Hold on

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He walked me back like hé promised. I asked him how hé ended up with a Dragon and not a Cat or a Snake like a normal person. Well i didnt say normal person but you get the idea , hé said his dad woudnt let him have a pet so when hé found the dragon hé decided to keep it. The man with a huge snake dont want his son to have a pet.

I tried to bring up the mission but hé cut me off real quick. I wonder where hé's going for two days. I hope his mission doesnt mean our lives are getting even worst. I fed the dragon like hé asked me to last night. The huge creature didnt even seem to care it was me instead of Thomas. His stupid owls ... yes OWLS because there were two off them brought me four rabbits. Not one like Thomas had with him the other night no FOUR. It seems logical when you think about the size of the dragon but still. I know hé laughed when hé send them to me knowing i had to walk around with four dead rabbits inside my coat. Just like im doing right now.

"Papers?" I look up and see a deatheater infront off me. "Excuse me?" I look up at him.
"Papers!" Hé said again. How am i going to get my papers without four dead rabbits falling out of my coat. I start to sweat ... great now im going to get in trouble for that son off a bitch to. " i dont have all day stupid halfblood , hurry before i lose my patients!" I try to hold up the rabbits with one arm inside my coat , and with the other hand i reach in my pocket to get my papers out. "Here you are sir" hé snatched the papers out of my hand. " aaah Olivander , you're doing your extra work for Lord Thomas?"

Really ? Lord Thomas , like one Lord is not enough hé decides to become one to?
" yes sir , i will go straight home after this!" Hé looks at me up and down before handing me my papers. "You better" hé turned around and starts walking , searching for other halfbloods hé can bother. I walk into the forest until i reach the spot where the dragon used to be. Its gone , the dragon is gone ..... great ! Now Thomas will kill me for sure. I start to panic and walk around the forest.

I start to get angry , because of him im getting in trouble over and over again. How am i going to tell him i lost his dragon. "Sir i lost your grown horntail , im sorry i will get you a new one" i said out loud and rolled my eyes. A big shadow starts to form infront of me as i look up i make eye contact with the biggest acromantula i have ever seen in my life. I drop the rabbits and start running , the huge spider looks at the rabbits but decides to go after me instead.

The wind pushes me down to the ground straight on my back with allot of force. I hear a laugh , the laugh only one person can have. I look up to see Thomas sitting on the horntail a few inches above the ground.
" you look cute when you're scared Olivander" hé laughs again " here grab my hand" i look up and grab his hand. With one smooth movement hé pulls me on the dragon right behind him. "Where are the rabbits ?" Hé askes me.
I almost got killed by a huge spider and he's worried about death rabbits ? I want to strangle him right now.
"I dont mind you strangling me" a grin on his face. "Hold on to me" hé said. I put my hands on his sides akwardly. "Olivander dont be a bitch right now , hold on to me" hé takes both off my hands and pulls me forward until i hug him from behind with my head laying against his back. "Thats better" hé says as hé signs the dragon to take off.

I have never seen the town from this height , i have seen it from my broom but it doesnt compare to this. I take in the view as i hold on to Thomas. "Now you own me two favors... one for the woman... and one for saving your life" Thomas says , i know hé has a grin on his face right now. "Yes sir" i answer.

The houses of the purebloods look even bigger from up here compaired to the sad little houses we halfbloods live in. "What is that sir?" I ask pointing to a big building right behind the castle Lord voldemort calls his home. "Nothing you need to be worried about" Thomas says "As long as you behave" i lay my head back , why do i enjoy this ? Before i could think any longer the dragon starts to make his way back to the ground in the same spot i first met him in the forest.

"Here let me help you" Thomas puts his hands under my arms and lifts me off the dragon. His eyes meet mine when hé puts me down. We stare at eachother , his lips are perfect , big with the perfect cupid bow and a cherry pink color. He leans towards me and i close my eyes. Just as hé is about to touch my lips hé stops. I open my eyes to look at him. "Go home now Olivander , its better for both of us"

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