Home? (smud)

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Thomas looks at me with a smile on his face "I didnt know you had it in you , looks Hot on you" i keep my wand pointing at him. "I have no time for your TRICKS" i sign him to get up. His hand makes his way to his jacket "Crucio" this time hé groans while hé rolls on the ground. I stop the curse again "for fuck sake Olivander , calm your tits. Enjoying it a bit to much dont you" hé gets up and wipes his jacket. The wand flys out of my hand and in to his. "Thats enough your insane" i look at him , wandless magic ofcourse hé can do that to. Again i look like a fool thinking i was in control. "Follow me to my stupid dragon" i role my eyes and follow him trough the passage. It feels like were starting all over again , i hate how hé makes me feel. Stupid powerfull beautifull wizard , i cant fall for him again. I cant do that to Remus hé did so much for me... Thomas doesnt even mean it hé is just a liar with a pretty face.

"Did you fuck him?"

"Excuse me ?" Thomas doesnt look at me.
"So thats a yes" Thomas answers his own question. "Why do you even care?" I laugh while asking him. "I dont Olivander" i laugh again and follow him trough the passage. "Im sure you dont" hé stops but still doesnt look at me. "I just said that" i role my eyes behind his back. "Did you just role your eyes" i raise my eyebrow and lift my middle finger up behind his back. "Childish Olivander" hé scoffs and starts walking again. How did hé see that "no you're behaivor is normal" i scoff back. "Stop with your atitude , you cant die but you can feel pain" i laugh and mock him in a low voice "you can feel pain , stupid prick" hé turns around and storms towards me pushing me against the wall with his hand tight around my neck. "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE THE NEED TO PUSH ME TO THIS POINT" the vein in his neck looks like its about to pop. "Did you marry your pureblood wife allready?" I say trough gritted teeth. "Why do you even care?" Hé says sarcastic. "I dont THOMAS" i answer back. Hé looks at me while his grip around my neck stays the same.

I look back at him and my eyes look down at his lips before looking back in to his eyes. Those perfect lips , i hate them. "Do it" hé whispers. I know exactly what he means.... "i cant do that"
Fuck i looked down again "why because of Remus or my wife?"

"Both" i try to look behind him to avoid his eyes. "How sweet of you... and what if i do it?" My heart starts to beat faster by the tought of it. I swallow down the lump in my troath. "Look at me and answer my question Olivander" i look back in to his eyes "We shoudnt , its better for both of us" hé laughs , i forgot that stupid laugh. "I know , but thats not what i asked" and i looked down again , Olivander control yourself. He is just so perfect and hé knows hé is. Why does he keep doing this to me "i dont know" i answer him back while my legs feel like jelly.
"You do know Olivander" his other hand finds its place on my hip while slightly squeezing me. I let out a deep breath by his touch , a smirk forms on his face. He lets go of my neck and places his hand on my other hip while pulling me in. He looks down at me "Stil no answer"

The only reason i want him so bad is because i know i shoudnt. He will make me feel like shit again , and i will hurt Remus. I feel his breath on my forehead and i dont want to look at him again knowing i would fail. He lets go of me "lets go" hé says and starts walking again. I follow him while my legs stil feel like jelly. I catch up with him , i know i shoudnt do this but i cant help myself. I push him against the wall with both hands and hé looks at me with wide eyes. I stand on my toes and press my lips against his. Its so wrong but feels so good , i still want to kill him and feel him all over my body at the same time. He breaks the kiss to turn me around and he pushes me against the wall , hé pulls my pants down and pushes two fingers inside of me. I cant help but moan and hé puts his head next to my ear. "You dont know how much i missed this pussy" hé groans. I push my ass back "Needy girl" hé laughs and pulls his fingers out. He pulls his pants down and pushes himself inside of me. He holds his blouse up with one hand while he holds on to my hip with his other. He looks down at my ass as i start to move back and forward with my hands against the wall. "Fuck" hé groans behind me and i moan while my legs shake.

Black pearl | Thomas Riddle | Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now