Little boy

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"Hello there , Miss Riddle"

Thomas laughs while entering the bedroom. He takes his clothes of and throws them on the chair next to the bed before laying down next to me.

"I told him hé wasnt allowed to talk to you"

"I talked to him Thomas it isnt his fault"

"I know you did , you even enterd his toughts.... and threaten to kill him. That isnt really nice of you is it ? Miss Riddle"

"Stop calling me Miss Riddle , and i told him i didnt mean it."

"Well you behave like you are" his hand slowly makes his way up to my neck and hé starts to squeeze harder and harder.
"Dont ever disrespect me again , especialy infront of one of my deatheaters. I have to admit the taught of you telling him of makes me hard but never do it again ..... did i make myself clear doll ?"

I nod my head unable to say anything. His hand lets go of my neck and cups my cheeck. His thumb rubs circles on my cheeck while i catch my breath , processing what just happend.
Did i really disrespected him ? Yes i did...
"Im sorry , i shoudnt have enterd his mind"
Thomas raises his eyebrows
"Well , you also shoudnt have threatend him that you were going to kill him"
A small giggle escapes my lips , Thomas sits up and looks down at me.

"Im sorry Thomas, you should have seen the look on his face. It just came out , i didnt mean it..... i was angry"

"And why were you so angry ?"


"Remus?" Thomas clenches his jaw

"Yes i was mad that he killed your dragon, mad that you're one step closer to death."

"Werent you the one that was going to kill it ? Im not going to die anytime soon dont worry Olivander."

"Is hé death?"

"Can we stop talking about Remus ?" Thomas looks at me

"Yes we can im sorry"
I look up at the ceiling , Thomas eyes burning holes in my head while hé stares at me.

"Thomas Thomas "
A female voice sounds from the livingroom of the cabin. I turn my head to look at Thomas who is rolling his eyes.

"I swear to merlin , i should have killed her she is absolutly insane , YES MOTHER?"

"Mother? Sybil?" I look at Thomas who is putting his clothes back on.
"Yes Olivander, are you okay with me killing her right now. She makes me even more angry then you ever made me."

"Ofcourse not Thomas ! What kind of question is that ? Why did you bring her here ?"

"I panicked Olivander i dont fuckin know..... she knows allot about my father and i want to know. She promissed me i could read her mind if i let her live. And maybe because i knew you would be furious if i killed my own mother"

"Mmm , Maybe im Miss Riddle after all with how much effect i have on you"

"Olivander i will kill her right infront of you if you dont shut up right this second" Thomas says through clenched jaw.

The door swings open and Sybill stands in the doorframe with the same confused look on her face she always has. She looks at Thomas and then towards me.
"Olivander , are you allright ?" I nod my head and look at Thomas who rolls his eyes again hearing her voice.
"What do you want?"
Sybill looks back at Thomas

"Tea? You made me get up because you want Tea?"


She just stands there looking at Thomas , i cant help myself and laugh. Thomas turns his head.

Black pearl | Thomas Riddle | Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now