No way back

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I woke up without Thomas , not that i expected him to spend the night but deep down i still hoped hé would. Maybe hé allready found another location for me....
"Goodmorning dear" the women with the Grey curls enters the door with a tray in her hands. "Eat something , i know it wont cheer you up but it atleast takes your hunger away" she gives me a sweet smile. How does she know , did Thomas tell her? He never speaks about personal stuff but hé goes around telling people hé is getting rid of me? "Thanks you miss"
"Your welcome dear and my name is Mary" she smiles again. "Thank you Mary, and thank you for the breakfast it cheers me up a little bit" i give her a smile back. "I lost my dad when i was thirty years old , not as young as you but i can understand how you feel..... so much you still want to share with them" i almost choke in my bread what does she mean not as young as you. "Im sorry what did u say miss?" She looks up at me while she is cleaning around the room. "That i lost my dad like you only a little bit older , im sorry its to soon i shoudnt have said anything about it" my eyes widen , i think back at the conversation i heard yesterday. They were talking about my dad , Thomas knew .... thats why voldemort was angry. Now they only have me and Thomas was responsible for him.

"Im sorry miss but i would really like to be alone right now" the woman nods her head and heads towards the door. The poor women doesnt even know what she just did , i cant tell Thomas because hé will kill her and i dont need more blood on my hands. I need to get out off here before i go insane.... i slowly get up and start to put on clothes. Revus would hate what im wearing right now i think , to my own suprise i dont even cry... im just angry im filled with rage. Control your toughts come on you can do this. I think about stuff Thomas doenst want to listen to , absolut absurd stuff like my goldfish sunny who died when i was five , the day i sold my first wand and they came back because i put the wrong one in the box , untill i reach the front door. I look around before i turn the handle as slow as posible. I dont close the door behind me and leave the door as far open as posible so by the time it closes im gone. I start to run as fast as my feet take me , thats the moment i start to cry i dont even know where im going but i keep running as fast as i can. My heart is racing in my chest and my throat is getting dry. I need a wand .... i dont have a wand i cant go anywhere without one. I cant even go to the muggle world without one because i dont have any money. Olivanders , i can go in trough the backdoor and sneak one out.... or i just go back.... no i cant go back especially now. Fuck , maybe i am retarted because i didnt think this one trough. Olivanders it is , im dead either way if they find me. Maybe i can take his dragon .... no i cant its light outside people will see me.

I stop running when i reach the alley that leads to the backdoor off Olivanders. I take a deep breath and walk towards the backdoor and kneel down. I look trough the window and see someone standing at the counter , the door doesnt squeek so thats one less thing to worry about. I sit down on my knees and reach for the handle so even when the man turns around hé doesnt see me instantly. When the door is open far enough i crawl in and hide behind one of the shelves. The bell rings in front off the store and someone storms in. "Corvus im in big trouble , oh god Corvus i need to run" its Elly she is upset and sobs infront off the counter. Malfoy is probably looking for her... and her tongue because she's still able to speak. Maybe i can take her with me and we can run togheter. "Malfoy is looking for me because i told people about Olivander im going to kill her when i find her"
Nevermind shes not coming with me.
"Calm down women , how do you even know?" Corvus asks cold. "People are talking about it Coruvs , hé wants to cut my tongue out ... oh god what do i do.... that stupid bitch why does Thomas needs to pick her out off all people" Elly rambles and cry's at the same time. "Well if you dont shut up right now i will bring you to Malfoy myself , we will figure it out , dont worry" I need to control my laughter i crawl back to the backdoor with an old wand between my teeth. Its not the best wand but it will do , i close the door without a sound. I keep crawling till im back in the alley i start to walk towards the street thinking about a plan , i put my hood over my head.

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