Horcrux (smud)

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I wake up to Thomas looking at the phial in his hand. "Do you regret it?" i look at him. He scoffs "Olivander you still dont seem to get it" hé keeps his eyes on the phail. "Then explain it to me sir" i say bold. "You will figure it out Olivander. Just know i dont regret it and would do it all over again , everything that has something to do with you" hé turns his head. "I will show you one day" i smile at him "how?" Hé points his index finger against his head "i will let you in , but not now .... when the time is right" Hé smiles back. "How do you know when the time is right" i ask him "i dont .... but i know its not now" i would love to see what goes on inside his head but i know i only get to see what hé wants me to.

He looks tired , still as handsome as always but tired. I know there is alot hé doesnt tell me. I roll over and put my head on his chest while his hand goes through my hair. "Do you think there comes a day that voldemort will be gone and things will go back to normal sir?" His hand stops moving trough my hair. "Its posible, but then i will be dead to.... " i look up to meet his eyes but hé doesnt look at me. "Why?" I still try to look in his eyes. "Because im one of his horcruxes" hé stands up and walks towards the closset. "Come on Olivander time to go" I havent even processed what hé just said. So there is no way i will ever be with Thomas without his father being alive. "Is there a way .... " hé doesnt let me finish my sentence. "Olivander stop talking about it , no there isnt" hé says "how long do you know" hé turns around "didnt i just ask you to stop talking about it , when do you finally understand that you just need to shut up sometimes" hé yells while clenching his jaw. "Im sorry sir" hé throws two masks on the bed. "Put this on and here is a cape" i pick up the mask , its a deatheater mask... why do i need one? "Dont worry your not one off us , its just to keep you safe while we walk the street." Thomas puts his own one on. I stand up and put on the clothes cape and mask that Thomas layd out for me. "Never become one because it doesnt suit you" hé laughs. "Can i dissapear now to?" Hé raises his eyebrow and sighs. "Come over here" i walk towards him and we dissapear togheter.

The streets look empty , nothing like the last time i saw them after voldemorts speech. "I tought you would take me to the villages?" Thomas looks around and pulls my hand to follow him. We greet a few other deahteaters who are standing on the corners looking for mudbloods or halfbloods misbehaving. Not that there are alot of mudbloods left but the few that are. We walk towards Olivanders , the street that was once busy with people buying their wands , clothes , books , or potion ingredients is now empty. Here and there a few people looking through the windows some of them standing infront off Olivanders that seems to be closed. Thomas waves his hand at the people that are standing infront of Olivanders to sign them to go away. He opens the door with his key and walks me in. He pulls me behind the counter and walks back towards the window to look outside. "He will be here any second now" hé locks the door again and sits down in the chair in the corner of the store. "Who is?" A black cloud forms and a deatheater is standing in front of me. "Hé is " Thomas says and stands up from the chair. "Good to see you Black" hé nods his head and the deatheater does the same. "Olivander can you help Mister Black to find a new wand. He needs a good one since he's taking over the position of Corvus who let us all down by sharing secrets with halfbloods." I raise my eyebrow inside the mask before realising that Corvus is dead and this is his excuse for why hé killed him. "Of course sir" i answer Thomas. The deatheater walks towards the counter.

