Normal Couple

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"So you're really leaving?" Thomas looks at me from the bed. "Isnt that what we agreed on yesterday?" Hé roles his eyes and lays back down "i dont like this feeling" hé groans. I laugh and hé looks at me like he's going to eat me alive "We both like this game , you said it yourself"

"I know what i said Olivander"

I sit down on the bed to put my shoes on , i need to be honest it feels weird. Knowing this is something we talked about , something we agreed on. I feel his eyes watching every move , i feel nauseous by the idea of seeing Remus again. Its because of my own mistakes and guilt.... guilt while i know i would do it again if i could. I like Remus i really do , hé treats me so good... maybe to good. Is that even a thing ? Treating someone to good?
"You cant fuck him"

I raise my eyebrow at Thomas "Well im cheating on him with you right now Thomas" hé pushes me down on the bed by my neck and looks at me "I know you're a whore but you're my whore ....mine" hé says trough gritted teeth. "Thomas stop , we agreed on leaving eachother alone , find someone else.... be happy... start a family full of psychopats"
The moment the words leave my lips i know i shoudnt have said it. His tongue rolls on the inside of his cheeck while hé smirks looking down at me. Im holding in my breath waiting for something to happen but nothing happens. Thomas lets go of me and stands up "I will" hé says and throws me a little bag "Here your floopowder , use the fireplace"

I sit up straight and look at him putting on his clothes. "Go Olivander" hé says without looking at me. I pick up my bag and put it over my shoulder while slowly walking towards the fireplace , hoping Thomas says something before i leave but hé doesnt. When i reach the fireplace a knot forms in my stomach , i dont want to see Remus especialy not after what i did. It will break his heart.... hé didnt deserve this. "Thomas.... i" before i finish my sentence hé yells at me "OLIVANDER GO"
I understand i shoudnt have said it .... i take a hand of the powder out of the bag and look at Thomas.

"Diagon alley"

Thomas turning around with wide eyes is the last thing i see before dissapearing. I appear in a store wich is empty , not a single thing inside. I look around , i dont recognize the store i dont know where i am. I walk towards the door , and slowly open it before looking outside to see if there are any deatheaters patrolling. The street is empty , not a single person in sight. All the stores in this street are empty , it doesnt even look like diagon alley. It feels so good to be alone , im alone! no one watches me , no one tells me what to do , no one wants something from me. Tears form in my eyes , pathetic would Thomas have said. It is pathetic but i never know i would enjoy being alone this much. i look trough the windows of the stores until i see a sign , Gemma's cafe on the corner. In that alley right ahead of me everything started. My second home in that alley right there , the place i would have spend the rest of my days in if Thomas didnt changed that. I look trough the windows of Gemma's cafe. Empty
..... nothing inside not even the bar she used to pour drinks at. No seats no tables compleet empty. I look at the sign of Olivanders a few feet further. I have a home , its not Thomas his house , its not Remus his house, that store right there that is my home.

Standing infront of it im scared to go inside. My hand holding the doorknob looking at the closed sign infront of me. The door is locked , i look around the street and pick up the biggest rock i can find. I look around again before throwing the rock trough the window. I laugh because i know my father would have been furious. I climb trough the window trying not to cut myself , when im inside my eyes widen. Everything is still here , the counter , the seat in the corner , the wands. That no one tried to steal them i think to myself. I walk to the back and look at the shelfs with wands infront of me , i take a deep breath taking in the smell. It even smells like home , my eyes fall on a wand in the wrong spot. "Stupid Corvus" i mumble , i hate the idea hé touched them. He stoot there right behind that counter like the store was his. He mustve been so happy knowing how much it hurted me. Im glad he's death.... i never tought i would think that way but i do.

Black pearl | Thomas Riddle | Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now