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" you walk really slow do you know that" i look at Thomas Who put his mask back on. " im sorry sir" i say as i make bigger steps to keep up with him. A deatheater walks towards us holding a man by his arm.

"Look at this sir , a mudblood walking after curfew all the way here while hé needs to be at the le strange mansion" the man looks scared dressed in clothes that look dirty and old with stains everwhere. His eyes have black circles around them his hair and beard cover half his face.

" good job malfoy , you know what needs to be done" Thomas says lookin at the man infront off him.
" please i just wanted to see my wife and Kids sir , i will go back right now and never do it again .... please just give me a change" the man looks at Thomas tears in his eyes. I cant help it and feel tears starting to form in my eyes. Thomas turns his face and looks at me.

" i will take it from here Malfoy , again good job" Thomas still looks at me. " but sir you just said......"
" i know what i said Malfoy i will take it from here thank you" Malfoy looks at Thomas then at me. " i hope they slowly kill you " hé looks at the man one more time and walks away angry. " please sir i will never do it again i promise " Thomas finally takes his eyes off me and looks at the man standing infront off us crying. " stop crying you look pathetic" the man quickly whipes his tears " yes sir" hé looks at me , i finally recognize his face its another shop owner , mudblood but a good wizard always kind hé had a candystore down the street before voldemort made up his wizarding world all about blood status when hé finally realised killing everyone leaves no one to do the Jobs the purebloods dont want to do.

Thomas takes the man by the arm and walks towards another deatheater. He says something to the deatheater and hé takes the man from Thomas. He walks back towards me and signs me to start walking again. " what is going to happen to him" Thomas stops walking and turns towards me " not that its any off your business Olivander but they will bring him back to the le strange mansion and hé will be punished. And no hé will not be killed if that is what you want to hear" that was what i wanted to hear but i know the punishment will be worse.

"I dont understand you , i never did Olivander , you seem to always find good in people even when they dont deserve it" well the man infront of us did deserve it.
" it is hard to find good in you Thomas" hé stops walking and lowers his face till his mask presses against my nose. " watch your tone Olivander , my wand works perfect because off you" i try to look away from the cold eyes staring at me , empty thats how they look. " im sorry sir" i whisper.

Hé starts walking again " hurry Olivander i got things to do" the streets empty only deatheaters here and there making sure everyone follows the rules and curfew. Thomas keeps walking a few steps ahead since i made the comment about him. He's really tall i never noticed how tall hé is , i felt save walking with him , or behind him since hé was walking really fast. Why would i feel save with him , hé can turn around and kill me at any point.

" im not going to kill you Olivander stop thinking about it" really ? Reading my mind! " then stop thinking so loud Olivander or stop letting me in"

We arive at my house " thank you sir" i look at Thomas while i walk towards my front door. "I will see you around Olivander , and you're just little" he turns around and walks away

"Where have you been , i was worried sick thinking they killed you ! Why would a deatheater bring you home" my father had already opend the door before i could put my key in the keyhole. " im really sorry dad , his wand was splitting and hé wanted me to get it done today , hé walked me home so the other deatheaters would leave me alone"

" merlin i really tought i was going to have another person missing from my life , sit down and eat" i sit down at the table and think about the walk with Thomas. Would the man be dead if i wasnt there ..... no im not that important to him..... maybe they still killed him and hé lied to me. Why would hé lie as if hé cared about my feelings. Why did i feel save with him , maybe because hé is so powerfull , why did i even think that .... powerfull ... hé is a deatheater with a heart of stone there is nothing powerfull about that. I finished my plate and put it in the sink " im going to bed dad , its been a long day" i give him a kiss on his cheek and walk towards the stairs.
" goodnight honey, i trust you but please make sure nothing happens to you and stay away from those deatheaters" i turn towards him
" ofcourse dad , goodnight"

Black pearl | Thomas Riddle | Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now