"I need to see his face sir" the deatheater looks towards Thomas and hé gives him a nod. The deatheater takes his mask of , his eyes are as brown as posible and his schoulder lenght hair is black as night. He gives me a smile , hé doesnt even look mean. He has big lips and dimples while hé smiles. Black keeps staring at me with the smile on his face , i look back at him from behind the mask. Thomas clears his troath and looks at me even trough his mask i can see that his eyes are getting darker. "One second" i walk towards the back and Thomas follows me. "Hé grabs my neck from behind and presses my head against the shelve. "What was that ?" His lips touch my ear when hé speaks. "I dont know what your talking about sir , i need to look at him before i can choose a few wands for him to try"
He sighs "i can hear your toughts Olivander" hé presses his whole body against mine his lips against the half of my ear that isnt coverd by the mask. "You deserve a punishment dont you think? To make sure you know who you belong to" his hands make their way to the front of my body and under the cape. I look at the entrance to the store. "Dont worry hé doesnt see you" Thomas says when hé sees me looking. His hand slowly makes his way inside my pants. "You need to be quiet because hé can hear you" his hand moves further down untill his fingers found my entrance and the palm of his hand rests on my clit. He slowly puts two fingers inside of me and i hold in a moan when hé does. He starts to move his fingers and massages my clit with the palm of his hands. My breath is getting heavier and i try to hold in my moans until one slips trough my lips. "Be quiet Olivander , be a good girl you can do it" Thomas wishpers in my ear while his fingers move faster inside of me. I close my eyes and bite my lip i can feel the grin on his face against my ear. My walls begin to tighten around his fingers "Come for me" Thomas whispers. I feel myself loosing control and try my best not to moan. "Fuck" i sillenlty let out under my breath. Thomas laughs while i cum and hé keeps moving his fingers while my body shocks against his. hé pulls his fingers out and walks away like nothing happend. I catch my breath and straighten my cape before pulling out wands that i thinks wil match with Black. I walk back to the counter and place the wands on it when my eyes move to Thomas whos sitting back in the chair and makes movements with his fingers behind Blacks back. I hear him laugh behind his mask Black turns around and Thomas puts his hand against his mask like nothing happend.

"Here try this one" he takes the wand in his hand but nothing happens , we try two other ones before finding the wand that lights up the room. "There we go" Thomas says while standing up from the chair. he walks towards Black "tell Malfoy we are comming you know what to do" Black nods his head and puts his mask back on , hé dissapears before i can blink. "Are you ready Olivander" Thomas holds out his hand. "Yes sir " i take his hand.

We appear in another street that looks nothing like the street we just left. People are everywhere running and crying while others are fighting the deatheaters that are trying to curse them. Some houses are on fire and there are body's on the street. Thomas takes out his wand and creates a shield around us. "Keep walking Olivander" is all hé says , i follow him trough the street until we reach a tiny house on the corner. Thomas walks towards the front door and opens it. "Follow me" i do as hé orders and walk inside behind him. He walks trough the hallway and into the living room while i follow behind him. Inside sitting five people crying and looking defeated. I turn my head towards Thomas. Two deatheaters probably Malfoy and Black are standing inside. He holds on to my hand and lifts his wand. "Avada Kedavra" the women infront of us falls on to the ground hé holds my hand tightly and speaks out another spell i never heard off before. My whole body lights up with white light , my feet are in the air a few inches above the ground , my mouth is open and a black cloud makes his way in side trough the holes off the mask, the white light flashes one more time and i collapse on the ground. One of the deatheaters runs towards me and takes my hand and makes us dissapear.

We appear back in Thomas his room. I look at the bed where Malfoy is standing over Thomas. He takes Thomas his mask off and his face is pale with dark circles around his eyes wich are closed. "Can someone please tell me what is happening right now" the deatheaters who both have taken their mask off look at eachother. "Thats not our place to tell Olivander" and they both dissapear again. I walk towards the bed and sit down next to Thomas. I have a feeling about what is going on but im hoping im wrong. "Your not wrong" Thomas says with his eyes stil clossed. "You made me you're horcrux?" I take the cape off and lay down next to him. "I did..... it doesnt work like a normal one , because im one myself. I will still die when my father does even when i have one myself but now i know that when i die there will always be a piece off me inside of you ." Hé looks at me. "Look into my eyes" i look into his eyes and i start to see his toughts in my head. I see myself , in hogwarts getting sorted , i see him cursing the boys that bullied me in fourth year , i see him talking to the deatheaters about leaving me alone , i see him admirring me working on his wand a few months ago. The moment hé let a deatheater crucio me while hé wasnt looking at me , i suddenly feel sad and empty , i see him looking for me while i ran away. And the last toughts hé shows me are the phial and the horocrux. He stops letting me in and i just look at him. "You did all that? I never knew you where the one who protected me in hogwarts i always tought you hated me because off the way you treated me" hé laughs "i never hated you Olivander" i see on his face hé is getting tired and feels sick because off the horocrux. I sit down with my back against the headbord of the bed and slowly pull Thomas head on my lap. I start to move my hand trough his hair. "Rest now , and thank you .... for everything"

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