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If Thomas would burst in here to come and take me , would i go? I defintly would who am i kidding.... all is it just to touch him again. Does hé hear im thinking about leaving him? "Leaving him" i scoff out loud. We made a bloodpact i cant leave even if i wanted to. Good job you got yourself in some big trouble.... the new Voldemort the next Dark Lord or as i call him Thomas , kidnapped me and i decided it was the best idea to just fall in love with him. Why does he have to be so god damn gorgeous , why coudnt hé just look like his character.
"Hello there!" A boy around my age with way to much happines in his voice walks in.
"Yes what do you want , i was kind off busy" i role my eyes at him

"Busy doing what exactly?" Hé holds in a laugh. "Drowning in self pitty" i answer him. now hé starts to actual laugh. "Im here to feed you" my eyes widen while looking at him. "You're not going to feed me! Im not a child what do i look like ?" Hé sits down in front off me with a plate of food that looks like it has allready been eaten before and a spoon. He's being serious ... "im not hungry thank you" i say while turning my head away. "Please" now he's going to beg? Thomas would have never begged. "Im Remus , and you?" Sounds farmiliar Revus , Remus what is next Recus. He looks sweet but still the fact hé is trying to feed me is pissing me off. "Most people call me by my last name Olivander" i answer him looking at the plate again. "It taste better than it looks , i promise" well i know allot about promisses.... hé looks at me with eyes that are begging and a smile that i havent seen in a long time and i mean that in a positive way. "One bite" i turn my head to look at him. He quickly sits up straight.

I slowly open my mouth as hé brings the spoon to meet me. A small piece of whatever is on that plate falls on my chin. Now im really annoyed, hé lifts his hand and starts to slowly wipe it away with his thumb while looking at my lips. I feel myself blushing and quickly turn my head again. "Bring a napkin next time" i say angry. Next time? Why did i say next time , Thomas would be so angry if hé found out about this.... thinking about Thomas again.
"Im sorry" hé looks down and picks another bite up with his spoon. "How was hé?" Hé puts another spoon in my mouth and i swallow it before i speak , you dont have to chew on this thats for sure. But hé was right it tastes pretty good. "Who?" I ask him raising my eyebrow. "You know ... the Dark Lord" hé looks at the plate as if hé is saying something illegal. "Wich one off the two" i scoff back. "The one who is the reason your here" here we go again. "I dont know... how i know him hé has a soft side and i really liked him i guess" hé looks up at me "liked?" Why did i say liked.... "well i still do to be honest , i was thinking about all the information i got and what i feel about him now before you came in and started to feed me as a baby" i smile at him. I cant help it , hé is so likeable.

He smiles back and we finish the plate in silence. "Well , im sorry i had to feed you ... but it was better than it looked like right?" Hé says while getting up. I role my eyes at him knowing hé was right. "Can you stay for a few more minutes?" It just came out... hé is really nice and i could use some company right now. Hé smiles at me and sits back down next to me against the wall. "Was the men i met earlier your father?" Hé just nods his head. "Im so sorry about what happend to your family , i didnt know" i am sorry about what happend, it feels like i am somewhat guilty for not questioning Thomas his behavior. He killed so many people like it was nothing , hé beat his own friends up and let people curse me and i still hoped there was some good in him. "You dont have to be sorry , it isnt your fault.... you're a good person my father is sure off it...." i look at him and he looks like he is about to cry. "I dont know who i am anymore , im starting to feel empty inside.... i wish i could help you but i know when i see him again i cant go against him... and i cant because off other reasons" i turn my head back. "They told me about it , hé is really smart.... "
I allready figured that part out , hé is smart but his father was to.

We sit in silence but it isnt akward , it feels nice to just have company. He reminds me of Reggie in a way. I never tought hé would drug me but hé was always nice to me and never hurt me. Out off nowhere hé puts his arm around my head and i lay my head down on his shoulder. Why does he do this? Maybe hé is just like Thomas ....
"Did they order you to flirt with me for information?" Hé starts to laugh "No Olivander they didnt" then why is hé doing this... we just met.

