Black world

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The world was dark , the clouds where black the trees whitout leaves and the streets almost empty. Exept voor the purebloods ofcourse they where the only ones without a curfew.

"Papers please!" Deatheaters on every corner of the streets to make sure no mudblood sneaks out after curfew , halfbloods are allowed to work even after curfew to make sure the purebloods have everything they need.

"Where do you work?" The man with the Deatheater mask asks.
"At olivander sir" i reply with a fake smile on my face. Trying to get a glimpse of his eyes threw his mask.
" hé would be disapointed to know his son married a muggle" hé said followed by a loud laugh.

"As if you even have known him Thomas junior" i say trying to look him in the eyes. He laughs again , That stupid laugh i would recognize everywhere , hé bullied me al 7 years at hogwarts , and now that where 20 years old hé was still the same. " still feisty i see " hé whispers in my ear. " give me my papers back thomas..... i dont want to get in trouble" i say lookin up at him.
"Here ... go straight home then you cant get in trouble" i take my papers back en start walking.

I feel his eyes follow me until i turn around the corner. All the streets look and feel the same , cold and dark. All the halfbloods live in the same neighbourhood , working for the purebloods. All the houses look the same in some houses more then one family living together because they dont make enough money to have their own place.

The mudbloods taken away by voldemorts army to work as maids in the houses the purebloods live their best life in.
Just like Thomas junior , the entitled piece of shit voldemort calls his son.
The boy that made my hogwarts years hell on earth. Muggles killed publicly like some sort off show.

My mother killed herself before they could get to her , afraid they would make me and my father watch. My father found her when hé came home from work and i was at hogwarts. He has never been the same since then. I Will never forget snape telling me what had happend at home. There was no point in going home knowing that the deatheaters picked her body up before we could say goodbye. No funeral just emptynes , i would be remembered about that emptynes every day when Thomas and his stupid group off followers would see me in the hallways.

"You're home late" my fathers voice sounded from the kitchen. "Sorry , a deatheater asked for my papers" i say as i hang up my jacket and take off my boots. " there are more off them everyday , you really need to stay in line i cant risk loosing you too" hé said. " i know dad , i would never do anything that can hurt you , it was that stupid Thomas guy anyway" i sighed as i picked up my plate and headed towards the table .

"Hé came here today asking about you" my fahther looked at me. " do you have any idea why hé would ask about you and even come to our house ?" My father said in a serious tone. " no , i didnt do anything wrong i followed the rules i promise!" Hé kept looking at me " really dad i promise" i said again " just watch out please , i dont like the idea off deatheaters coming to our house.... its never good news" we finished our plates in sillence. I walked upstairs thinking about what my father just said. Thinking what i could have done wrong for Thomas to come to our house. There was nothing i could think off. Exept my friendship with Elly. She was the only friend i had in the slytherin house even tough we lived in different worlds. She had a beautifull dorm while i slept with only a sleepingbag on the ground in the hallways with the other halfbloods. Sometimes she would sneak me in her dorm so i could experience the life of a pureblood for a few hours. But it was not about that for sure , she would come to olivanders now and make up a stupid excuse about her wand so we could see eachother.

I put my clothes down on the dresser and lay down on my bed , staring at the ceiling wondering if i was in trouble slowly wandering off to sleep.

I woke up sweaty and scared even in my nightmares i had to deal with Thomas now. I get up staring at myself in the miror , " there is nothing that you did wrong , calm down" i said out loud to myself. Putting my hair in a messy bun on top off my head brush my teeth and put on my clothes. " im off to work dad " i yell from the front door. " here dont forget you lunch " hé puts the lunch box in my bag. " thanks dad , see u tonight !" The same route the same dark streets the same people and ofcourse the deatheaters at every corner.

It is a slow day today at olivanders , i love the days where the first years from hogwarts start to come in , sometimes i charge the purebloods some extra so i can help the halfbloods. Not that they would even notice ..... maybe thats why Thomas was at our house....
I got snapped out off my toughts by a deatheater putting his wand on the counter. I looked at the wand
" black wood , not flexible, dragon heartstring , gold snakes at the bottom for grip .... what can i do for you Mister Riddle Junior ?"
"Look at it "hé says , i look at Thomas confused " i am sir " i try to look at him but i cant see much because off his mask. " it doesnt work like it needs to" pointing at his wand . " i will take a look at it and clean it voor free , it will take some time so you can pick it up in 30 minutes" i say lookin at him with a fake smile. " i'll wait and you dont have to clean it , just take a look at it" hé says towering over me from the other side of the counter.

" As you wish sir" i take his wand and turn around to walk to the back hé follows every move i make with his eyes , i can feel them burning holes in my back. I place the wand down on the work station and look at it with my magnifying glass. I pick it up and walk back towards Thomas Who is tapping his fingers on the counter and looking around the shop. "And ?" Hé says lookin at me. "the wand is split at the top , it looks like an older split , its really small probably from a spell hitting back , or a spell that uses allot of force.
" Like the killing curse i think to myself.
" you dont have to do something about it right away , but you need to at some point otherwise you will lose power from your wand. I can do it right now but then it takes more then 30 minutes." I look at him "mhmmmm..... i will think about it , smart looks good on you olivander " and with that he's gone.

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