Mudblood daycare

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"Are you ready to go Olivander?" Black's voice sounds through the hallways of the mansion. "He's here to pick you up , go" Thomas turnes around and looks at me from the bed. "It still doesnt suit you" hé laughs. "Thanks Sir".

The past week Black or Malfoy picked me up to go to the villages while Thomas recovers from his choice to make me his horcrux. Malfoy isnt so bad since Corvus is gone and turned out to be good company. I've only been with Black once before and i woudnt have mind if it stayed by one , but he's here now. "Two more days Olivander then i will be the one to boss you around again" Thomas looks at me up and down and smiles at me standing in front of him in my deatheater mask. "Dont you worry about it and Revus said 5 more days"
Black is waiting for me at the bottom off the stairs just like Thomas did the first week i was here. "Ready miss Olivander" hé streches out his hand. I role my eyes and take his hand in mine and he makes us dissapear togheter. The feeling never got better i still dont understand how they do this multiple times a day. He pulls his wand out and creates a shield around us while we walk the street of another village living in fear. "You can let go off my hand now sir".
Black turns around and looks at our hands before letting go off me. "Does Thomas know?" There is an akward sillence while we slowly walk down the street. "You know... about us?" Black looks at me. "I know what your talking about and no hé doesnt know , we better keep it that way.....We were 17" i had hoped hé wouldnt bring it up. The last year at hogwarts we were togheter and even after hogwarts we saw eachother a few times before the rules made it impossible and hé joined the deatheaters for good. When i saw him again at Olivanders i did everything in my power to block out the memories of those days and hé did to apparently because Thomas would have been furious if hé knew.

Maybe that is why i didnt find him mean looking. He was one of the best boyfriends i ever had , not that i had allot. "It was a good time Olivander" Black goes on. "Yes it was" i respond. "Do you remember the time snape almost caught us in the broomcloset?" Black starts to laugh. "Maybe its better not to the discus our past".
He clears his troath and keeps on walking.
The rest of the walk is in a akward silence while Black walks a few steps infront off me. He isnt as tall as Thomas but walks like hé is , hé does have twice as much muscles. He didnt had his long hair when i saw him the last time before seeing him at Olivanders but it does suit him. I fell in love with him because off his character and humor , we would laugh for hours and hé always made sure i felt good. He also was the first one i shared a kiss with and the first one i had sex with. It was a totally different experience then the ones that i share with Thomas. Black walks towards a building and signs me to follow him inside. Its the same old , looking at the wands of people who wont tell their name in the hope off not being killed. At some point the feelings i had while seeing someone get killed stopt. It feels like a routine now , at one point i could even understand how the deatheaters can do it so easilly. They stopt seeing them as people with feelings , people with family's hoping for their return. I became what i most hated , cold hearted.

"Portia Tremblay , Mudblood" Black nods towards Malfoy who joined us and Malfoy speaks the famous words to end the womens life. Malfoy walks upstairs to search for people that are hiding. A faint sound comes from a closet a few steps from me and Black. We look at eachother through the mask. We slowly make our way to the closet and open it , inside a little boy not older then 4 years old probably the son of the women who just got killed. We both look at him when we hear Malfoy making his way down the stairs. "No one is up here , i swear that she had a child." Black holds his index finger against his mask on the place where his mouth is under it and closes the door. As young as the boy is hé understands the seriousness of the situation and doesnt make a sound.
"Are you guys coming , two more housses then were done for today" Malfoy looks at us and walks out the door. "I cant do it Olivander" Black opens the door again , the boy has his head on his knees wich hé pulled up against his body. "I cant either.." we stand there looking at the boy. We hear screaming and look through the window from the livingroom were standing in. In the house across the street we see flashes from the curses Malfoy is throwing at them to make them speak or because he knows their bloodstatus. "I will take him somewhere , cover for me." Black takes the boy in his arms and dissapears. I look at the photos on the wall in the livingroom of the family we just killed and the boy who we just made an orphan for someone else , not because we want to or stand behind his point of view.

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