He starts to rub my shoulder with his thumb while looking straight forward. Maybe hé is just being nice? Im just not used tot this anymore , it was distant or sex.
Here and there a cuddle while falling asleep but not everyday and most off the time waking up alone. A slight smile forms on my face and Remus noticed it. "Im just being nice Olivander , dont worry i want nothing from you" i lift my head up "well thank you , i didnt know i was that bad to look at" i laugh "i didnt mean it like that and you know it.... you"re beautifull" i lay my head back down after his comment not sure what to say. He isnt bad looking himself either.... here we go again , Thomas , Black and now Remus. "Your not bad either" hé laughs in return. It was probably better to just say nothing now it is akward. "I need to get going , try to get some sleep i will check on you tommorow morning" hé gets up and smiles at me walking towards the door. "Then i can feed you your breakfast" hé winks at me and closes the door.

How am i going to sleep with my hands chained up against a wall? My bottom starts to hurt from sitting on it and my hands are getting cold. I lay my head back against the wall and close my eyes. It takes some time to fall asleep because off the position im in , but after more then a hour i finally fall asleep. I didnt had any dreams not even a nightmare because off everything that is happening. Im getting used to it by now , this isnt the first crazy thing that happend but atleast im alive while im a halfblood. If Thomas didnt like me i was dead , and raped.... if Thomas didnt like me.... if Thomas wasnt a cold hearted killer with a pureblood fantasy it maybe could stop by now and the wizardingworld could get back to normal. Thomas must have a reason for it , hé hasnt talked to me anymore trough my toughts. Maybe hé is finally done with me and thinks its better to let me be.

"Drowning in self pitty again? And that so early in the morning" Remus laughs while hé walks in. "Well i was going to go for a morning run but the chains werent long enough" i wink at him. "We can take one off them off and then tonight we will switch... just promise that you're not going to beat me" hé looks genuinely concernt. "I promise" not that my promisses mean anything like Thomas says. I dont even want to run away , it didnt worked out that great last time. He sits down in front off me again. This time the food looks better just some eggs and bacon. When hé has food on his fork he looks at me waiting for me to open my mouth. "You know i have one free hand now ?" I look at him as he looks down at my hand confused. "Ofcourse , here!" Hé gives me the fork. "I kind off liked feeding you" i look at him and start to laugh without food coming from my mouth. "You're weird Remus im sorry" i put another bite in my mouth , it tastes delicious. "Calm down your going to choke" hé looks at the plate and then up at me. "You can also leave if you dont want to look at it" i hope he doesnt but im not going to tell him that. "As if you want me to" well there hé got me , i dont want him to leave.

Hé is funny and not bad looking , hé has sweet eyes and a even sweeter smile. "Your staring" hé looks at me with a smirk. "Sorry busy with my toughts" hé looks at me up and down. "I almost tought you were thinking about me" my eyes widen can hé read minds? Is that why they send him here? "Stop reading my toughts" i say before putting another bite in my mouth.
"I cant read your toughts" hé laughs "but good to know i was right" Hé smirks again. Well whats the worst thing that can happen? I can think about him thats not weird. "What were you thinking about" i look at him and swallow my food. "That is none off your business Remus" i smirk back. "Well i have tought about you to miss Olivander" hé did? He tought about me? About feeding me with his weird kink. "Tell me" i say to him "only if you say it to" what a childish game is this. "I tought you had a sweet smile and humor" hé leans in towards me until his lips are next to my ear. "I tought that you are one off the pretiest girls i have ever seen and some toughts i cant share with you" hé moves back to look at my shocked expresion hé caused while hé looks pleased with himself.

I finish my plate and drink before sitting back against the wall. Remus puts my plate away by the door and sits down next to me. He puts his arm around me again and i lay my free hand on his leg , He moves when i touch him. "Im not going to do something dont worry" i take my hand off his leg and place it back on my own. He looks at me and takes my hand and lays it on his leg with his hand on top off mine. "Somethings woudnt botter me" where does his confidence come from. I role my eyes and lay my head back. He takes my head in his other hand and turns it so i look at him. "How mad do you get when i try to kiss you" me eyes widen. "Find it out for yourself" before i finish my sentence his lips are pressed against mine. His hand moves from my face to my neck and down to my breast. "Be ready for tonight" Thomas voice sounds in my head. I break the kiss and lay my free hand on my head. My ears are ringing again. "Im sorry , i dont know what got in to me im so sorry" i groan "its not you, you idiot" i cant help but curse when the ringing stops i look at Remus who looks shocked. "Thomas talked to me again" hé stands up. "What did hé say?" Should i tell him?

Black pearl | Thomas Riddle | Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now