Deal with the devil

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"Olivander! my niece needs the perfect wand , she is going to start hogwarts next school year" Elly walks in the shop with a shy little girl holding her hand. "Ofcourse Elly , we will find the perfect wand for her !" The little girl lets go off Elly's hand and walks towards the counter. "Mmm.. let me take a look for you in the back , i will be right back" i say smilling at the little girl in front off me. Pureblood just like Elly , she doesnt look like a slytherin to me by the way she carries herself but maybe i'm wrong. Elly looks even wors then the last time i saw her , the relationship with Corvus is taken its toll on her. But we all know that theres no going back now.

I look at all the wands in the back , i take the 3 wands i think will match best with the girl i saw infront off me. 2 wands made from chestnut with unicorn hair one off them flexible. And 1 with phoenix feather , elm , and not flexible at all. Wands with phoenix feathers are always really picky but you never know.

I walk back to the front , two deatheaters joint Elly and her niece , one off them Corvus for sure because Elly looks at the ground with her head down. " well lets see wich one belongs to you , what is you name ?" I look at the shy girl on the other side off the counter. " my name is Eleanor" she gives me a small smile. " allright Eleanor, lets start with this one!" She looks at the wand and picks it up from the counter. " give it a big twirl"
the girl looks at me before swinging her arm with the wand in it. The whole store Lights up with a bright white flash.
" well that is impressive" is say looking at Eleanor " phoenix feather is really picky in its owner ! And this wand choose you the first try " the girl looks back at Elly with a proud face.

"Allright , lets go then" the deatheater said , hé already has Elly by her arm. "Here you are Olivander" Elly gives me the galleons for the wand with her head stil down. "Thank you miss Parkinson" i say. "Thank you so much Olivander" Eleanor said and skips out off the store with her new wand in her hand. This is what i love about working here. The happines it brings new wizards and witches when they get their first wand. Elly gives me one more look before Corvus makes her walk in front off him out of the store. " i dont want you to talk to her ever again Olivander , its done with your stupid friendship , if i catch you talking to Elly one more time i will make sure you will never talk again"
my face turns bright red.

" calm down Corvus " the other deatheater in the store says. Corvus looks at me from behind his mask one more time and leaves the store.
" that was impressive Olivander , you really know what you're doing" the deatheater said and walked towards the door to turn around the sign. " we are open for another few hours sir" hé turns around " no you're not" i look at him in disbelief. " i need to admit Olivander .... i expected you to come to me for help earlier" hé walks towards the back off the store and begins to pull out the wands. " what are you doing Thomas?" I follow him into the back of the store. " tone Olivander !" Hé says twirling a wand between his fingers. " im just looking at my inventory Olivander" hé takes off his mask and looks in my direction.

"Excuse me ? " i look at him and the grin on his face. His features are even sharper then i rememberd. His sharp jawline and blue Grey eyes , full lips with a perfect cupid bow. Elly was right hé does look even better than hé did a few years ago. unfortunately his character doesnt match his face.

"When you're done thinking about my appearance , i like to tell you whats about to happen with you and this store" hé turns around to face me. " im sorry sir " i look down not making any eye contact with Thomas. " well Olivander this is my store now , my father sold it to me. We can do two things : you can work for me from now on and i pay you so you and your pathetic father stay alive...... or you starve" hé looks my way " and i want you to look at me when im talking to you Olivander" i lift my head up to meet his eyes lost for words.

"Can i at least think about it sir?" Hé laughs with the laugh only Thomas has , hé laughs at me again just like hé did in hogwarts. " think about what ? How you want to starve ? Feel free to do so Olivander" hé is right there is no other job that pays as well as owning a shop or work in one. Working for a pureblood family is the only other option.

"You can also do that Olivander , i would like one extra maid" privacy is not something hé takes serious. " i do take it serious Olivander but your toughts are just really loud you know ?"

"Does my father know about this?" I look at Thomas tears in my eyes but im not going to cry infront off him. I dont want to give him another reason to laugh in my face. " yes hé does , hé didnt took it to well" hé said with a grin on his face.

"Wel olivander lets talk about the rules since im your boss now" Thomas says. " yes sir "

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