the Backyard where the Garden is.

Alastor use his microphone to point at the Jasmine plant that still haven’t bloom.

Kasory raise a hand and he gesture it to the plant slowly the plant started to bloom as small sparkle of Light Touch each closed flowers

Charlie’s eyes sparkle again while the other stare surprised.

“it never bloom Natural here, Somehow This makes more sense” Angel whispered he was still holding Niffty in his hands, the little lady eye widen staring at the Blooming Jasmine


so what do you guys think of the Character AIs?👀

A friend of mine had immediately broke the Azrael Ai by just fucking around with it lmao

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