back to the good side?

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I want to scream for Thomas but no sound is coming from my mouth. My body is floating and i see two man laughing while holding up their wands. We make our way down the stairs and Revus opens the door for them. I turn my eyes towards Revus but still no sound escapes my lips. He waves at me while they take me outside. Maybe they need to bring me to another save spot? Why would Thomas do it like this? The man keep walking without aknowledging me. They talk but their voices sound as if they are under water. It feels like my lungs cant fill themselves with air and i slowly begin to lose consciousness.

Finally i can open my eyes , the first thing i do is trying if my voice still works. "Hello? Hello?" That still works... i try to rub my eyes but my arm wont budge. I look down to see my hands chained to a wall behind me. "Hello ugly girl!" Revus walks in the room with two man behind him. "Revus why im i chained up?" I look at him confused. "Oooh smelly girl... dont you understand? If we have you Thomas will go looking for you and eventualy end up right where we want him" im still confused and my eyes go back and forward between Revus and the two man. "Black was stupid enough to tell you about us" really? Revus is the leader off a group fighting against Voldemort? The three feet tall man is going to kill Thomas. "Thomas is allready looking for you ! I gave him some hints... we dont want to wait to long" hé speaks just fine now... it was all one big façade. "Dont you want to live in peace ?" Hé looks at me over his stupid glasses. "Ofcourse , but with Thomas" they all start to laugh. "Thomas is the mastermind behind half off this whole world! Voldemort is getting old, hé stays safe in his mansion while Thomas makes new rules and lets his stupid followers play them out. It was his idea to build the "hospital" wich isnt even one" but what is it then ? It was a hospital for the deatheaters who got hurt taking over the last villages not under voldemorts control.... "what is it then?" Revus roles his eyes.

"The women get raped by the deatheaters , then they get killed. The pregnant ones held alive till they give birth , their children brought up by purebloods so they have a future army of deatheaters since they keep losing them in their stupid war for control. And when i say brought up i mean kept alive nothing more then that. The older ones allready have memories so they are killed. But you dear Olivander you are the one hé cant kill.... hé closed the stores so hé had a reason to take you. He wanted you since the day hé first saw you and would do anything in his power to have you while the rest off the wizarding world bows at his feet. Your knowledge about wands came in as a nice bonus and a good reason for himself why hé kept you alive. He took me from my store to ! I had a store where i would make the most beautifull clothes for everyone not only purebloods. I kept his fantasy alive and i still do... i will go back to his mansion and help him look for you, his lovely horcrux" hé laughs. "Black told us , before Thomas found out and killed Black and his mother"
No Black is at voldemorts mansion Thomas told me? How did hé found out ? Why would hé build a hospital to kill women and kidnap their baby's? Thomas the mastermind about the last rules and orders? But hé wanted to be with me ... like a normal couple ? Why didnt hé just change the rules... maybe because his father is still alive. "When voldemort is dead Thomas will change the rules for the better. He told me !" Revus takes a deep breath. "The man isnt even capable to give out orders anymore Olivander. He is a hundred and fourthy years old and four of his horcruxes are destroyed. Thomas wants this world... hé is the same as his father. You cant blame him growing up like hé has." But his father picked someone out for him to marry. Was that a lie to? Does hé wants to marry her to keep up his image. Im just something hé wants like a little child. My father died , i killed Elly because hé just wants me like his little toy. He loves me but still wants to keep murdering and raping halfbloods and mudbloods for his idea off the perfect wizardingworld.

Slowly it starts to make sense , him defending me in hogwarts like hé showed me in his memories when hé let me in. He protected me because only hé could bully me. He was the one asking my papers on the street to know what i was doing and when. To make sure hé knew my routine , hé made sure we had a bond before the speech so i woudnt think hé had something to do with it , i even felt sorry for him in that moment. Showing me his dragon to make me think hé has a soft side and that he trusted me. I felt special seeing the dragon and that i was the only person who knew about it. He was testing my loyalty when hé gave me the order to take care off it. He took me at the perfect timing in the middle of chaos hé caused after the speech of voldemort who probaply just told everyone what Thomas whisperd in his ear before. His excuse of me working for him was perfect so the other deatheaters woudnt expect anything. He even showed voldemort my work so hé was sure every deatheater believed his story because when even voldemort agrees they have to. He killed my father.... hé didnt die because off his curse. Well i dont know that for sure but how can i not think that in this moment. When i didnt acted like hé had hoped hé let his deatheater crucio me... and after that hé took care off me because hé was smart enough not to do it himself. When i walked away hé was scared i would find out what was going on in the hospital and hé wanted me back because i made him look like a fool and hé wanted his little toy. The way hé kept manipulating me , confusing me and the worst part of everything make me fall in love with him. Im still so in love with the man who ruined my life , and not only mine.

"You can help us" Revus snaps me out off my toughts. "I wish i could Revus but i would be lying to you and myself. I dont know why but im still in love with him , if i see him again i would fall for him all over." Revus nods his head. "I understand Olivander , but i need to keep you here. He woudnt risk to come for anyone else.... im sorry Olivander but hé has to die." But the horcrux... they have to kill me to dont they? It doesnt work like a normal one Thomas told me. But hé lied about so many things.
"These two man will take care off you" Revus points at the man next to him. I nod my head and hé turns around and walks away with the two man following him. The room isnt that bad , maybe if they trust me i can get this handcuffs of. I always knew Thomas was smart , hé was top off the class every year. But this smart.... i would never have noticed that he actually was taking over his fathers role. I believed everything that came out off his mouth. Love does stupid things.

My heart starts to pound like it never has before. "Stay strong i love you , stay strong i love you , stay strong i love you" Thomas voice sounds in my head. Faster and faster untill it hurts so much i start to scream. I do everything in my power to block him out but i cant. He could read my toughts all this time. When hé found out Mary put potion in my tea and hé acted like hé coudnt so i would spill every secret to him without me reallising. Thats how he knows everything , and Black drugged me to do the same thing the other way around.
"What did hé say" the man Revus introduced me to storms back in. "Nothing?" I look at him. He sits down next to me against the wall. "I lost my pregnant wife , our son is somewhere with a pureblood family. My oldest daughter raped and killed she was only fifteen.... my sons and i are the only ones alive. Please help us Olivander you're a good person, You father and grandpa were to." I start to cry "i was before i fell in love with him" hé shakes his head. "You still are , you're not in love with him your in love with the image you made off him in your head. And hé isnt in love with you either the boy cant feel love , hé just doesnt want somebody else to have you hé has a obsession." Hé puts his arm around me i dont know why but i lay my head down on his shoulder and tears fall down on his sweater. "Stay strong , i love you Stay strong , i love you Stay strong , i love you " i say quitly. "Is that what hé told you?" I nod my head. "Mmm hé knows where you are allready. I woudnt expect anything else from him." I lift my head up to look at the man. "Is hé here ?" The man scoffs "No hé wont come , hé knows where you are and can get in your head to see everything that is happening.... the only problem now is that he knows about Revus" hé stands up and walks out the room. "Contain your toughts , you will help us so much please" and he closes the door again.

"Dont trust them" the tought just appears in my mind ,It is not my own tought. "Their lying" im going insane.... "i love you" Thomas, its Thomas again. Why does he do this? Hé keeps manipulating me , the man knew what hé was talking about. I dont love Thomas for who hé is , i love the Thomas i made him out to be in my head. He killed multiple people in the time i was with him. I killed Elly scared hé would kill me when hé found out about Black ,That isnt love. But when hé touches me , when hé looks at me.... i would do it all over again. I know it for sure....

Black pearl | Thomas Riddle | Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now