Talk (smud)

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Ive walked atleast 30 circles around the room , Slept for 2 hours and read 147 pages off a new book from the shelves in the room. The time seems to crawl by and the room keeps getting smaller.... Reggie is probably gone now that Thomas can be home any minute. Maybe Mary has time to talk to me before i go insane from being alone with my toughts and feelings. I havnt had the time to really think about everything that has happend , there was always someone with me that could keep the toughts away. When opening the door the silence is so loud i can even hear my own toughts. The frontdoor swings open en Thomas storms up the stairs , hé grabs my hand and dissapears with me. We appear in a forest "keep walking Olivander" i know better than to ask but i woudnt be me if i didnt do it anyways. "Why?" Thomas doesnt stop walking and i pull a brench away to follow him. "Olivander please not now" his expresion is diffrent.... hé almost looks... scared. I follow him deeper and deeper in to the forest. Its slowly getting dark but hé doesnt seem to care. We walk towards a deatheater who looks like he is waiting for us.

"Malfoy , take her with you and dont stop no matter what" i look at Malfoy who's eyes also seem serious. Thomas walks towards me and puts his arms around me. "Trust me" hé whispers in my ear. "Thomas what is happening?" I ask him hoping hé finally tells me what is going on. "They know" hé whispers again. "About what?" Hé looks around as if people will hear us in the forest. "About you being my horcrux , they know you are my weaknes.... And they are right... it scares me because from the beginning i told myself not to....but the human part of me knows better. " Hé grabs my cheecks in both hands and presses his lips against mine. "Lord we really need to hurry" hé breaks the kiss and nods towards Malfoy. "Go now" i walk towards Malfoy who grabs my hand and dissapear with me again. We appear in a unfarmilliar street , hé takes his mask and his cape off and puts them in a bag. "Keep walking Olivander" i follow Malfoy through the busy street. People are happy and it looks nothing like the place i just left. "Are we in the muggle world ?" Malfoy says nothing and keeps on walking ,im pretty sure we are. Malfoy looks around and walks in a bookstore. i look around to without knowing what im even looking for and follow him inside. He nods his head at the man behind the counter who only has one eye and looks at least a hundred years old. The man nods back and opens the curtain behind him.

"Come" is the only thing Malfoy says and walks inside. I walk past the man who smiles at me , not a nice smile more like a grin and i dissapear behind the curtain. Inside an old lady who stares at the wall. "Thomas send me" Malfoy says at the lady who doesnt move her head. Her long boney index finger points towards a package that lays on top off a cabinet inside the room. Malfoy thanks the women and puts it inside his coat. "She will help you" hé says before walking away back in to the store. "Sit" the women says still not looking at me. I sit down and look around the room , dust fills every inch off the room and even her clothes look like she hasnt changed in atleast ten years. She even smells old. The woman begins to change, smaller and smaller her nose gets pointy and her hair starts to fall out while her belly is growing. She slowly begins to look like... REVUS. "I coudnt take your smell any longer ugly girl" i dont know if i want to cry or laugh. "Trouble everywhere you go" hé shakes his head. "I dont mean to" is the only thing i came up with. "They want to kill Lord and Lord" the group that Reggie was talking about.... i told him about the horcruxes they are after them. "They have 3 of big Lords horcruxes" hé says while going trough cabinets and looking at bottles while putting them in his suitcase.

"Its my fault" i look at Revus waiting for him to lash out at me. "No its not ugly thing" hé says while raising his eyebrow at me. "Three weeks" what does hé mean three weeks? Three weeks of what? "What do you mean Revus please just tell me everything" hé sighs. "Three weeks ago they got the first one. We now know Black did it with another man with red hair.... they found the first horcrux. After that they found two more.... big Lord angry. Thomas knows you talky talky to Black." Hé looks at me over his little glasses. "Mary put potion in your tea , Thomas isnt mad" hé gives me a bottle "he is waiting for ugly girl" hé puts the bottle on his lips and drinks it. He then pulls a hair from my head and puts it in my bottle while i rub my head. He signs me to drink it and i do as hé orders. My whole body starts to tingle and i feel myself getting smaller my hands start to wrinkle and my back hurts. Revus looks like the old dusty womand again. "Lets go" hé says while he gives me his arm to hold on to.

Black pearl | Thomas Riddle | Remus LupinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora