Banshee spirit

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Breakfast without Remus but in good company of Sybill and Lupin. "Lupin this tastes amazing" Sybill stuffs her face again while Lupin isnt doing much diffrent. I understand the two of them are friends. Their sweet , funny and a tad bit crazy. "Thank you Sybill , Olivander blocked Thomas out last night" Sybill drops her bagel on her plate and looks at me. "Why?" Lupin looks at her "what do you mean why? Thats a good thing" she stares at me "No it isnt" she stands up and starts to wave her hands above my head again. "Danger , you're in danger" i role my eyes , i was allready in danger so whatever happens next i wont be that suprised anymore. "What are you talking about Sybill" she sniffs my hair "Hé is mad she knows about me , mad she enterd his toughts hé is even more dangerous then hé was before" Lupin rolls his eyes this time. "Ofcourse hé is Sybill , we expected that but its a good thing hé cant torture her anymore atleast not as much as before" she sighs "yes so hé will find another way ..... and hé will. You know that Lupin" i look at Lupin "dont worry to much Olivander , when Remus is back we will move again. Try to keep him out. Can you still enter voldemorts toughts Sybill" her eyes widen and she runs towards Lupin and puts her hand over his mouth. "Dont speak about him" Lupin frees himself from her grip. "Sybill the man is almost dead , Thomas is his last horcrux and hé is ill"

"Right right , hé scares me." Lupin rubs her back "i know hé does , but hé is weak hé cant kill you anymore and how evil Thomas is i dont think hé can kill his own mother" i look down at my plate , i know for sure hé is capable of killing his own mother but im not making her more scared then she allready is. "You think" Sybill looks at Lupin who nods his head with a smile. "I can still enter his toughts yes" i look up at her , i wonder how many times she tried before. When i see her i cant believe she had a child with him. He was not bad to look at when hé was younger but she is so sweet , smart and... crazy. "Im sorry to ask but can you tell somethings about your time with him and how hé was?" She looks at Lupin who smiles at her and she sits back down in her chair. "I met him when i was a student at hogwarts. Dumbledore was killed a year earlier and one of his helpers became the new head of our school. He came by every month , i was in hufflepuff house and as we both know hé likes his slytherins the best.... well the purebloods ofcourse. He didnt look like hé does now as you saw in my memories. He was a really handsome man , a really smart man as well. He needed my help to learn what i taught you and to look at his future. We became closer everytime i saw him , hé needed my help more and more until he took me in to his house." That part of her story sounds farmiliar, chills form on my skin "hé was sweet in his own weird way , i never knew how hé really felt and his moods changed every minute. I kept busy in my own little room in his house while hé formed the wizardingworld as it is today. I became pregnant and when we had Thomas hé changed , hé had his heir. Looking back i think thats all hé wanted from me , a heir from someone with powers hé wasnt the strongest in so the child had the best of both worlds. His powers grown stronger and eventualy hé was stronger then everyone else but not when i met him.

Hé let me raise Thomas alone and didnt gave him much attention the first years. When hé was around 5 years old hé became interested in him. He would punish Thomas for the most silly things and the poor child was cursed so many times i tried to escape with him. We didnt got far and hé took Thomas from me , hé would have killed me if we werent in the muggle world with Thomas with us..... i know hé would but it would draw to much attention in that moment. He took Thomas and i never saw him again , i tried entering his mind to see Thomas through his memories but hé found out really quick and started to appear in my dreams like Thomas does in yours. He stopt after a few years , hé left his scares in my mind." Is that what Thomas wanted from me ? A heir ? I dont have powers hé doesnt have.... looking at wands is something you learn. He wanted something else from me but what im not sure. "I think about Thomas every day but i know i need to let him go. His father made a monster of him and he can never return from the dark place hé is in. His believes are even stronger then his fathers , when i heard your story i knew right away i wanted to help you" she looks at Lupin who nods his head "im proud of you Sybill , you lived trough all that and you're one of the best people i know" she smiles at me and i smile back "why would Thomas want me ? You had some strong powers voldemort could use... i dont"

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